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Fire Emblem 6 Mafia: (Day 4)


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The few remaining survivors gathered around the morning campfire, looking towards their meager meals, knowing that there was hardly anyone left to enjoy them.

Where's Percival? asked one

I dunno.

Didn't see him come out yet. Perhaps he overslept?

Shinori, Kaoz and Polydeuces went to check on him. They opened his tent gateway, and the horror displayed in front of their eyes was too grim to look at for more than a brief moment.

I can't believe....wait, what's this?

Refa has been killed. He was...

Dear Refa, you are Percival, the Paladin.

You are the infamous Knight General of Etruria. You are forced to fight for Bern when Etrurian deserters capture King Mordred and force him to switch alliances. Despite your actions, you yet remain extremely loyal to Prince Mildain and King Mordred of Etruria. After a chance meeting with the prince, you were shocked to discover that Prince Mildain is alive and well, and you choose to do the right thing and abandon the corrupt leaders of the Bern military to join the Lycian Alliance for the good of Etruria.

Because you are such a widely respected general (as well as master of the Hard Mode Bonuses Prepromote), you may use your expertise to hold off your enemy for as long as necessary with the powers of your Weapon Triangle Control. During the night, you may respond to your RolePM with: ##Night X: WTA against [uSER]. You will prevent them from performing their action by making them spend their time whiffing against you instead of whatever they would normally be doing. Since you have three weapon types, you may use your ability three times.

In short, you are the 3-shot Roleblocker.

You are allied with the Lycian Alliance, and win when all hostile threats are eliminated.

Day 4 has begun, and ends in 72 hours (1 am 12/26/13 EST, 12a 12/26/13 CST, etc etc) when a hammer occurs.
With 3 alive, 2 hammers.
Edited by The Protown SK
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From behind the bushes, emerged a hidden Mamkute, named Fa.

I think...I think I know, who you all are. I know where to go for safety. Thank you...Thank you all.

Hidden player Jedi Fon Fabre has been declared a winner. He was...

Dear Jedi Fon Fabre, you are Fa the Mamkute.

You're just a little girl who wants nothing more than peace in your life, and for other Mamkutes like you. You are in this war simply trying to bring that peace to yourself and your kind. In order to do this, you must identify as many people as you can, so that way you can maintain your safety and run from those wishing to harm you, should they invade your territory. At any point during the game, you may respond to your RolePM with: I know who they are! [uSER1 is CHARACTER1, USER2 is CHARACTER2...USER15 is CHARACTER15]. If 13 out of these 15 are correctly identified, including yourself as one of the 15, you win immediately.

However, you have limitations. Because you're doing this from a safe position of hiding, you are forbidden to post in the thread during the game. If you do, your position will be revealed, and you will be forced into battle, with no chance to return to Hidden status.

You also lack possession of your Dragon Stone, impeding you from voting. Your presence in the game will affect the count of the daily Hammer.

Also, any theoretical checks on you will identify you as a member of the Mafia, and having no special powers (since you don't have your Dragon Stone). Dragons were a huge part of the Scouring, and not all people feel as though Dragons are worth trusting. If you announce your true identity as a Dragon, you are instantly killed and flipped, with no chance to fulfill your wincon.

Since you're hiding, you may communicate in secrecy using Outside Contact. Please log what communications you engage in with the hosts. If a player in which you communicate with informs a host that you're engaging in game-related conversation, your position will be revealed and you will be force-added to the player list. Also, if you are forced out of hiding, you will be defenseless (again, no Dragon Stone) and will die by the end of the day due to a guaranteed chance of shrapnel coming towards you. However, if you are revealed in thread, you may still submit your guesses as long as the day does not end.

In short, you are the Hidden Miller Free Communication Null Vote Character Guesser.

You are aligned with yourself, and win if you successfully guess 13 out of the 15 users' character identities (including your own, lol) before the game ends.

Phase Unpause.
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EDIT: Hiddens, huh? Oh well.

Those were some quick days. There's not much left to say either, Polydeuces has to decide between Shinori and me. Here's my claim:

Dear Helios Kaoz, you are Lilina, the Mage.

You are the daughter of Hector of Ostia, and long time friend of Roy. You were captured during a simple trip to visit Roy's father, and put up for execution. Fortunately, Roy and his army showed up just in time to save you, so in return, you joined him and both fight hard at his side and show him where the Durandal is.

With your incredible magic growth, you will be a powerful hitter after just a little training. During the night, you may respond to your RolePM with ##Night X: Support with [uSER1] to help against [uSER2]. You will activate a support rank between yourself and [uSER1], and with the stat bonuses you provide, you will convince them to guide their improved offense against [uSER2]. Because you are at such a low level, you may only remain close to your support partner for one turn, before returning to the rear.

In short, you are the 1-shot Redirector.

You are allied with the Lycian Alliance, and win when all hostile threats are eliminated.

I redirected Shinori to Refa last night.

Reason: From my point of view, the remaining mafia had to be either Shinori or Refa. So by redirecting one to the other, depending on who died I'd know who it is. For instance if Polydeuces had died, Refa would have had to be mafia by process of elimination because if Shinori had killed, Refa would've been dead instead.

##Vote: Shinori

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Okay. Doc + roleblocker + martyr + redirector is too much, just pointing out.

