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What is your favorite 5 Classes in Awakening?

Tide of Waves

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I have a thing for mediocre classes I guess.

In no particular order:

War Monk (I find the axe stave combo to be quite awesome and creative)

Swordmaster (I don't care if they were nerfed, I prefer how they look over assassins)

Griffon Rider (I quite like how they look strangely enough. Never used them until my most recent lunatic playthrough for deliverer... but its pretty cool looking)

Bow knight/Sniper (I like bows) (its a tie)

Great Lord (Lucinas spear animations are awesome, and i love infantry spear units)

You can probably tell that I value looks over practicality in this game. For instance, I refuse to use the sorcerer class because I think it looks hideous. Same goes for general and great knight*

*Unless it's Frederick who doesnt look completely stupid in that class.

Edited by TrollHunter
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1. Great Knight - Tanky as fuck, and definitely my go-to class for any physical unit who can go there (aside from one). I just GK facetanked Lunatic and didn't have much trouble at all.

2. Wyvern Lord - under most circumstances, I'd put this over GK, but Rexcalibur++ is truly brutal in Lunatic (71 damage on WL!Panne, really game?). Number 2 is still good.

3. Hero - my go-to class before I go GK for stays. Sol is very nice for storyline on the higher difficulties and I don't give a shit about postgame, so

4. Dread Fighter - Great design and awesome weapon combo. My only complaint is that it's for dudes only. If women could go Dread Fighter I'd actually play postgame and make one of my FeMU's one.

5. Paladin - my go-to class for Lucina because GK MU would really like the extra speed to quad grima (with my setup anyway, which has a -1 in speed) in the end and Chrom usually sucks. Good for frontline and backline with its lovely movement, balanced stats, and balanced bonus spread. Also has Aegis which is very useful on my team of physical units who really doesn't like dealing with magic.

I'm also quite fond of War Cleric/Monk and the design for male Dark Knight. If only the female had pants. Valkyrie's design is also great, though I don't use magic units much. If Taguel had a 2 range option, it'd shoot straight up to #1 because bunny.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Sorcerer: I like being able to use dark magic as it's my favorite type of magic (and Tomes are just my favorite weapon type in the game since it's offensive magic), so this is a no-brainer.

Dread Fighter: Axes (my favorite physical weapon) and Tomes are finally together like they were destined to be, not to mention that the class owns balls.

3. Berserker: Love the high Strength and Speed caps + bone armor. Plus, they are experts of the Axe. :3

4. Wyvern Lord: Because fuck yeah, riding dragons and wielding Axes (and/or Lances) all day everyday!

5. Dark Knight: I really like Awakening's take on the Dark Knight formula: Not only can they wield Swords and Tomes almost equally (though they're better with Tomes), but their stats and armor makes them a natural foil to the Paladin class.

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