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Breezy Does a Thing! Project X Zone!

Breezy Kanzaki

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Soma: Weapon: +25ATK +10 TEC / Accesory: HP+800, SPD-5, TEC-5, 20% increase in EXP. No bias.

Vashyron goes to Reiji/ Bahn goes to Akira

[spoiler=Chapter 6: Justice Among the Skyscrapers.]

Hell yeah fun times. Soma/Alisa/Vashyron made it to the God Eater future safely. And we exist there as well. And we are trapped, excellent. We gonna head to Fenrir. cool by me. We gotta find Lindow. Hey it's a map I've been on in God Eater. We gotta explooooooore.

Music: 21, which is.... Sakura Wars main theme music. How very nice of you~

APB kill an Ogretail, 1 crit.

Really. Already? The best fucking evil laugh ever. The great Ciseaux. He's a rabbit. With the Mad Hatter's hat. 2 chapters late my boy. everything WAS normal Mii. THEN RANDOM PEOPLE OUT OF NOWHERE. The Paris Combat Revue. AND The New York Combat Revue. More specifically, Gemini Sunrise and Erica Fontaine.

Now for a new segment I like to call: Funny bits of conversation!

Mii "Oh, are these girls God Eaters, too?"

Erica: "Um, maybe? I'm not sure. Yes! We'll go with yes!

Alisa "R-Really? Soma, look! Other God Eaters!

Soma "...Ugh. No."

JUSTICE AMONG THE SKYSCRAPERS is a go. Fun fact, Gemini/Erica abbreviated is GE, which is God Eater.

GE kill a Zygote, 2 crits.

KM kill a thing, 1 crit.

AOB kill an Ogretail, 0 crits.

RXV kill another thing, 1 crit.

APB kill a Cocoon Maiden. 1 crit. LEVEL UP.

CM kill a Zygote, 2 crits. LEVEL UP. Vertical Dash gets. Nullify ZoC.

RXV kill a Zygote, no crits.

SA kill a Cocoon Maiden, with a Super. 1 crit.

FHT kill a thing. LEVEL UP. Hourei get. Dunno what that does, and I'll probably never use it.

Ciseaux moves.

APB kill a thing, 1 crit.

GE kill a Cocoon Maiden with their Super. 1 crit.

FHT kill a thing, 1 crit.

APB kill a Cocoon Maiden.

FHT kill an Ogretail, no crits.

RXV weaken Ciseaux. 2 crits and a Super use. LEVEL UP. And they get punched, scissored, and a whole bunch of assorted things.

Use a +30XP and a +10XP item with GE. Use the Super on Ciseaux. 1 crit.

Reiji almost dies, but he didn't.

SA attack Ciseaqux to weaken him. 1 crit. LEVEL UP.

Cm attack a thing to gain XP. no crits.

Akira gets an Artisan soul.


FHT murder a Zygote, no crits.

And GE murder Ciseaux for us. 1 crit and 1 Super use. LEVEL UP~

Au revoir Ciseaux.

To the church. And he's gone. SOME TIME LATER.

Erica does some praying, and earthquake. Best character 10/10.

And we are gone.

Super Total:









Churches, Badass, Horses, Hacking, Bells, Talking, and Awesome-ness.

you have on idea how much I wanted to use that outro

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So many God Eater references I missed due to not playing them yet haha.

Gemini and Erica are fun to use overall, who do you usually give them as their solo unit? I found Sanger compliments them well

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This exists. Trust me


Gemini/Erica: Weapon: +15ATK +5DEF / Accessory: HP-800, SPD-5, Nullify enemy block/cancel counters No bias.

Vashyron goes with Gemini/Erica

[spoiler=Chapter 7: The .hackers]

We're in a church. And a blond guy. And a blond girl! And a Lindow! :D. No Zephyr, that is not Vashyron, it's Lindow! He doesn't hurt PEOPLE Zephyr, calm down. Also Leanne.

Yeah yeah God Eater plot. Yeah Yeah RoF plot. Who cares? Then suddenly enemies. Ironic statements. And such.

Music: 14, after one repeat. Ghosts N Goblins. Cool Cool.

ZLL murder a thing with 1 crit.

Then we show up. Joy. Hey look reunion. Yay God Eater team back together~. Deja vu apparently. Yes Lindow is a badass, we get it. He's awesome. Lindow jumps with the other God Eaters because bias.

