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Bloodlines (2.4)


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What's the expected release date for 1.4? I haven't played this hack yet and plan to wait until the latest patch so I don't miss out in anything.

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Quick question on the game, could you post the growth percentages if each character by any chance?

be a beast and write a program to do this for you

So I actually went to the trouble of doing this and this is the output

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What's the expected release date for 1.4? I haven't played this hack yet and plan to wait until the latest patch so I don't miss out in anything.

Yes, hopefully around fee3 time...

So I actually went to the trouble of doing this and this is the output

lame program doesnt even work


Check out the relevant parts of bloodlines in this video!

I'm still working on the lizardman animation right now, but that's what its looking like atm!

I tried my hand at custom spell animating. Icewind is pretty basic, and because of Feditor's limitation in custom spell insertion, it had to be severely nerfed to get in the game. which kinda sucks.

But the real reason I wanted to show icewind was because I'm going to implement a new spin on the weapon triangle.

the 'Element Web' (Name pending heh)

basically how it works is that some Djuron and Animals have a weakness to one element, but strong to another. Kind of like pokemon.

Fire-> strong against furry Djuron and Animals like the Gargursan and Swarms, but weak against water based units like Merpeople

Thunder -> strong against water based classes, weak against earth based classes

Ice -> strong against reptiles, like Lizardmen, but weak against Gargursans

Wind-> Strong against Flyers and other wind type classes, weak against Fire based classes

that's sort of my concept i have going on, its likely to vary once development of the hack gets further!

(yes I'm having a font crisis)

Edited by GhastStation
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Lizards looks amazing :O I like the centaur's mug too. Interested to see how you pull off an underwater chapter!

yeah i'm interested to see it too... lol

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Also, I'll be uploading a Bloodlines video soon, nothing major. But cool little thing <3

Edited by GhastStation
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o0Tlw29.png genderswapoldmeme.png also HOW CUTE IS RALLEL ON BRAM'S SHOULDER

lxCsz6j.png Look at these villagers! :D class card spriting get @me top tier revolutionizingthegame

HB9fFq9.png enjoy your time at the parteeyyy. There's actually a really spiffy wizarding trick that brendor did for this chapter and its epix

ubukql3.pngfe8 colors lol oops What will Bram say?! Find out next time in the coming chapter 5 preview vid... that i shouldn't be hyping... Because its nothing special... Also to whoever knows, DO NOT SPOIL PLS

Edited by GhastStation
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o0Tlw29.png genderswapoldmeme.png also HOW CUTE IS RALLEL ON BRAM'S SHOULDER

lxCsz6j.png Look at these villagers! :D class card spriting get @me top tier revolutionizingthegame

HB9fFq9.png enjoy your time at the parteeyyy. There's actually a really spiffy wizarding trick that brendor did for this chapter and its epix

ubukql3.pngfe8 colors lol oops What will Bram say?! Find out next time in the coming chapter 5 preview vid... that i shouldn't be hyping... Because its nothing special... Also to whoever knows, DO NOT SPOIL PLS

Beware that there's an height error in that theater, if you can access it from the top

Edited by Alfred Kamon
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luv is in the air

2 defense villager=best unit

negative res units OP

Beware that there's an height error in that theater, if you can access it from the top

That or GBA FE cannot handle sloping terrain. If you can access it from the sides though...

Add stairs

I'm not really sure what to do, but I'm just gonna roll with it. There's not a lot of options unless I manually edit tiles (replace the rope with like, fencing) and reinsert the tileset. But I'll be doing a ton of tile editing for chapter 8/9 so mayswell lol

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The thing about the stage is that there is no way to have sideways walls that don't go only down and not both up and down, so if you put walls there it runs the risk of looking more like an enclosed room than a stage. I just imagine it as "entering from the side/back = climbing up onto the stage". And you can't do that from the front because... reasons. The terrain slopes subtly enough that there are no cliffs or stairs but enough so that by the time you're at the northern part of the stage, it still casts a shadow but is low enough to step on. /save

Tilesets are gonna be real though

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yessir, custom tilesets are going to be whacksauce. In the mean time, I'm finishing up gameplay for chapter 8 atm. Have some screens! (open at yer own risk)

CpCSCA0.png welcome back, wyvviies.

tSWlZJn.png elemental weapons, like the Flame Lance and Bolt Axe are entering the ring.

dE7oli2.png also Ariel is on your team, fighting other Ariels.

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