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Apotheosis SR 4 units planning


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I'm not sure if anyone beat Apotheosis SR with 4 units but I'll still post this. My plan is to think of a strategy in order to beat Apotheosis SR with just four units, which I believe is the minimum possible number of units you can use to beat this chapter. For this, I'm going to be using a strategy I've advocated for a while: using defensive skills like Sol, Pavise, Aegis, Dual Guard+ and Miracle.

So, what's required? Chrom has to be one of them, and I think I need a Rally Bot as well, because some of the enemies are just too strong to fight without a Rally Bot. And for the best possible duo, you definitely want a third gen Morgan, who gets the highest stats possible, and Lucina, who has Dual Strike+ for that 100% Dual Strike chance. I wanted Lucina to be a Sage so she can deal more damage to enemies while helping Morgan. She doesn't really need to be a Dark Flier, since I don't need the speed pair up bonus anyway. I determined that Lon'qu!Laurent was the best parent for Speed+ Avatar in order to reach the crucial benchmark of 58 speed (well, Morgan has 59 speed in this case), which makes it possible to double every enemy in the chapter with Rallies.


Lon'qu!Laurent!Sorcerer Morgan: Sol, Aegis, Pavise, Miracle, Limit Breaker
Maribelle!Sage Lucina: Tomefaire, Dual Strike+, Dual Guard+, Limit Breaker, All+2
Boots Falcon Knight Rally Bot: Rally Magic, Speed, Spectrum, Heart, Skill
Great Knight Chrom: Doesn't matter.

I always use a max might forged Celica's Gale for the following calculations.

Stats and probabilities:

Lon'qu!Laurent!Morgan: 58 mag, 54 skl, 59 spd, 58 luk, 47 def, 53 res
Without Rallies: 80 might, 63 skill, 66 spd, 65 luk, 54 def, 62 res
With Rallies: 90 might, 73 skill, 76 speed, 75 luk, 64 def, 72 res
Maribelle!Lucina: 59 mag, 56 skl, 54 spd, 60 luk, 38 def, 52 res
Without Rallies: 79 might, 60 skill, 58 speed, 64 luk, 42 def, 56 res
With Rallies: 89 might, 70 skill, 68 speed, 74 luk, 52 def, 66 res
100% Dual Strike chance (with or without rallies)
49% Dual Guard chance (with Rallies)
44% Dual Guard chance (without Rallies)
63% chance to activate Sol, Aegis and Pavise (without Rallies)
73% chance to activate Sol, Aegis and Pavise (with Rallies)
65% chance to activate Miracle (without Rallies)
75% chance to activate Miracle (with Rallies)

Vs. Enemies:

Vs. Aegis+ Berserkers with Rallies (99 hp, 55 res):
Morgan: 8 x 4 = 32 damage
Lucina: 16 x 8 = 128 damage
Vs. Anna with Rallies (99 hp, 55 res):
Morgan: 16 x 4 = 64 damage
Lucina: 16 x 8 = 128 damage
Vs. Sorcerer with Rallies (80 hp, 64 res):
Morgan: 12 x 4 = 48 damage
Lucina: 11 x 8 = 88 damage

So the pair one rounds every single enemy the map can offer with 100% reliability with Rallies. The only issue to doing this would be moving the Rally bot around, then, and ensuring she doesn't die.

Feel free to suggest anything and fix my calculations if I made any mistakes.

Edited by Chiki
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Don't forget Throne boosts.

Your Rallies are assuming that you have every Rally, but you don't. Let me recheck your stats. I'm assuming you're going +Spd/-Str.

Atk is 44(Sorc base) +4(mods) +10(LB) +10(Rallies) +9(Pairup) +9(Forged Celica's) +2(WRB) +2 (Tonic) = 90.

Skl is 38(Sorc Base) +6(Mods) +10(LB) +10(Rallies) +7(Pairup) +2(Tonic) = 73.

Spd is 40(Sorc base) +9(Mods) +10(LB) +10(Rallies) +3(Pairup) +2(Tonic) = 75.

Lck is 45(Base) +3(Mods) +10(LB) +6(Rallies) +3(Pairup) +2(Tonic) = 69.

Def is 41(Base) -4(Mods) +10(LB) +6(Rallies) +3(Pairup) +2(Tonic) = 58.

Res is 44(Base) -1(Mods) +10(LB) +6(Rallies) +7(Pairup) +2(Tonic) = 68.

So you can ORKO everything on the map... But it looks like you'll do a lot of EP fighting. Even with all that, can you take that pack of Sages on wave 4? They have, if I remember right, 70 atk, and Luna+/Hawkeye+ combos. Not counting the one with Forseti, there are four of them, so 8 guaranteed EP attacks. You can kill on on player phase, so six attacks. Those attacks will be doing 70-34=36 damage each. You will be 3HKOed without Aegis/Miracle/DG procs. Forseti guy has 81 atk, 81-34 = 47 damage. With an HP tonic, that's not enough to put you below 36HP, but it will still hurt. Are you prepared to survive 7 attacks in an environment where you will be 3HKOed?

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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Oh right, I screwed up with the def and res rallies. They don't matter much though.

I forgot to include weapon rank bonuses as well.

Are you prepared to survive 7 attacks in an environment where you will be 3HKOed?

Well, that's why I have Sol, Aegis, Miracle and Dual Guard+. That's kind of the reason why I'm doing this combo.

I have an almost 50% chance to block every hit, and then a 73% chance to activate Aegis and negate Luna+, and then Sol to heal up that damage, and Miracle to survive every hit with a 73% chance. That sounds pretty damn reliable to me. I'll be using Elixirs on the player phase when I need them as well. I still have Chrom to use as a convoy you know.

Spd is 40(Sorc base) +9(Mods) +10(LB) +10(Rallies) +3(Pairup) +2(Tonic) = 75.

Lck is 45(Base) +3(Mods) +10(LB) +6(Rallies) +3(Pairup) +2(Tonic) = 69.

Def is 41(Base) -4(Mods) +10(LB) +6(Rallies) +3(Pairup) +2(Tonic) = 58.

I'm not sure if your calculations are right here. You get the support bonus from pair ups as well, so that's +5 to each.

Who the Rally bot is doesn't matter.

Edited by Chiki
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Or get a Barracks Boost. Or use Sage, Sages are fast. Or switch Lucina to Dark Flier for more Spd. Or swap Pavise for All+2 (the only Luna+ users who hit Pavise are the Berserkers in the last two waves).

If you want a 3rd Gen Morgan with 10 Spd, his dad will need 6 Spd. Unfortunately, only Yarne is both male and capable of achieving that without Avatar's help. Yarne has an innate -1 Mag, and he needs a +2 Spd dad to get to 6. Virion/Lon'qu are the best you can do, and either of them will result in Morgan having a fabulous 0 Mag. I think you may need one of the above methods.

If you could get Yarne's Spd to 8, you could go +Mag instead and still hit your Spd threshold while having a nice +4 Mag. But that isn't happening without Avatar...

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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I don't wanna rely on a Barracks boost. That's kinda cheap and others will think so too. I guess I'll just go with Lon'qu!Yarne.

I think it's important to keep Lucina as a Sage because she does a lot more damage.

Sage's defenses are too low, so I'd rather go with Sorcerer.

Edited by Chiki
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