KM damage a thing; 2 crits.

ZL murder another thing; 1 crit and a Super.

GAV murder a thing; 1 crit. LEVEL UP.

KM murder a thing; 1 crit. LEVEL UP.

ZL murder another thing; 2 crits and a Super.

GSV find Barrier Padding: and leave a thing with low HP.

And RX finish said thing; 1 crit.


A new person, new 2 people actually. PC talk, the hell? Then Xiaomu named dropped the guy: Kite. And BlackNose! Actually BlackRose, but close enough. We're in the World. Whatever that is. And they join our rag-tag team of people.


KB murder a thing, 3 crits/ 1 Super

ZL get an Aura Figurine: Deal damage to a mimic and 1 crit.

KM kill a Goblin; 1 crit.

FHT kill a mimic.


KB kill a Goblin; 1 crit.

CM kill a Goblin, 1 crit.

APB kill a thing. LEVEL UP.

RX finish a Mimic.

KM kill a a Goblin; 1 crit.

APB kill a Goblin; 1 crit.

FHT kill a Goblin. LEVEL UP.

KB get a Treat (literally).

SAL deal damage to Skeith with Lindow's ATK boost; i crit and 1 Super. They eat up Skeith's Super.

GEV use a +50XP item because YOLO. Got 3 crits and 1 Super.

RX come in to finish the kill, I hope. They got 'em. No crits but LEVEL UP! Rosy-Red Kata get! It's kinky.

We're done here. Or not. Freaking Rout map.

KM deal damage to the straggler 1 Crit.

And KB finish them off.3 Crits.

NOW we're done!

Explamanation later...

Hooray revived villains~ It's not THAT kind of game where we need THAT kind of service Mii. Geez. We need an Admin. WARP.

Also Ciseaux. And Due.

And done

Super Total:












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Let's get 2 more chapters done today maybe?


Zephy/Leanne: Weapon: +20 ATK / Accessory: HP-500 ATK-5. Nullify Enemy block

Kita/BlackRose: Weapon: DEF+25 TEC+10 / Accessory: SPD-5 +1 ATK during a counter


[spoiler=Chapter 8: The Domain of Dreams]

Chapters 5-9 are like my favorite. Namely 5/6/8/9. We just so happen to be on 8.

Ryu and Ken are here. I guess. No you guys aren't dead. AW YEAH.

Na no da bitches. Na no da~ Na no da~ Na no na no da~

Na no da~ Totally not overusing this phrase NOOOOPE.

A world full of mysteries~ Neneko is Neneko'ing around trying to solve them, really! Neneko for best character. Really! Also we're in The World still. And we meet her second boring side Neito. BOOOOOOOO. I want Neneko back! Also Feydooms. They are polygons and such. THE FIGHTING POLYGON TEAM is here. Yay Neneko's back~ CHAPTER 8!

Music: Not using a RNG for this, because we all know I'm playing the Neneko song. You can't play this chapter without it.

RKN weaken a Feydoom. And kill it on the counter.

Then we show up. Lovely. Neneko is Neneko! What a concept!!

KM hurt a Feydoom/ 3 crits.

ZL weaken a Headhunter thing/ 1 crit/ LEVEL UP.

AP kill a Feydoom/ 1 Super

RX kill a weakened Feydoom/ 3 crits.

RKN weaken a thing/ 3 crits.

FHT weaken a Feydoom.

CM kill said Feydoom. LEVEL UP.

RKN kill the thing on counter.

GEV weaken a thing/ 1 crit.
GEC kill the thing on counter/ 1 crit/LEVEL UP/ Gentle Squeeze get! I don't even have to make a joke for this.

KM weaken a thing/1 crit/ LEVEL UP.

APB weaken a thing/1 crit.

GEV kill a thing.

ZL kill a thing/2 crits.

FHT kill a thing someone weakened.

THEN SUDDENLY Eins and Drei. Lovely. We have our choice of what boss to murder.

[spoiler=Theory time with Breezy]

So, I wonder, is it possible (probably only on a legit new game as EXP growth is larger). Frank/Hsein-ko get their Multi Attack super early, so I wonder. If you weaken the Super Belanos Bros enough, is it possible to

A.) Get Frank to whatever level that is AND

B.) Kill them both.

That ends Theory Time with Breezy

Anyway back to adventure.

