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Any Bravely Default players?


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So I did the "false" ending...

I feel like the point at which you're given the option to break a crystal would have made a good place to start wrapping things up really. I'm only on the third world and already I'm getting a little tired of the repetitiveness, which I'm bummed to admit since I wanted to believe it wasn't as bad as everyone said it was. I do appreciate the subtle differences each time, but I don't think it was necessary to repeat things SO many times.

Nor is it realistic for the narrative. I mean, obviously at that point (ch6 I think is when you have the option) the characters have been warned more than once that their actions will not achieve what they believe, and that Airy is probably not a benevolent cryst-fairy. I really liked seeing Agnès suddenly "rebel" and ignore Airy's pleas to stop at the altar, even calling her out and demanding she tell her the truth. It's something interesting and unexpected for her character. I'm just assuming here, but I guess she might do the same thing in the "real" story path, only it kind of cheapens it IMO since we're apparently going to keep trusting Airy for 2 more chapters...

Anyway, if this had been where the story really ended I imagine there would've been some extra objectives to wrap things up more effectively. So now, onto the true ending for (hopefully) just that!

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[spoiler=False Ending]Yeah, my thoughts exactly. Story-wise, it would've been a lot better if you got the true ending by disobeying Airy's request.

Instead, you just have to bull charge through all the worlds ignoring common sense. It's a bit frustrating.

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So I did the "false" ending...

I feel like the point at which you're given the option to break a crystal would have made a good place to start wrapping things up really. I'm only on the third world and already I'm getting a little tired of the repetitiveness, which I'm bummed to admit since I wanted to believe it wasn't as bad as everyone said it was. I do appreciate the subtle differences each time, but I don't think it was necessary to repeat things SO many times.

Nor is it realistic for the narrative. I mean, obviously at that point (ch6 I think is when you have the option) the characters have been warned more than once that their actions will not achieve what they believe, and that Airy is probably not a benevolent cryst-fairy. I really liked seeing Agnès suddenly "rebel" and ignore Airy's pleas to stop at the altar, even calling her out and demanding she tell her the truth. It's something interesting and unexpected for her character. I'm just assuming here, but I guess she might do the same thing in the "real" story path, only it kind of cheapens it IMO since we're apparently going to keep trusting Airy for 2 more chapters...

Anyway, if this had been where the story really ended I imagine there would've been some extra objectives to wrap things up more effectively. So now, onto the true ending for (hopefully) just that!

The thing that's troublesome about the "false" ending is that...yeah, you do pretty much get to say "fuck you" to Airy. But the main issue that arises is the same as the FE:A choice scenario of sealing or perma-killing Grima. Yeah, you get to beat the shit out of Airy (And miss out on her annoying third form), but then you find out Ouroboros will come along at some point in the future.

Meanwhile, in less spoilerific stuff...

dat GBC synth. And it's off of an official Bravely Default disc. So I gotta admit, they did a good job with it!

Edited by Tiz
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I think that's the point of the false ending, just to give the player the finger for not actually completing the game. Also the false ending is bad in comparison to the true ending, i felt it was really hollow, having the big bad oroburos still live and coming back in the future when the 4 could've ended him. and you don't get to hear the amazing music I will agree though that the game does the world a bit too many times, 5 times should've been enough, i saw no point in that last revisit in ch8.

also, the characters know that airy's the bad guy pretty early, chapter 6 ending i think. But they aren't exactly ignoring common sense. I think they know that there's something greater behind airy, and are trying to reach it to defeat it.

Edited by AstraLunaSol
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I was recommended this game by some pals here at job corps because in their words its like

"Classic Final Fantasy on steroids" I've also heard a lot of good things so I'll probably pick this up sometime..

After I get my own copy of Kid Icarus Uprising and the new Kirby when it comes out

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Just a bit more about the false ending

The Ouroboros thing makes sense, although I thought that was hinting at the sequel, haha. I'll definitely withhold judgment overall until I've seen both endings.

I actually changed my mind a little after returning to awakening the crystals though. I broke the second crystal in ch6, which is the first time Ringabel questions Airy, so I missed out on a bunch of story regarding the Sage before doing the Airy fight! Now that I've almost finished that chapter it doesn't seem as stupid that they stay on this path. And the fight with the Venus sisters at the end was pretty fun, so if that's a sign of what the group battles in the next chapter will be like then it's been worth it.

