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Advice on pairings

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I want the best children possible with the highest stats, and these are my pairings.

MUXSevera: MU is a Grandmaster with +Speed -Luck and has Lethality, Astra, Ignis, Counter and Veteran while Severa(Hero) has Lifetaker, Sol, Axebreaker, Bowbreaker and Galeforce.

Child: Morgan(Grandmaster) will inherit Galeforce from Severa and Counter from MU. Higher growth and max stats as well.

VaikeXLissa: Vaike will be a Warrior with HP+5, Rally Strength, Wrath, Zeal and Counter and Lissa(Sage) has Miracle, Healtouch, Tomefaire, Renewal and Galeforce.

Child: Owain(Swordmaster) gets Galeforce from Lissa and Counter from Vaike. And I think Vaike gives Owain better growth stat for Strength?

Lon'quXOlivia: Lon'qu(Assassin) has Vantange, Astra, Swordfaire, Lethality and Pass and Olivia with Luck+4, Special Dance, Rally Movement, Astra and Galeforce. Don't know what Olivia's final class should be - Maybe a Dancer?

Child: Inigo(Hero) has Galeforce, Sol, Axebreaker, Bowbreaker and Lethality. Shy family ; ]

RickenXMaribelle: Ricken(Sage) has Slow Burn, Lifetaker, Tomefaire, Rally Magic and Focus; Maribelle(Valkyrie) has Demoiselle, Rally Resistance, Dual Support+, Renewal and Galeforce.

Child: Brady(War Monk) gets Galeforce and Lifetaker from his parents. He gets high luck from Maribelle and I suppose high magic from Ricken.

StahlXSully: Stahl(Paladin) has Discipline, Outdoor Fighter, Defender, Luna and Dual Guard+ while Sully went Great Knight so her skills so far are Discipline, Outdoor Fighter and Luna.

Child: Kjelle(Great Knight) won't have Galeforce but will get Dual Guard+ and Luna. Will make her a defensive beast with Aegis and Pavise.

ChromXSumia: Canon Pair. Chrom(Great Lord) has Dual Strike+, Charm, Aether and Rightful King; Sumia(Falcon Knight) has Relief, Rally Movement, Galeforce, Rally Speed and Lancefaire.

Children: Lucina(Great Lord) gets Galeforce from Sumia and Cynthia(Falcon Knight) gains Rightful King from Chrom.

GaiusXCordelia: Gaius(Trickster) has Locktouch, Lucky Seven, Acrobat, Lethality and Pass; Cordelia(Falcon Knight) has Speed+2, Relief, Rally Speed, Lancefaire and Galeforce

Child: Severa(Hero) is granted Lethality from Gaius and Galeforce from Cordelia which will be passed down to Morgan.

VirionXCherche: Virion(Sniper) has Prescience, Hit Rate+20, Bowfaire, Rally Skill and Bowbreaker; Cherche(Wyvern Lord) has Tantivy, Quick Burn, Swordbreaker, Deliverer and Lancebreaker.

Child: I heard Gerome(Wyvern Lord) benefits well from "breaker" skills so I am going to have Bowbreaker passed down from Virion and Swordbreaker or Lancebreaker from Cherche.

FrederickXPanne: Frederick(Great Knight) has Luna, Dual Guard+, Aegis and Pavise; Panne(Taguel) has Even Rhythm, Beastbane, Lancebreaker, Lethality and Pass.

Child: Yarne(Taguel) should get Luna from Fred and Lancebreaker from Panne. I think having Fred as his father will make Yarne's speed low?

HenryXMiriel: Henry(Sorcerer) has Slow Burn, Lifetaker, Vengeance, Tomebreaker and Counter; Miriel(Sage) has the same skills as Ricken(Slow Burn, Lifetaker, Tomefaire, Rally Magic and Focus).

Child: Laurent(Dark Knight) has high magic stat due to his parents and will inherit Counter amd Lifetaker.

DonnelXTharja: Donnel(Bow Knight) has Aptitude, Underdog, Counter, Bowbreaker and Sol; Tharja (Sorcerer) has Anathema, Vengeance, Tomebreaker, Slow burn and Lifetaker.