Alisa does some healing/ Weaken a thing/ LEVEL UP.

RX kill a weakened thing/ LEVEL UP.

KB kill a thing/1 crit/ LEVEL UP.

RKN weaken a thing/ 1 crit/ LEVEL UP.

KM weaken a thing/ 1 crit.

ZL kill a thing.

APB kill a weakened thing/ LEVEL UP/ External Qigong get! There's a kinky joke in there SOMEWHERE I think?

CM weaken a thing.

GEV kill a thing/ 1 crit.

FHT kill a thing/ LEVEL UP.

RX kill a thing/ 2 crits.

RKN kill a weakened thing.

Zephyr grabs an EXP Trainer/ Kill a weakened thing/ 1 crit.

Gemini grabs a Devil Star.

RKN kill a thing/ 2 crits ( one of which was Neneko's attack!)

KM weaken a thing/ 3 crits.

APB kill a thing.

Zephyr grabs an Adventurer's Broadsword.

CM weaken a thing/ 2 crits. weaken it even further on counter.

FHT kill a thing/ 1 crit.
RX kill a thing.

SAL kill a weakened thing.

KB kill a weakened thing/ 1 crit.

Drei Multi-Attacks Kite and Frank.

FHT use their Super on Drei/ 1 crit.

RX kill a thing for XP/ LEVEL UP.

Eins uses his Multi on a bunch of people.

Alisa uses a heal all allies 30% item because caution/ Deal damage to Drei.

KB deal damage to Drei/ 1 Super/ 2 crits.

RKN attack a mook for XP.

I realize you can hold down the B button to move faster/ FHT finish of Dr. Drei/ 1 Super/2 crits/ LEVEL UP/ LEVEL UP/ The Perfect Shot get! Uhhh he's a cameraman. Or something.

They all leave. Also Aura. Blah blah story I dun care. Also we log out of the World for now. Yay! bye bye~

Super Standings:













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After being hijacked by Neneko, my thread tags now reflect everything. Hehehe...


Ryu: ATK+ 15 / Accessory: HP+800 SPD+10

Ya'll ready for some awesome? I know I am~! Also Neneko goes to reiji/Xiaomu because kinky stuff.

[spoiler=Chapter 9: Justice over Evil]

I WONDER WHO WE'LL GET THIS CHAPTER HMMMMMM? Clearly Nanako and Dojima because Justice!

Also Due.

Real world we are in, really. Kita and BlackRose are still here. Naturally. We got one group on one side and the other on the.. other. Hello Imperial Theatre. Also computer does not like that spelling. SCREW YOU TOO COMPOOTER. We're in the Sakura Wars-verse now. I approve! Also walls protecting the theatre from Kouma, who put on A LOT of pounds from the anime. Ah well. Also Due shows up. Lovely. Frank gets a pic. He's totally how the fountains get their porn. Trust me. Gotta kill Kouma. BUT FIRST..

Music: After 3! repeats, we get 35. Some nice God Eater music for us to murder the Kouma to. Lovely.

SAL kill a Kouma/ LEVEL UP/ Charge Crush get! Cool tools.

RK kill a Kouma.

ZL kill a Kouma/ 1 crit/ LEVEL UP.
SAL murder another Kouma/ 1 crit.

RX kill a Kouma.

KB kill a Kouma/ 2 crits/ 1 Super/ LEVEL UP.

RK kill another Kouma/ 1 crit/ LEVEL UP.

RX kill another Kouma/ 1 crit.

Soma goes badass mode and charges into the Kouma horde/ Kill a Kouma/ 1 crit

ZL kill a Kouma/ 2 crits

THEN THE WALL COMES DOWN. AND A VOICE. CAPS LOCKS IS NECESSARY. FUCK YEAH~ Ichiro Ogami aka Jedi and Sakura Shinguji of the Imperial Assault Force have arrived, in style. Also more Kouma and a scantily clad lady. Don't remember this in the anime. BECAUSE Aya-me wasn't Aya-me she was Ayame and didn't die and become Aya-me because Ayame and Aya-me are technically 2 different people with Ayame being the good one and Aya-me being the demon reborn version of Ayame. Ya know who would have been a cool villain here: Yamasaki. but I GUESS we got Aya-me but whatever. I'm still waiting for the sequel to this game with Sumire/Maria as a pair and Iris being a solo unit. A man can dream~ CHAPTER 9 IS OFFICIALLY A GO! God dammit Frank. Now the fountains have a fetish for scantily clad demon women. Sometimes.... Fuck and Vashyron is obsessed with her boobs. We surely are a role model team to everyone! Okay MISSION: Kill Aya-me.

