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Streetpass/DLC...will it ever become unavailable eventually?

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Straight answer, yes.

How soon, is the real question. Past online services for many old consoles and games have since been discontinued, and many of their DLC or add-on content from their own era has been rendered useless (mostly talking about original XBOX Live and that silly add-on disc for Halo 2).

Fortunately for us, DLC works a little differently now and in awakening that, once its downloaded, it stays downloaded. For instance, you might notice that spotpass teams are available even when offline. That's because the game has them downloaded and will forever have them downloaded. It never needs to download them again on the same cartridge unless its optimized and all data deleted. The same goes for the buyable DLC maps, assuming you keep SD card and 3DS or do the 3DS data transfer. They will stay playable because the data is stored within the three places in conjunction, not streamed from some internet checkpoint.

In this idea, no, your Spotpass/DLC will never expire. You will always have it, and it will always be there (just like how I still have map packs downloaded from XBOX Live for Halo 3 and they are still on my xbox, despite not having played Halo 3 in about four years).

But say in 10 years, when Nintendo has introduced a new handheld and the 3DS is an older system, they will probably discontinue the current Spotpass and Nintendo Store applications for the 3DS, making it impossible to get the data unless the game already had it. So if you bought a new game (or an old one with all the data deleted), or a new 3DS, or lost your SD card with the data on it, then no, in 10 years you wouldn't be able to get the data again.

But for now, your data remains on your cartridge/3DS and it isn't going anywhere.

Edited by StinDuh
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Correction on a slight thing.

Spotpass, not streetpass.

Streetpass *DOES* stay in the queue... but once you fight/dismiss them and save... they're gone forever.

Thanks for the clarification. Edited to fix original post.

I honestly just didn't bother ever to learn the difference and use them interchangeably now... I should stop.

Edited by StinDuh
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