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Edea and Alternis have been friends since childhood, yet she had never seen his face before?

I was wondering that too, but I didn't question it ;/

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I've just started the controversial second half of the game.So far the game has been a solid 9/10, pretty great. Let's see if the second half is as bad as some people say it is.

I was wondering that too, but I didn't question it ;/

I guess she didn't otherwise she'd be surprised since the first time she saw ringabel

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I've just started the controversial second half of the game.So far the game has been a solid 9/10, pretty great. Let's see if the second half is as bad as some people say it is.

I guess she didn't otherwise she'd be surprised since the first time she saw ringabel

Yeah, the first half of the game is good by itself. They should have ended it there, the second half just ruins everything IMO.

I remember when Alternis's helmet fell off, Edea said something like, "Alternis! Your face..." Which pretty much implies Alternis has been wearing his helmet since forever

It's better not to think about it, though

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I'm surprised that. . .

Edea's dad let his daughter hang out with a guy whose face she'd never seen! Mostly from an overprotective dad standpoint (daughter checking in).

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What's weirder is that in chapter 6 you find out they used to have family dinners together. Did he just eat through an opening in his helmet?

But in all seriousness I think the only way for that to make sense is to assume that Alternis had not been around Edea without his helmet since he joined the Council of Six, and so she hadn't seen his face since she was a child/he was a teenager (note Alternis is a few years older than Edea).

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man as good as the first part of the game is

the second part (i'm on c5) is actually complete shit

i'm just running around fighting all the boss rematches but i'm rapidly getting bored of this shit

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Is there any point in

redoing the sidequests?

They don't even give EXP

If you're into story, yes~

I do them in maxed out jobs so I don't even earn anything from them, but it was still interesting for me since I like story stuff :3 If you're not, though, I don't really think it's worth it.

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Is there any point in

redoing the sidequests?

They don't even give EXP

They gives Max CP, though....

And in Ch 7 they drop and can be stole tons of great items.


Edea and Alternis have been friends since childhood, yet she had never seen his face before?

The weirder here is that his parents recognized him immediately (Not sure in the first world, though.

You have lots of passage about Alternis being consider like a true son by Braev.

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i was really hoping the alternis/ringabel thing was going to be cleared up in later chapters (i'm near end of ch.6, the last one that really matters story-wise), but i guess not.

on another note, does anyone know if you can copy your current save to another, or somehow save your alternate ending file to another file? i want agnes' garb, and i also need to get both endings so that i can watch the secret movie.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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How do I fight DeRosa in Chapter 5?

Just go straight into his hideout. It's in one of the bottom-right buildings in Florem; take a look at the map if you're not sure which one it is, it shows the blue transition area as usual.

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[spoiler=Chapter 8 spoilers]I swear to god that Ominas, Qada, Mephilia, Yulyana fight is cheap as hell. Seriously, on hard that one turn my entire team (unless I get lucky and Qada makes me weak to fire after Ominas and Mephilia attack). But I really do like the boss combinations in the boss rush, gave me more of a challenge then the final boss.

So now I'm doing new game plus with all jobs maxed to screw around with party combinations.

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[spoiler=Chapter 8 spoilers]I swear to god that Ominas, Qada, Mephilia, Yulyana fight is cheap as hell. Seriously, on hard that one turn my entire team (unless I get lucky and Qada makes me weak to fire after Ominas and Mephilia attack). But I really do like the boss combinations in the boss rush, gave me more of a challenge then the final boss.

So now I'm doing new game plus with all jobs maxed to screw around with party combinations.

Still not as bad as some of the Nemesis fights.

dat Ba'al i; Turtle Dove.

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Finally I got myself some time to continue this game.

[spoiler=end of Chapter 3 related]

First time I fought Chaugmag, I got my butt handed back... Second time went considerably better with Tiz and Edea as a valkyrie (Tiz combined with sword magic, Edea with Piracy. Two handed from knight works as a charm too :D

Just one question to the (European) players out there. Did you recently notice that the "Update data" or "Add friends" features are rather buggy? Each time I try to connect I either get a "Error has occurred, try again later" or if I am lucky it manages to get through after a long time...

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