KM deal damage to Aya-me/ 2 crits/ 1 Super/ LEVEL UP. Also as if Aya-me wasn't kinky enough, she uses a whip to attack. Kinky

FHT attack Aya-me/ 1 crit.

ZL attack a Kouma for XP/ 3 crits.

Sakura uses her +20% EXP skill/ Attacks a Kouma/ 3 crits/ 1 Super. No bias here~

RK finish a Kouma/ 1 crit

Akira uses a +30XP item/ 3 crits/ 1 Super/ Gets whipped

Gemini uses a +100XP item (no bias)/ 2 crits/ 1 Super/ LEVEL UP = Dead Aya-me (And technically dead Ayame as well)

Peace out Aya-me. Go back to being a cool character with a decent voice in the anime. Though pretty much everyone has a decent voice. "cept for Kanna.

Okee we're done here. And then Sakura was jealous because she loves Ogami and so does Erica. threesome time? DAy job: Ticket Taker Night job: Commander. why can't all jobs have awesome side affects like that? :<. Anyway to the theatre we go! Let's see Sumire?

Anyway thanks for reading/whatever you do here and I'll see you next ti-

Geez, what a day it was. Me and Captain Ogami certainly met a bunch of weird people. At least Erica and Gemini are here. Anyway, because we're such nice people, we let them take a tour of the theatre. But there's one problem. It's not the theatre at all! It's a castle in the demon world! We meet a vampire, a bunch of zombies, and even a guy with a weird mustache. What's gonna happen next? Well, tune in to the next Sakura Wars episode to fnid out!

Woah, that was weird and totally not staged. I feel there was just the ending to an episode of the Sakura Wars ending. Ah well.













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My inner Sakura Wars fanboy is pleased by this update. Keep it up Breezy. The anime did have that odd deal with Ayame I didn't get.

I want this series to be translated so badly.. also use Ryu and Kens finisher already because its awesome :P

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(and if that's the music that played in Chapter 4, then your run is officially the best

IMO, Neneko's one of the harder solo units to use, so good luck~!)

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(and if that's the music that played in Chapter 4, then your run is officially the best

IMO, Neneko's one of the harder solo units to use, so good luck~!)

If it was Brave New World I would've pointed it out.

Also bias exists!

Also due to a freak event over night, I had to re-do chapter 9. Keeping Super totals the same because lol. Kite and Zephyr got a new skill, that's pretty much it.

Ichiro/Sakura: Weapon: ATK+35 DEF-20 / Accessory: ATK-5 ATK range+1

Neneko hops on Ogami's back and Vashyron goes to Chun-Li

[spoiler=Chapter 10: The King of Iron Fist]

Hoo boy. Jedah and Raptor talk and Rimsy shows up. This is like the third time I could make a threesome joke. But I won't. Waaaaait.

Also Dante and Lady. And Demitri in his castle. and Heihachi. And Dante again. Then we show up. Joy. No Sumire cameo for me *sadface* Yay Dante joins us. Also Heihachi was in league with the guys. Joy. Raptor and Jedah show up. Chapter 10 is a go!

Music: 15. Opening Stage from a MMX game. I can live with it.

FHT murder a Thing/ 2 crits/ LEVEL UP.

RX also murder a thing/ 1 crit

SAL murder a thing

GE murder a thing/ 1 crit/ LEVEL UP

KB weaken a thing/ 1 crit.

Kill said thing on counter/ LEVEL UP

ISN murder a thing/ 1 crit.

ZL kill a thing/ 1 Super/ 1 crit/ LEVEL UP

Then Jedah shows up and interrupts the turn. :<. He claims to want to bring salvation to us all. Zephyr's reaction: Seems Legit. Back to adventure where we must kill Jedah.

KM weaken a thing/ 2 crits/ LEVEL UP

FHT weaken a thing/ 1 crit.

DD kill a thing/ 1 Super/ 4 crits.

APB finish off a thing/ 1 crit/ LEVEL UP

CMV weaken a thing/ 1 crit

Reiji gets a Devil Star

KB weaken a thing/ 1 crit.

