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Radiant Dawn beaten in under 3 hours


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Radiant Dawn Easy Mode Single Segment in 2:59:29 2:53:06

I've been working on this for a while and finally managed to beat Radiant Dawn in less than 3 hours, something I previously thought was utterly insane and impossible. For the time being I only have a twitch recording, although eventually I'll get a better time with raw footage I can upload to youtube and send to SDA when I get a better recording setup. Granted this is all done on easy mode, but going from 91 segments to 1 and saving over 13 minutes is still ridiculous and I'm easily more proud of this than my outdated segmented run.

I plan to work on a hard mode single segment run now, although I might wait a couple weeks since I need a break from the game.

P.S. Be sure to turn down your volume before the Ashera crit because I scream out in victory for a while.

Edited by Vykan_12
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BTW, whatever happened in "The Ultimate RageQuit 2"? All I saw was prep work. And prep work doesn't seem like it'd inspire a reaction of Big "NO!"s and Cluster F Bombs.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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BTW, whatever happened in "The Ultimate RageQuit 2"? All I saw was prep work. And prep work doesn't seem like it'd inspire a reaction of Big "NO!"s and Cluster F Bombs.

I suppose my ragequit highlights deserve some explanation :O

The Ultimate Ragequit I dropped Eirika on a turn I was supposed to simply equip a javelin, which ruined my run 40 mins in. I was only this upset because this was after 8+ hours of playing.

The Ultimate Ragequit 2 I forgot to give Ilyana items in 1-E during a race, which forced me to restart from the beginning, costing me over an hour.

NONONO In another race Ike died in 3-4 because of a ballista crit that put him in critical hp. I've been BEXPing Ike to lv 20 in this chapter ever since.

Oh, I guess while I'm at it I can share a couple other things I've been working on.

Sacred Stones Eir route speedrun in 1:17:31

Sacred Stones Eph route speedrun in 1:14:42

Both these times are single segment and a significant improvement on the SDA segmented time of 1:37:56 from back in 2006. I'm also pretty sure this is the first time Ephraim mode's ever been speedrun before. The reason I could bring my time this low is due to RNG planning, which basically amounts to planning out every last move in the game to attain the same RNG outcome every single time. This is greatly facilitated by saving and resetting after each chapter, which both resets the RNG and allows you to re-do a chapter if you make a mistake rather than having to re-do the whole run.

Now I could also do FE6 and 7 this way, but I don't enjoy speedrunning this way because getting the same RNG outcome each time gets boring after a while. It was still fun to see FE8 pushed to its limits in real-time though.

Sacred Stones Eph route TAS WIP (goal: sub 1 hour)

Ever since I learned that Ephraim route was significantly faster than Eirika route due to being able to 3 turn the phantom ship with the control enemy glitch, I've thought it was possible to make a TAS of Sacred Stones with a time under 1 hour. I've already saved 1 minute in the first 5 chapters, although I've largely lost interest in this project since it eats up a lot of time and nobody was showing much interest aside from another FE TASer (Toothache).

I guess it's worth mentioning that GBA FE speedruns now use the torch glitch, which is a variant of the control enemy glitch where you gain control of the enemy by resetting when an enemy "greys out" on a tile that you used the torch staff on. It's very easy to execute and very fun to use even in casual play.

Edited by Vykan_12
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I suppose my ragequit highlights deserve some explanation :O

The Ultimate Ragequit I dropped Eirika on a turn I was supposed to simply equip a javelin, which ruined my run 40 mins in. I was only this upset because this was after 8+ hours of playing.

The Ultimate Ragequit 2 I forgot to give Ilyana items in 1-E during a race, which forced me to restart from the beginning, costing me over an hour.

NONONO In another race Ike died in 3-4 because of a ballista crit that put him in critical hp. I've been BEXPing Ike to lv 20 in this chapter ever since.

I actually saw NONONO, but was insure about what exactly went down in that other one that was so rage inducing. And having seen NONONO, that reminds me that I once had to redo 4-3 because a sniper got an effing 2% crit on Sothe when I had wiped out most of the enemy units. And it leaves me confused as to why people so readily dismiss luck as an unimportant stat.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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What exactly are the criteria for "gold". I mean, dark red was the split lost time, light red was the split gained time but overall is behind, green is the split is overall ahead (or is it overall ahead but lost time?) I found it a pretty interesting sidebar, and am curious how you got it so automated like that for your stream.

