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How To Make a Random Reclass/Weapon Run (FE6-8)


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I wrote this in a different Hacking Concepts topic but decided to paste it here. If a mod would sticky this for reference (Just for a while anyway) that'd be great. I'm seeing tons of these lately so this should help out people a lot. I will be making a video tutorial about this eventually.

I was planning to make a video on how I do these in the future but I'll bust something out really quick for you.

Step 1: Get a program called "The Hat". http://the-hat.soft32.com/ Seriously, use this and not something else.

Step 2: Since I still have the materials for it, let's assume that you're doing a Random Reclass of FE7. Download this set of text files as an example of what I would use.

Random Weapon Stats

Random Classes for Characters (HHM Formatted)

These are two zip files of text documents. Unzip them, and import the two packages into The Hat using the "Import from text file" option. You will need to open multiple instances of the hat for the weapons. An example is shown here: http://gyazo.com/7726282207eb303df4fb78021470c8b1

I strongly recommend arranging the windows in this order, left to right, top to bottom.

Durability Might Hitrate Weight Critical Range WEXP

The reason is because this way it's a simple inputting of stats right into nightmare. If you do it in an order that's different from the nightmare modules you're in for a world of pain.

It's worth noting that if you want something to occur regularly (For example, a weapon getting the range of 3-15/3-10) then you want more instances of that in your example text file. So if I want 1 range and 2 range weapons to be common, I might have 8 of those, then 4 of 1-2, 2 of 1-3, and one of everything else, for a final result that resembles this.






























In this way, getting massively long range weapons will occur just about as regularly as you'd get in the vanilla game. Now that you have your weapons set up, you just slap "Shuffle" on all the windows at once, wait a couple seconds, then run through and press Stop on all of them. The result at the top is what you will be inserting into Nightmare. I recommend setting up an Excel spreadsheet, like so:


You'll notice my ranges are colored Blue in many cases. Anything for swords/axes/lances that has a range that exceeds 1 will need to have a ranged animation (Such as Javelin/Magic Sword) assigned in the editor for these things. Also you'll need a major fix for hand axes that I won't go into right now. I just set all ranged hand axes to map animation only though, personally.

As for random classes, just write out an equal number of classes to characters, (Arranging characters by recruitment order and then randomizing the classes is preferred) and assign the classes as desired. For my newest RR I made all the characters up to Rath a tier 1 (So Isadora and Marcus aren't prepromos now) and changed Farina and Nino to T2's to balance that out. Everyone after Hawkeye is a T1, in other words.

After that you need to hack everything into nightmare. If this is too much work to stomach though, Ephraim225 is working on an automated tool that will do literally all of this for you (Except the random weapons, I recommend doing those manually anyway.)

Further notes:

If editing FE7 I do not recommend altering Merlinus, Athos, Nils, or Ninian as they have a lot of hardcoded events assigned to them.

If editing FE8 you may choose to swap out my classes for some/all monster classes. Many people like having playable monsters.

Changing the class in the character editor isn't enough. Make sure to change weapon levels where appropriate and to go into each chapter's CUE (Chapter Unit Editor) and change all instances of that character where they first appear. Give them weapons appropriate for their class as well.

For example, if you're planning to play HHM, then changing all instances of Eliwood in chapter 12 to his new class is required, but you don't need to change his class in later CUE's as that's completed already. For Dart, you only need to change the chapter where he appears as a Player Unit, though you may choose to change his 16x and 17 appearance as well if desired.

In my FE7 REclass, I also chose to have three playable cavs among my recruitables, each specializing in a certain thing. One with a C in lances and E in swords, one with E in lances and C in swords, and one with a D in both. Therefore for randomized classes you'd want three entries for cavaliers.

If there are any questions, feel free to post them here.

Edited by Klok
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Good lord those Slim Swords are heavy.

I don't know how to differentiate between modes (hard/normal), would it be universal? I'm pretty new to Nightmare...

edit: sorry i suck at finishing posts

Edited by phobia
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