GE finish off a thing

KM finish a thing off/ 2 crits

ZL kill a thing/ 1 Super/ 3 crits

APB weaken a thing

DD weaken a thing/ 2 crits

RK kill a thing/ 1 crit

FHT kill a thing/ 1 Super/ 1 crit

RX finish a thing off/ 1 crit

KB weaken a thing/ 2 crits

Chun-Li uses a heal all allies 30% item/ weaken a thing/ 1 crit

GE weaken a thing/ 1 Super/ 1 crit/ LEVEL UP

ISN kill a thing

O-GA-MI-SAN intro get/ weaken a thing/ 1 crit/ LEVEL UP

KM finish a thing/ 3 crits

ZL attack Heihachi/ 1 Super/ 2 crits

Also Zephyr kiiiiinda died on Hei's Multi-Attack. Wooooooooopsie~

Ryu grabs a Wicth's Robe

FHT kill a thing/ 1 crit/ LEVEL UP

APB finish a thing

KB weaken a thing on counter

CMV weaken a thing/ 1 crit

KB finish a thing/ LEVEL UP

DD weaken a thing/ 1 crit

Gemini uses a 50% Heal All item/ weaken a thing

RX kill a thing/ 1 crit/ LEVEL UP/ Secret to Reversal get!

SAL weaken a thing/ LEVEL UP/ kill said thing on counter

KM finish a thing/ 1 crit/ LVEL UP/ Tenzai Style: Ripple get!

KB kill a thing on counter/ 1 crit

Jedah moves and attacks us with Multi-Attack.

Akira revives Zephyr~

Zephyr uses 30% heal all item/ Get Vampire Wineglass/ Damage Heihachi/ 2 crits

FHT weaken a thing

DD weaken Heihachi/ 1 Super/ 1 crit

GE finish a thing/ 3 crits

And Dante goes down. And Game over. Fuuuuuck















O-GA-MI-SAN count: 1

Welp. Try again tomorrow?

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Take 2

[spoiler=Chapter 10.2: King of Iron Fist.]

Keeping the Super totals the same because I'm not gonna remember the stuff and I already have them marked down on my paper XD.

Essentially everything happened again, this time I have new stategery. Don't bum rush forward. *thumbs up*

Music: Tales of Vesperia. Cool

RX murder a thing/ 2 crits

FHT weaken a thing

KB weaken a thing

SAL kill a thing

KB kill the thing on counter/ 1 crit/ LEVEL UP

KM weaken a thing/ 2 crits

ZL weaken a thing/ 1 crit

APB kill a thing/ 1 crit/ LEVEL UP

FHT kill a thing on counter/ LEVEL UP

FHT kill a thing/ 1 crit

Reiji gets a Devil star

DD weaken a thing/ 1 crit

CMV finish a thing off/ 1 crit

Jedah shows up again. Seems legit.

ISN kill a thing/ 1 crit

GE finish a thing off/ LEVEL UP

ZL kill a thing/ 1 Super/ 2 crits/ LEVEL UP

RK finish a thing off/ 2 crits

KM kill a thing/ 1 Super/ 2 crits/ LEVEL UP

DD weaken a thing/ 3 crits

RX kill a thing/ 1 crit

DD counter a thing

KB weaken a thing/ 1 crit

CMV finish a thing/ 1 crit

FHT weaken a thing/ 1 crit/ LEVEL UP

GE weaken a thing/ 1 Super/ 1 crit

SAL kill a thing/ LEVEL UP

ISN kill a thing

ISN kill a thing/ 1 Super/ 1 crit/ LEVEL UP

ZL weaken a thing/ 2 crits

RK kill a thing/ 1 Super/ 2 crits

KM kill a thing

FHT kill a thing

DD kill a thing

APB weaken a thing

SAl weaken a thing/ 1 Super/ 1 crit/ LEVEL UP

KB finish a thing/ 1 crit

CMV weaken a thing/ 1 crit/ LEVEL UP

GE kill a thing/ 1 crit/ LEVEL UP

RX kill a thing/ 2 crits/ LEVEL UP/ Secret to Reversal Re-get!