Child: Noire(Sniper) gains Pegasus Knight from Donnel so she gains access to Galeforce. Will get Aptitude or Counter from Donnel and Lifetaker from Tharja.

GregorXNowi: Joined in the same Chapter so I thought: Why not pair them together? Gregor(Hero) has Armsthrift, Sol, Axebreaker, Rally Skill and Bowbreaker; Nowi(Manakete) has Odd Rhythm, Wyrmsbane, Quick Burn, Swordbreaker and Lifetaker.

Child: Nah(Manakete) can't get Galeforce since her father isn't Male MU, Donnel or Gaius but gets Sol from Gregor and Swordbreaker or Lifetaker from Nowi.

Reply what you think about my pairings and don't leave any hate replies.

Edited by ThunderflameZ016
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I guess you'd be better to pair Vaike with Zelcher. Then, you'll get a CHEATED Gerome, with a astronomic cap of Strength. ( 57 if he is a Berserker, not bad. )

Lon'qu X Sully would be probably better, because then, Lon'qu would offer Assassin and Trickster to Kjelle, who would be better with Acrobat and Passage skills, if she's destinated to become a General. Also, think about Vantage. ^^

I also think you shouldn't pair MU with Severa, but more with Lucina as well, I guess. Because, if I good remember, Morgan would inherits Ether, right ? So it's quite good for Morgan to have Ether, which is a unique skill.

Here you have my mind. ^^

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As to your plans, I wouldn't pass down Counter or Lethality, Counter only works at 1 range (not to mention you'd actually have to take a lot of damage to get anything out of it), and Lethality's activation rate makes it the lowliest of skills. Also, Chrom's daughters ALWAYS get Aether.

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As to your plans, I wouldn't pass down Counter or Lethality, Counter only works at 1 range (not to mention you'd actually have to take a lot of damage to get anything out of it), and Lethality's activation rate makes it the lowliest of skills. Also, Chrom's daughters ALWAYS get Aether.

I'm so so sorry!!! I thought Chrom always pass down Rightful King to his children....

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I'm not against passing Counter to female children simply because there's nothing better to pass to them. A better male-only skill is Axefaire but not every child can use it effectively.

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I want the best children possible with the highest stats, and these are my pairings. OK.

MUXSevera: MU is a Grandmaster with +Speed -Luck and has Lethality, Astra, Ignis, Counter and Veteran while Severa(Hero) has Lifetaker, Sol, Axebreaker, Bowbreaker and Galeforce. Good pairing, consider -Def instead of -Lck to avoid hurting Morgan's offense. Every single one of Avatar's skills does nothing on a support unit, which is what you will be with Severa having Galeforce and you not. On Severa Lifetaker and Sol are redundant, and Bowbreaker isn't important unless you're a Dark Flier (which I'd advise changing to so Avatar's Mag boost does something useful).

Child: Morgan(Grandmaster) will inherit Galeforce from Severa and Counter from MU. Higher growth and max stats as well. Actually 3rd gen Morgans almost always have lower growths than their 2nd Gen counterparts.

VaikeXLissa: Vaike will be a Warrior with HP+5, Rally Strength, Wrath, Zeal and Counter and Lissa(Sage) has Miracle, Healtouch, Tomefaire, Renewal and Galeforce. Rally Str won't do much on an offensive unit, Counter doesn't work in the back and Gamble is outright better than Zeal. Axefaire is better than Wrath. For Lissa, Sage will waste all of Vaike's Str boosts and Healtouch is a utility skill that doesn't go too well on an offensive Galeforce unit. I'd advise making Lissa a Falcoknight so she can take advantage of Vaike's +Str and swapping Healtouch for Lancefaire.

Child: Owain(Swordmaster) gets Galeforce from Lissa and Counter from Vaike. And I think Vaike gives Owain better growth stat for Strength? Growths aren't important, caps are, and Vaike does help Owain's caps (though they're still not that great because Lissa).

