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Your Best/Favorite Game of 2013


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I've heard its good. I'm considering buying it soon.

I'd say it's good in Eclipse's case, she had an LTC thing going on here, I haven't played it either(I don't want to for some reason), but it seems good

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I feel the same, I enjoy telling people who ask me "What was the last book you read?" and I answer something like, F/SN or Kara no Shoujo

Well, I guess that works. I never know what to answer when I'm asked what a VN is - most don't have the attention span to listen ~.~

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My top games for 2013 would be Bravely Default, FE13, Zelda Link between worlds, AC New Leaf, Xillia, Tales of The Abyss (First time playing it this year) Super Mario 3d world, Atelier Ayesha, Pokemon X/Y, Kingdom Hearts 1.5, Monster hunter 3, Harvest moon a new beginning and thats all I can think of right now

Games I am looking foward to next year, Xillia 2, Symphonia chroncles, FF X HD, Aterlier Escha & logy, Super smash bros, and other games I cant remember but some would more likely be out in 2015 (Like Zesteria,KH3 FF15 Monlift Soft X)

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Well, I guess that works. I never know what to answer when I'm asked what a VN is - most don't have the attention span to listen ~.~

Man, I never get asked specifically about VNs, I know that my answer would be something like; "Think of it as a not lame picture book"

I also hate it when people ask me about something, then don't listen or even seem to care

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As for games that came out in 2013: Project X Zone and Pokemon Y.

Games that I just played in 2013 but cane out earlier: God Eater Burst. (Alisa <3)

Game that could fit in one but I don't know which: Persona 4 Golden

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Ys I and II, because I think Chronicles + came out this year and if not I don't care. FE:A is a not so close second.

Good game right? Though whenever it came doesn't matter, just as long as it was new to you

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Favourite - Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Dual Destinies. Runners up - A Link Between Worlds, Animal Crossing: New Leaf and Super Mario 3D Land.

As for what I'm looking forward to next year it would be both Super Smash Bros. games and Professor Layton Vs Ace Attorney (The 28th of March can't come soon enough, if you ask me).

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GOTY: Link Between Worlds

Runners Up: Pokemon Y, Fire Emblem 13, Metal Gear Rising: Spelling Error

I haven't got far enough through Assassin's Creed IV or Ace Attorney to judge, and I'm sure Bioshock Infinite is great although I'm yet to play it, but there isn't much. A lot of the games I've played this year that I enjoyed are games from series that I haven't played before, which beat out most of those runner ups.

Edited by Knight
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My game of the year is Fire Emblem Awakening.

It's the reason why I bought a 3DS and since I bought it last February, I played it nearly non-stop. I've taken breaks here and there to play other games like SMT4, Pokemon Y and Tales of the Abyss, but otherwise it so good that it stops me from playing other games. I have Luigi's Mansion and Etrian Odyssey 4 since July and I barely touched them and I got AA5 and Zelda ALBW for Christmas and there untouched.

The 'worst' is that I'm not even close to finish with Awakening. I've only done normal run till now. First to rush to the story and then complete the Support Log. After that, I still want to try to do hard and Lunatic(and try Lunatic+ if I'm crazy enough), I need to complete some DLC and I also want to do 'for fun' runs with specific pairings and see how the pair and the kids turn out.

While this year was overall great for the 3DS, Awakening blew everything out of the water for me, even with the shortcoming it has(I've been replaying RD and I noticed how watered down the combat is compared to it. No magic triangle, no weapon weight, no shove, etc.)

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My game of the year is Fire Emblem Awakening.

It's the reason why I bought a 3DS and since I bought it last February, I played it nearly non-stop. I've taken breaks here and there to play other games like SMT4, Pokemon Y and Tales of the Abyss, but otherwise it so good that it stops me from playing other games. I have Luigi's Mansion and Etrian Odyssey 4 since July and I barely touched them and I got AA5 and Zelda ALBW for Christmas and there untouched.

The 'worst' is that I'm not even close to finish with Awakening. I've only done normal run till now. First to rush to the story and then complete the Support Log. After that, I still want to try to do hard and Lunatic(and try Lunatic+ if I'm crazy enough), I need to complete some DLC and I also want to do 'for fun' runs with specific pairings and see how the pair and the kids turn out.