KM chip Heihachi/ 1 crit/ Eat a Super

Rk kill a thing/ 1 crit/ LEVEL UP/ healing Pressure Point

FHT weaken a thing

SAL finish a thing

ZL chip Heihachi/ 1 Super/ 2 crits/ LEVEL UP

Dante gets a Coffin Lid

ISN chip Heihachi/1 Super/ 1 crit/ LEVEL UP

CMV chip Heihachi more/ 1 crit/ Eat a Super

AOB kill a thing/ 1 crit

RX kill a thing/ 1 crit

GE chip Jedah/ 1 Super/ 2 crits

Kogoro gets Vampire's Wineglass/ Kill Heihachi/ 2 crits/ LEVEL UP/ LEVEL UP/ Tenzai Style Ripple

Jedah Multi-Attacks us

RK chip Jedah/ 1 Super/ 2 crits

ZL chip Jedah/ Eat a Super for the team

DD chip Jedah/ 1 crit

GE chip jedah/ 1 crit

ISN finish off Jedah/ 1 Super/ 2 crits/ LEVEL UP

Finally done.

Jedah ditches the party. Also Heihachi joins us. Cool.

Super Totals:













O-GA-MI-SAN count: 1


Robots! Boobs! Frank! Swords! Poker! And so much more!

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How much skill spam are you doing?

Spamming the +20% EXP skill on Ichiro/Sakura.

The NG+ items are kinda negating the skills people need the most right now (Zephyr has null block and such)

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Stuff that's always useful- Healing- Later on, block counters- MOVEMENT- Damage increases

1.) Alisa exist/Tron/Valkyrie will exist soon (learned that from failure of chapter 10 already)

2.) I have an item on Gemini that does that and null block, so boss killers/Zephyr has null block item so he can gain meter FAST

3.) Gotta get Ichiro up fast (hence the EXP gains I'm using on them) / Flynn is coming up

4.) Sanger will re-exist soon/ Lindow is here (though bias is keeping him with Fenrir)

Also, from NG+, I got a PortalStone ring.

It nerfs my stats to all hell, but always crits.

Kinda wanna try it out for one chapter XD

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been reading this Breezy!

i still need to get this game haha

Dante is awesome

Glad to see I've been keeping an audience entertained!

Speaking of Dante....

Weapon: ATK+15/ DEF+5 / Accessory: HP-500/DEF-5 cancel counters

Heihachi goes to Kogoro/ Lindow goes to Dante/ Tron goes to Reiji/ Vashyron goes to Ryu

Yes I am putting them in weird places shut up it's MY New Game ++

[spoiler=Chapter 11. Beyond Endless Time?]

I think?

Suddenly plot. Juri's back, oh joy. Hey with her back it's just about all the bosses from the Prologue Missions! We're missing Dural tho. and speaking of Dural, it's a pink haired robot that gets to travel together. joy! Also Seth. Sadly not the FE8 one. Instead it's Street Fighter. Also Dural. And Saya. Geez. the fountains really are kinky people/objects

And we're in Akihabara. Cool I guess. It's a cross gate. Joy? Then Ouma shows up.

Music time: Ryu's Theme AKA Lucky Number 7. I can dig it

KMH kill a thing

RKV kill a thing/ LEVEL UP

ZL kill a thing/ 1 crit

DDL kill a thing/ 1 crit/ LEVEL UP

Soma gets some Pizza/ kill a thing/ 2 crits/ LEVEL UP

KMH weaken a thing/ 1 crit

FH weaken a thing/ 1 crit

ZL kill a thing

RKV finish a thing/ 4 crits

APB kill a thing/ 1 crit/ LEVEL UP

SA weaken a thing

GE weaken a thing/ 1 crit

DDL finish a thing/ 4 crits/ Have a nice conversation about Lindow's Arm

KB kill a thing/ 1 crit/ LEVEL UP

O-GA-MI-SAN/ finish a thing/ 2 crits

ISN kill a thing/ 1 crit/ LEVEL UP

ZL finish a thing/ LEVEL UP

RXT kill a thing/ 1 Super/ 2 crits

GE weaken a thing/ 1 crit/ LEVEL UP/ Rock wave& Black Cat Waltz get! Wow, this early! only Level 13

RKV weaken a thing/ 1 crit

DDL finish a thing

SA kill a thing/ LEVEL UP

KMH kill a thing/ 1 crit/ LEVEL UP

SA kill a thing

DDl kill a thing/ 1 crit

Then cutscene. And Robots. And Juri. And Dural. And a new Alisa. From now on, God Eater Alisa shall be known as waifu God Eater Alisa is Alisa and this Alisa is R.Alisa. Yay!