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Vykan just managed to beat the record. It was almost a sub 2:55 as well, although a nasty mistake during endgame lost some time.

I assume it was screwing up with Nasir's positioning?

At any rate, it sucks that Haar wound up dying.

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I guess it's worth mentioning that GBA FE speedruns now use the torch glitch, which is a variant of the control enemy glitch where you gain control of the enemy by resetting when an enemy "greys out" on a tile that you used the torch staff on. It's very easy to execute and very fun to use even in casual play.

i don't think you can do this in FE6.

What exactly are the criteria for "gold". I mean, dark red was the split lost time, light red was the split gained time but overall is behind, green is the split is overall ahead (or is it overall ahead but lost time?) I found it a pretty interesting sidebar, and am curious how you got it so automated like that for your stream.

vykan was using wsplit, which is what a lot of speedrunners use to time splits.

Edited by dondon151
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What exactly are the criteria for "gold". I mean, dark red was the split lost time, light red was the split gained time but overall is behind, green is the split is overall ahead (or is it overall ahead but lost time?) I found it a pretty interesting sidebar, and am curious how you got it so automated like that for your stream.

Gold means that it's the best time he's ever had in that particular segment. Like dondon said, the program is called WSplit, you can download it here.

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What exactly are the criteria for "gold". I mean, dark red was the split lost time, light red was the split gained time but overall is behind, green is the split is overall ahead (or is it overall ahead but lost time?) I found it a pretty interesting sidebar, and am curious how you got it so automated like that for your stream.

The program he used can be found here - it's called WSplit, like Kaoz said. Llanfair does similar things, and both have advantages and disadvantages.

I assume it was screwing up with Nasir's positioning?

At any rate, it sucks that Haar wound up dying.

No, it was not transforming Caineghis on 4-E-3, resulting in not getting the kill and resetting to 4-E-2 and missing twice against the BK on that, losing a total of around 4 minutes. That also means the run ended up somewhere around 4:58:30, not just over 4:55 (the reason I didn't explicitly say that was, the run was absolutely bonkers and saving time left right and center until the very end, and is well worth a watch to see a super solid run).

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Yeah, I did manage to improve my time to 2:58:45 (didn't bother to highlight) and sub 2:55 is well within my capabilities, although I'm feeling really burnt out from the game so it might be a while before I grind out that time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just got a time of 2:53:06 a couple of hours ago, meaning the sub 2:55 milestone has been crossed. The link to the highlighed video has been edited into the opening post. I think I'm just going to retire from speedrunning this game, after all the pain and suffering easy mode put me through, screw single segment speedrunning any higher difficulties.

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*Run starts with "I'm so fuckin' sick of this shit"*

Haha yeah, sounds like someone needs a break.

Go run Awakening, speedrunning that should be a breather in comparison.

Dang, from the commentary your chat sounded awesome, wish I could have been there, but I never seem to catch you when you're streaming.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 11 months later...

Using transfers, new cursor techniques and better strategies, we've been able to cut down another 10 minutes from Radiant Dawn easy mode single segment. The new time to beat is 2:42:28, with sub 2:42 within reach.


Hope you enjoy, as this is my last serious run of this particular category. I'm moving onto normal mode single segment planning at the moment (

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Dude that's insane.

I could never speedrun like that. Tried it once with Spyro, but meh. I can't imagine trying it with a game like FE where a simple mistake can cost you big...well I guess all games are that way to a certain extent. I mean like if someone dies in FE you can't get them back unless you reset. Would require a buttload of patience and skill to do this.

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Sacred Stones Eph route TAS WIP (goal: sub 1 hour)

Ever since I learned that Ephraim route was significantly faster than Eirika route due to being able to 3 turn the phantom ship with the control enemy glitch, I've thought it was possible to make a TAS of Sacred Stones with a time under 1 hour. I've already saved 1 minute in the first 5 chapters, although I've largely lost interest in this project since it eats up a lot of time and nobody was showing much interest aside from another FE TASer (Toothache).

I guess it's worth mentioning that GBA FE speedruns now use the torch glitch, which is a variant of the control enemy glitch where you gain control of the enemy by resetting when an enemy "greys out" on a tile that you used the torch staff on. It's very easy to execute and very fun to use even in casual play.

I'd love to see this as well, though I haven't really been following the FE speedrunning scene since before you obseleted my original FE8 TAS.

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