Second I've idled the past few nights because of no reason to use my ability.

##Vote: Kaoz

Also just remember how worthless my PROVEN abilty would be if I was scum.

Just sayin'

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You're forgetting the Jailer. Also the logic of "too much" is flawed because Motivator can reinforce any of the protective roles as well, by your logic, your role would actually be less fitting for town than mine.

Furthermore, Motivator wouldn't be worthless for scum either, given that it would have allowed Paperblade to shoot twice during the same day (or at least he claimed as much in #415), and there's of course the possibility that you have additional abilities.

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Last Day of this Madness V-V-V-Votals

Shinori (1): Kaoz

Kaoz (1): Shinori

Voteless Wendys (1): Polydeuces

Day 4, and the game, ends when a player is hammered. 2 votes hammers.

Edited by The Protown SK
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I redirected Shinori to Refa last night.

Reason: From my point of view, the remaining mafia had to be either Shinori or Refa. So by redirecting one to the other, depending on who died I'd know who it is. For instance if Polydeuces had died, Refa would have had to be mafia by process of elimination because if Shinori had killed, Refa would've been dead instead.


this seems awfully dumb since you killed our hooker

but whatever

also, Shinori, you've proven your ability, but scum can have motivator. That said, I'm not convinced if Kaos is legit, but... I can totally see it.

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this seems awfully dumb since you killed our hooker

but whatever

How so? I mean, yeah, with how it actually turned out, it's just as obvious to me that Shinori is mafia as it would have been if I hadn't used the redirect like that. But imagine if you had died instead - then we wouldn't have a confirmed townie anymore, but I'd still know who of the other two would be scum (i.e. the person I didn't redirect).

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reading over real quick, I'm more inclined to believe Kaos over Shinori



kaos this better not fuck me over

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Eli, the god of all things amazing (and the inspiration behind the god Elibe, duh), saw Merlinus cast the finishing blow on Lalum...somehow.

Shinori has been lynched. He was...

Dear Shinori, you are Lalum, the Dancer.

You are a talented dancer, and a member of the resistance force during the Western Isles campaign. In the war, you nursed the injured Prince Mordred back to health. Having a cheery and outgoing personality, you are easy to get along with, and despite being a horrible cook, you have some big secrets of your own.

Since you're just so darn cute, as well as great with boosting soldier morale, you can dance to improve the effectiveness of your team. During the night, you may respond to your RolePM with: ##Night X: Dancing for [uSER]. [uSER] will be revitalized after performing their initial action, and will be allowed to act again, thus letting them perform an action twice during the next phase.

In short, you are the Motivator.

You are allied with the Lycian Alliance, and win when all hostile threats are eliminated.


Polydeuces has been endgamed. He was, once again...

Dear Polydeuces, you are Merlinus, the Transporter.

You are the personal adviser of Roy. Instead of fighting, you support the army by carrying their weapons and items in a carriage. You are very outspoken in your opinions, distrust many people and behave a bit harshly, fearing that people might be trying to use Roy's plea for their own purposes. In battle, the player's forces can use the "Merch" command when standing next to you to withdraw and deposit their belongings.

You collect and maintain the goods and equipment for your army, and have done so for a very long time. During the night, you may respond to your RolePM with: ##Night X: Distribute Emergency Rations. You may only perform this ability once during the game. Any users with nightly X-shot abilities will have one use out of their total restored to them.

In short, you are the 1-shot Mass X-Shot Restorer.

You are allied with the Lycian Alliance, and win when all hostile threats are eliminated.

Leaving the sole survivor as the reincarnation of Brunya, Kaoz, to revel in victory.

Kaoz has won. He was...

Dear Helios Kaoz, you are Brunya, the Sage.

You are the trusted vassal of Zephiel and one of the three Wyvern Generals. Before encountering resistance from the Lycian Alliance, Zephiel orders you to take Idoun and finish the mission, in case he dies.

With your powerful magic, you can cast two powerful spells to aid you and your King. During the night, you may respond to your RolePM with: ##Night X: Dragon Knights, guard [uSER] to protect [uSER] from any distractions that would cause him/her to fail at performing an action,


During the night, you may respond to your RolePM with: ##Night X: Dragon Knights, lay seige on [uSER] to learn the ability of [uSER].

Because it takes time for your dragon knights to reset into formation, you cannot perform these actions consecutively, and because they are already in guard formation, they must perform their guard action first.

In short, you are the Even Night Ninja Role Cop/Odd Night Safeguard* disabled at YLO and variants*.

You are allied with the Bern Militia, and win when the Lycian Alliance is entirely eliminated, or nothing can prevent this.

Game has concluded, with the Bern Militia (Mafia), and Jedi Fon Fabre, as the winners.

Have at us, playerbase. Links and Spreadsheet in my next post

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Hi guys, I'm ready to go! I know bear got a bit sketchy near the end, but I will do my best to prove my towniness to you all.

At the moment, I'm most suspicious of Paperblade and kaoz. I agree with prims' reasoning and of the inactives kaoz sounds the worst out of all of them.

Pedit: cut by a few phases. WELP

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I'll take it as a compliment that Paper thought I was a bigger threat than the confirmed town. Shooting poly would have been a giveaway but at that stage you shouldn't care about being lynched since either way it was mylo next phase.

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