RXT kill a thing/ 1 crit/ LEVEL UP

KB kill a thing/ 1 crit

ISN kill a thing/ 1 crit

Ryu gets a Twin Dragon Vest

Frank eats a R.Alisa Super

SA kill thing/ 1 crit

GE kill a thing/ 1 crit

SA kill a thing/ 2 crits/ LEVEL UP/ Chain Slash & Impulse Edge get!

And Cutscene. Suddenly, more robots! And Suddenly my Chesnaught from Y A Gespenst.

CHAPTER 11: Across Infinite Time. Close enough?

Haken and Kaguya show up. yay? Hey Vashryon, any words of wisdom for today? "Yow." Thank you. LET'S COUNT HOW MANY PICTURES FRANK IS TAKING. 1 Picture, ah ah ah. 2 Pictures, ah ah ah. 3 Pictures, ah ah ah. 4 Pictures, ah ah ah. 7 Pictures, ah ah ah. Any more words of Wisdom Vashryon? "What's miss Bunker Buster and her cowboy doing in this world?" Super! Next thing you know I'll be asking what people's opinions on nooses are. Now we gotta murder the Phantom. I can do that.

HK kill a thing/ 1 Super/ 2 crits/ boobs.

DDl deal damage to R.Alisa.

ISN kill a thing/ 1 crit/ IchiroxSakura OTP

Reiji gets a treat

RKV damage R.Alisa/ 1 crit/ eat a Head Bomb

CM damage Phantom/ 1 Super/ 2 crits

APB weaken a thing

ISN damage R.Alisa/ 1 crit

KMH damage R.Alisa/ 1 crit

SA finish a thing/ 2 crits

RXN damage Phantom/ 1 Super/ 1 crit/ Eat a super

FH damage R.Alisa/ 1 crit

HK weaken a thing/ 2 crits

ZL damage Phantom/ 1 super/ 2 crits/ Leave him Stunned. <3

APB finish a thing/ 2 crits/ gain some XP

CM deal damage to Phantom/ 1 crit/ Eat a Kick (Irony~)

DDL kill a thing/ 1 crit/ LEVEL UP

KB finish the Phantom/ 1 Super/ LEVEL UP

Juri/R.Alisa/Dural leave. Phantom hops in the Cross-Gate. Then it stops working. Lovely~ Then it turns on again. The what the what the heck what the? And it turns out the Cross-Gate is simply a more adamant fountain. Also Due/Saya and their crew. Lovely.















O-GA-MI-SAN count: 2


Yuri (in more ways than one?), Swords! Vajra! Murder! Trees! And oh so much more!

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I am back and arguably better than ever!

Haken/Kaguya: ATK +15 / SPD+5 XP gain increase by 30%

Vashyron goes to Haken/ Lindow goes with Gemini

[spoiler=Chapter 12: Fury Sparks.]

News flash: Spark Man form Megaman makes a non-existent cameo along with Fury from FE4.

We got transported to the Endless Frontier. Cool? Hey look a tree! MEANWHILE IN TERCA LUMIREIS....

Hi Yuri. You share a name with a Sakura Wars character so you are cool. Estelle is cool as well. They also happen to be at a tree. THEN TELEPORTATION.

Hey look treasure! okay let's grab the treasure. AFTER THE MUSIC....

Number 28. Which is a nice helping of Zombie Revenge for us. Kickass.

Special Gel get! Then suddenly a guy. Hi Sanger, how goes life? We ain't bandits. At least I don't think we are. Yay for random language that makes sense in one world but not the other! After talking it over... We gotta fight Sanger. We're screwed. Except I belive if you Super him, we move on. So I'll just do that. CHAPTER NAME DROP. 2PRO.

Use a +30XP item/ Attack Sanger/ 1 SAVAGE WOLF FURY/ 3 crits/ he Supers us.

Okay use a Super on him and it DOES move to the next phase. Awesome.

So, Sanger COULD have knocked Yuri out, but he didn't. What a nice guy! Also suddenly fucking Aragami. Dammit I knew I should have played some God Eater lately. Wait for me actual Alisa!!!! So many Cocoon Maidens. Like holy shit a lot of them.