While this year was overall great for the 3DS, Awakening blew everything out of the water for me, even with the shortcoming it has(I've been replaying RD and I noticed how watered down the combat is compared to it. No magic triangle, no weapon weight, no shove, etc.)

That sounds like everything I want to do whenever I get a 3ds my friend, particularly with Awakening... Even though I know most people have played it, I still look for people who've played SMT 4

I suppose they wanted to remove the 'thinking' part of strategy with Awakening, alas I find myself doing the same thing friend, I played part of Awakening then went back to RD and FE4

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Nothing really blew me away.

Pokémon may be getting it, but why vote it for now when a superior version may come in 2 years. FE13 was alright but it's deeply flawed. Even on the PC side of things it's been not so good. I was hyped with Shadow Warrior but left with a lack of flavor in my mouth and felt a bit robbed.

I'd say the game I probably found the most fun might've been Papers, Please for the really interesting concept and atmosphere of the game.

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This year, I finally got around to play Tear Ring Saga and the game turned out to be everything I hoped it would be and then some.

Map design like Thracia except better. Worldbuilding on the scale of PoR with characters who are all well integrated into the world with most of them even having their own sub plots.

And the best of the mechanics of the previous Fire Emblem games after polishing out their flaws.

The second should probably be Samurai Warriors 3.

You know, It was so odd reading reviews of the Dynasty Warrior style games. So many reviews insisted they were awful and yet everything they actually said about the game sounded totally awesome.

Well, Samurai Warriors did not disappoint. I especially like how on the higher difficulties even the cannon fodder can be dangerous when you get careless. I don't get much satisfaction in mowing down hordes of enemies who do little but preventing me from running in a straight line.

But I think the leveling system drags the game unnecessary down. It's bad enough to judge what levels your level x character can tackle without it being to easy or mathematically impossible. But especially when you try to play co-op, it really limits what characters you can use.

The third is Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate

Hooray for a game without a leveling system... for the player character at least. Well, there is still grinding for upgrades but the game benefits from the fact that even the same monsters don't get boring very fast.

The monsters get easier but that's because you get more effective at taking them down by analyzing their movements and coming up with new strategies.

Also, for 2014 I'm looking forward for Hyrule Warriors, the new actual Zelda, Smash Brothers and the opportunity to get a Wii U in the first place.

Edited by BrightBow
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I noticed that I failed to mention my honorable mentions and my anticipations:

My honorable mentions are Silent Hill: Shattered Memories, I went into it thinking it was a bonafide survival horror game, but what I got was more of a psychological analysis that hit home quite a few times and I enjoyed that, I mean come on, a game that "plays you as much as you play it"

Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11 then 10, I love this series, I finally managed to get the Power up Kit for 10 and I've been playing the crap out of it(besides the scenarios, I like the feature of marriage and offspring, and those offspring can become soldiers in your army... sooo yeah)

My 2014 anticipations: Samurai Warriors 4, Hyrule Warriors, Sengoku Basara 4, Dynasty Warriors 8 Xtreme Legends, Yakuza: Ishin, I GUESS MGS: Ground Zeroes, and I GUESS DBZ: Battle of Z

The second should probably be Samurai Warriors 3.

You know, It was so odd reading reviews of the Dynasty Warrior style games. So many reviews insisted they were awful and yet everything they actually said about the game sounded totally awesome.

Well, Samurai Warriors did not disappoint. I especially like how on the higher difficulties even the cannon fodder can be dangerous when you get careless. I don't get much satisfaction in mowing down hordes of enemies who do little but preventing me from running in a straight line.

But I think the leveling system drags the game unnecessary down. It's bad enough to judge what levels your level x character can tackle without it being to easy or mathematically impossible. But especially when you try to play co-op, it really limits what characters you can use.

That sounds like the fate of alot of Warriors games, they just don't get the recognition they honestly deserve, but you thought the leveling bogged the game? Man, I thought the weapon types were the detriment with that game, I disliked that in DW6 and while it wasn't as bad here, I still disliked it... I usually counter low-level chars with really good weapons... Wind element for the win... (it's especially awesome in DW8) and I guess Slay to some extent (SW1 Dark element was the absolute best thing ever)

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