Lon'quXOlivia: Lon'qu(Assassin) has Vantange, Astra, Swordfaire, Lethality and Pass and Olivia with Luck+4, Special Dance, Rally Movement, Astra and Galeforce. Don't know what Olivia's final class should be - Maybe a Dancer? Olivia is best as a dancer. I'd replace Rally Mov and Lck+4 with Pass and Swordfaire, she shouldn't be fighting but if she does they could help.

Child: Inigo(Hero) has Galeforce, Sol, Axebreaker, Bowbreaker and Lethality. Shy family Again, Bowbreaker isn't that good unless you have a Bow weakness. I'd replace those Breakers for Sword/Axefaire and Armsthrift.

RickenXMaribelle: Ricken(Sage) has Slow Burn, Lifetaker, Tomefaire, Rally Magic and Focus; Maribelle(Valkyrie) has Demoiselle, Rally Resistance, Dual Support+, Renewal and Galeforce. Do you want them fighting or being staffbots? For staffbots, give them anything you can to boost Mag and Mov, if fighting take away the rallies and Slow Burn and replace them with offensive stuff like Faires.

Child: Brady(War Monk) gets Galeforce and Lifetaker from his parents. He gets high luck from Maribelle and I suppose high magic from Ricken. Brady's Mag is very high and it would be a shame to waste it on a lowly War Monk. Sage can put it to much better use.

StahlXSully: Stahl(Paladin) has Discipline, Outdoor Fighter, Defender, Luna and Dual Guard+ while Sully went Great Knight so her skills so far are Discipline, Outdoor Fighter and Luna. Stahl gives all of one class (Archer) to Kjelle and his mods don't work well with Sully's. Luna won't help on the unit in the back.

Child: Kjelle(Great Knight) won't have Galeforce but will get Dual Guard+ and Luna. Will make her a defensive beast with Aegis and Pavise.

ChromXSumia: Canon Pair. Chrom(Great Lord) has Dual Strike+, Charm, Aether and Rightful King; Sumia(Falcon Knight) has Relief, Rally Movement, Galeforce, Rally Speed and Lancefaire. OK.

Children: Lucina(Great Lord) gets Galeforce from Sumia and Cynthia(Falcon Knight) gains Rightful King from Chrom. No, Cynthia gets Aether.

GaiusXCordelia: Gaius(Trickster) has Locktouch, Lucky Seven, Acrobat, Lethality and Pass; Cordelia(Falcon Knight) has Speed+2, Relief, Rally Speed, Lancefaire and Galeforce OK. Gaius gives redundant Pegasus to Severa.

Child: Severa(Hero) is granted Lethality from Gaius and Galeforce from Cordelia which will be passed down to Morgan. You ain't gonna give Severa a male-only skill from Gaius? OK.

VirionXCherche: Virion(Sniper) has Prescience, Hit Rate+20, Bowfaire, Rally Skill and Bowbreaker; Cherche(Wyvern Lord) has Tantivy, Quick Burn, Swordbreaker, Deliverer and Lancebreaker. Might want to put Renewal on Cherche.

Child: I heard Gerome(Wyvern Lord) benefits well from "breaker" skills so I am going to have Bowbreaker passed down from Virion and Swordbreaker or Lancebreaker from Cherche. No, the only Breaker Gerome wants is Swordbreaker and that's if he's a Berserker which he can't be with Virion as a father.

FrederickXPanne: Frederick(Great Knight) has Luna, Dual Guard+, Aegis and Pavise; Panne(Taguel) has Even Rhythm, Beastbane, Lancebreaker, Lethality and Pass. Why only four skills for Fred? Even Rhythm isn't very good.

Child: Yarne(Taguel) should get Luna from Fred and Lancebreaker from Panne. I think having Fred as his father will make Yarne's speed low? Yes, Fred will help wreck Yarne's otherwise uber Spd. He'll still be a good support Berserker, though.

HenryXMiriel: Henry(Sorcerer) has Slow Burn, Lifetaker, Vengeance, Tomebreaker and Counter; Miriel(Sage) has the same skills as Ricken(Slow Burn, Lifetaker, Tomefaire, Rally Magic and Focus). The only class Henry gives Laurent is Thief, I wouldn't recommend this pairing. Slow Burn isn't very good.

Child: Laurent(Dark Knight) has high magic stat due to his parents and will inherit Counter amd Lifetaker. Why not pass him a gender-exclusive skill like DS+?