YES kill a Cocoon Maiden/ 1 crit/ holy shit they are level 17.

Then a fucking Vajra. Fuuuuuuuuck meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Also we show up. Yay.Estelle is surprised at seeing Kaguya and her being the princess. Any words of Wisdom Yuri? "Calm down Estelle. She's just a different species from you, okay?" Kaguya loves entertaining guests. Vashyron would LOVE to see that. I'm done trying to make kinky jokes, the game does it for me. And fuck a Rout map. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

KMH weaken/ 1 crit

FH weaken/ LEVEL UP

ZL kill a C.Maiden/ 2 crits

DD kill a C.Maiden/ 1 crit

HKV finish a thing/ 1 crit

CM finish a thing/ 1 crit

SA kill a thing/ 1 crit

RXT weaken a thing

Giant congregation of Aragami near the Vajra. So much Rage.

Km weaken a thing/ 1 crit

Vajra comes in like a Discharging Wrecking Ball. OUCH.

HKV kill a thing/ LEVEL UP

ZL kill a thing/ 1 crit/ LEVEL UP/ Down Attack get!

Sanger buffs Yuri with both skills/ 1 Super on Vajra/ Dischage.

RXT weaken a thing/ 1 crit/ LEVEL UP

SA attack Vajra/ 1 Super/ LEVEL UP

FH finish a thing/ 2 crits

KB finish a thing/ 2 crits/ LEVEL UP.

RK weaken a thing/ LEVEL UP

ISn attack Vajra/ 1 Super/ 1 crit

GEL weaken Vajra

CM finish the Vajra/ 1 Super/ LEVEL UP/ LEVEL UP

DD finish a thing/ 2 crit

AP finish a thing/ 1 crit

Then suddenly: Necron/Omicon. Sounds like a bad version of Comicon or something. Also Eins and the Red Bull. We have our choice of whom to murder again!

ISN kill a thing/ 1 crit/ LEVEL UP/ Down Attack get!

Frank gets a Nanbu Trainer (oh my~)/ Kill a thing/ 2 crits

HKV kill a thing/ 2 crits

Zl kill a thing/ 1 crit

O-GA-MI-SAN/ kill a thing/ 2 crits

HKV attack the Blue thing/1 crit/ 1 Super

Zl kill a thing/ 1 crit

FH weaken a thing/ 1 crit/ LEVEL UP
ISN weaken a thing on counter

SA kill a thing on counter

KB kill the Blue Thing/ 1 Super/ 3 crits/ LEVEL UP/ Down Attack get!

Dd weaken a thing/ 1 crit

ZL kill a thing/ 1 crit/ LEVEL UP

KMH finish a thing/ LEVEL UP

Vashyron puts the moves on Kaguya/ weaken the Red Thing/ 1 Super/ LEVEL UP/ Down Attack get!

DD kill a thing/ LEVEL UP/ Down Attack get!

FH kill a thing/ 1 crit

KB finish a thing

O-GA-MI-SAN/ Kill the Red Thing/ 1 Crit/ LEVEL UP

HKV kill a thing/ 1 crit

YES kill a thing

ZL weaken a thing/ 3 crits

Eins comes down.

DD attack Eins/ 1 Super/ 1 crit

Ryu gets a Healing Serum/ Attacl Eins/ 1 crit/ eat a Super

ZL attack Eins/ 1 Super/ 2 crits/ LEVEL UP

Ryu ALMOST dies. Almost

KMH kill a thing/ 1 crit

YES kill of Eins/ 1 Super/ 2 crits/ LEVEL UP. Holy shit that took a long time O.o

The two asses (Uhh literally I guess) head away from us. And we chase them. So much energy. And Kaguya makes a RAINBOW. Yay. Marvel Land is our next destination. Walkin' on rainbows!

Super Count:















O-GA-MI-SAN count: 4


Valkyrie, TANK!!!, Open Fire (not really tho), Uhh boobs? And more stuff!

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I suggest wearing a wig for the next chapter. If you found Chapter 12 frustrating, then Chapter 13 will cause you to rip your hair out.

Wasn't so much annoying as it was long (doing this late at night kinda does that to a guy)

Also Fuck Vajra.

Yuri vs Sanger is just too badass. Shame they never quite finished that duel

Can you actually finish that?

If you're like 2pro at this game.

That would've been a good installment of Theory Time with Breezy...

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