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Keeping in Mind What Game Companies You Support With Your Purchases


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When making game purchases, do you keep in mind what company you're supporting and make sure to buy used if you don't want to support the game company?

Eg: You really dislike Electronic Arts as a gaming company, but you really like the Need for Speed series. Because you want to buy a Need for Speed game but you don't want to support Electronic Arts with your money, you buy all your Need for Speed games used.

I see people on GameFAQs talking about buying used games all the time, just to spite the company who made the game (since they don't like the company or are mad at them) and make sure they don't profit from their purchase. I was wondering if that's a widespread practice or not among gamers.

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I buy the games I like after reading reviews about them and if they fit my genre, not so much on which companies made them. Like Aliens: Colonial Marines that was developed by Gearbox right?

Edited by sifer
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I'd like my money to go to Ubisoft so they can keep on giving me cute assassins that they will eventually kill off and make all the fans cry I hate Ubisoft

I'm just too poor so I need to get it cheap off steam sale at like 75%

I don't even think there's any game company that I actually dislike (not in the way of fuck you ubisoft why you kill off another cute assassin) but play their games tho

Edited by Thor Odinson
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I know I see that sort of thing on GameFAQs a lot, I honestly think people are stupid when they do that, they whine and complain about games.. I would like to see them do a better job, but hey they can't, all they do is bring down the gaming company's, while I agree companies make games for money but that is there job and they need money to make more games, at least they do try to listen to feedback but some people, all they rather do is complain,

by not supporting the gaming companies all they are going to do is make them all go bankrupt, and then they will never get games again and no one else will take up the job cause they don't want to make games for people who whine all day about games that they couldn't even do a better job on themselves. Honestly people who put down companies all the time need to grow up. This kinda thing has been getting on my nerves for awhile. (Yes I have been spending to much time on GameFAQS...)

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It's like the indie music hypocrisy. This artist is really underground and more deserving of my money than these big, bad bands loved by the masses but controlled by evil corporations (in this analogy, EA is the RIAA, and the RPS comments section is Starbucks).

However, if you refuse to hand your money to Ubisoft, and they go bankrupt, you'll likely give it to a smaller publisher more devoted to good and honest game development (unless you stop buying). The smaller publisher grows bigger, each sequel outdoes the last, development costs increase, and in order to continue producing, Indiesoft expands its target demographic (read: dumbs down their games) while sniping pirates and used game buyers (read: lawsuits/Pink Scorpions).

The Cycle of Entitlement continues.

Edited by freeformschooler
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I don't put too much thought into it, since I buy new most of the time regardless of the company.

But, with that said, most of my money has went to Nintendo and Atlus.

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For me, it's a matter of a localization issue rather than a like or dislike of a certain company. Profits generally equals demand in the eyes of gaming companies, especially in the JRPG scene. The more sales that a region makes, the more likely the fanbase is to see another localization. I used to have a negative opinion of Namco Bandai but still bought Tales of games to support future localizations. Thankfully, their track record has since been ameliorated.

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I'm fine buying games used or new, don't care who made it. On that note, EA is an exception, for being such a despicable company. I don't play EA games often anyways.

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What is so despicable about EA, exactly (besides the fact that it churns out endless Call of Duty, FIFA and Madden games, year after year)?.

You're thinking of Activision. EA is Mass Effect, Battlefield, and SimCity.

A lot of it is the DRM in the form of online passes. If you buy the game used you would have to pay $15 dollars extra to get the online pass to play online. And they have pretty terrible servers and what not too.

EDIT: I tend to steer clear of slandering companies and whatnot. My reasons above are qualms that I've had with EA. How they could win worst company in America still baffles me though.

Edited by DualSilverGunner
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You're thinking of Activision. EA is Mass Effect, Battlefield, and SimCity.

Thing is, FIFA and Madden are published by EA (I was wrong on CoD, though).

A lot of it is the DRM in the form of online passes. If you buy the game used you would have to pay $15 dollars extra to get the online pass to play online. And they have pretty terrible servers and what not too.

I wouldn't go as far as to say that is "despicable", but I can understand why other people would think that.

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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I usually buy new unless it's a game that's years old (like when I suddenly got into the Phoenix Wright series just two years ago, or MGS way back when Brawl came out). I've never thought about my actions supporting the companies, but now that I do, it only enforces my desire to buy new, as I love Nintendo most of all. Most other games will depend on how badly I want it and if I feel like I need to have it this instant. The thing about buying games used is that, where I live, there is absolutely no store that sells used games that I care to support, so I still usually buy new.

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What is so despicable about EA, exactly (besides the fact that it churns out endless Call of Duty, FIFA and Madden games, year after year)?.

EA is pretty easily one of the worst video game companies if not the worst, although I'd definitely not say they're worse than something like Walmart which they won the Golden Poo over (let alone twice).

Origin sucks, microtransactions suck, Day 1 DLC sucks, their tendency to buy out studios and murder their franchises for a quick buck is awful. The romance options in Bioware games are hamfisted.

Consider the following: When EA won the Golden Poo award, their response was to call the people who voted them in homophobic.

That said, Vykan is right that if you don't want to support terrible companies good luck buying much of anything.

Edited by Paperblade
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I don't really buy used games because on 3DS and PC, I get all of them digitally, and on Wii U, I get most of the games I want close to launch.

The only gaming company I dislike is EA. I'm unlikely to buy any of their games in the near future, but to be honest, that's primarily because I'm just not interested in any of their games. I'm not sure whether I'd buy an EA game used if there was one I thought I'd really like.

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I used to grow up in an environment where on the console side we were playing on cheap Eastern European Famicom bootlegs and on the PC side we were lending floppies and CDs left and right.

When I started to learn how the world works, I realized that behind the people working on those games their jobs and the proposition of more sequels to the same games were on the line.

So me spending money on games these days is my way of making up for not paying for them before.

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