DonnelXTharja: Donnel(Bow Knight) has Aptitude, Underdog, Counter, Bowbreaker and Sol; Tharja (Sorcerer) has Anathema, Vengeance, Tomebreaker, Slow burn and Lifetaker. Bow Knight doesn't have very good caps (Hero is better), and Tharja should be something that can better support Donnel like a GK or a Sniper. Swap Vengeance and Lifetaker for DG+ and Hit+20 (Tharja has accuracy issues).

Child: Noire(Sniper) gains Pegasus Knight from Donnel so she gains access to Galeforce. Will get Aptitude or Counter from Donnel and Lifetaker from Tharja. OK.

GregorXNowi: Joined in the same Chapter so I thought: Why not pair them together? Gregor(Hero) has Armsthrift, Sol, Axebreaker, Rally Skill and Bowbreaker; Nowi(Manakete) has Odd Rhythm, Wyrmsbane, Quick Burn, Swordbreaker and Lifetaker. Because convenience pairings aren't what you do when you want the best children possible. Nah will get Armsthrift from this but her only procs will be Astra and Lethality which aren't that good. I'd swap Odd Rhythm for Deliverer on Nowi, and maybe Wyrmsbane for Lancebreaker/Str+2. Gregor's Sol and Rally Skl aren't much good on a support unit, which is what he'll be doing. I'd advise Axefaire or Swordfaire instead.

Child: Nah(Manakete) can't get Galeforce since her father isn't Male MU, Donnel or Gaius but gets Sol from Gregor and Swordbreaker or Lifetaker from Nowi. OK.

Reply what you think about my pairings and don't leave any hate replies.

Are you familiar with stat mods? It doesn't look like it, and you'll get nowhere near the best stats without knowing how they work. Basically, every character has values for Str, Mag, Skl, Spd, Lck, Def, and Res (their mods) that are added to their class caps to get their total stat caps. Children get the sum of their parent's mods, +1 to all as a second gen bonus (third gen Morgan only gets this bonus once). All of the character's mods, as well as a tool for calculating the children's mods, are here: http://serenesforest.net/fe13/char_max_all.html

When going for the best pairings, you also have to keep classes in mind. Try not to have too many overlapping classes (the father passing down a class the child already has) because they waste potential. They aren't the end of the world if they happen, but try to avoid them (Your Laurent and Kjelle come to mind).

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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I'm not against passing Counter to female children simply because there's nothing better to pass to them. A better male-only skill is Axefaire but not every child can use it effectively.

IMHO, outside of Double Duel and Streetpass, I'd say Counter's uses are sorely limited. Needing to get hit at 1 range is limiting enough, but at the same time, if you don't take much damage, Counter doesn't do much good.

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Against the Lunatic Risen with no DLC (comboed with Sol/Renewal) it's incredible and has no equal. Just swap it for Aegis when you run into a squad of Mages.

But how would you even get the experience to get all three of those skills without DLC grinding, considering that two of those are level 15 skills?

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By fighting the Risen for exp. It sounds crazy, but I've done it and it's completely possible. Very difficult, but still possible, even with unoptimized pairings. I put my Avatar through Tactician, Merc, Bow Knight (I chose the extra move over Sol), Assassin, War Monk, Paladin, and Wyvern Lord all before cht.13. Sometime I'll optimize it and maybe even make a guide.

Lunatic+, on the other hand, isn't happening soon.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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By fighting the Risen for exp. It sounds crazy, but I've done it and it's completely possible. Very difficult, but still possible, even with unoptimized pairings. I put my Avatar through Tactician, Merc, Bow Knight (I chose the extra move over Sol), Assassin, War Monk, Paladin, and Wyvern Lord all before cht.13. Sometime I'll optimize it and maybe even make a guide.

Lunatic+, on the other hand, isn't happening soon.

Given that Reeking Boxes are expensive as all get out on Lunatic, you'd either had to have been willing to throw away almost 5 grand or have had a lot of time on your hands. Also, what determines how strong the Risen are in Lunatic, anyhow?

Edited by Levant Fortner
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