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Bloodlines (2.4)


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just remember your safe word


Will you be able to ship the Llama?


...I ship it.

also cool news, I made a world map! But I'm gonna keep editing it before i post on sf :o

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cant spoil le plot but might be too large for snow, i'll probs green it up in the top/bottom left.

ch.5 spoiler pic


Edited by Ghatsu!
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In chapter 1, when Bram and Malcom talk, Bram says "Oh, right. You must be able to cover a lot fo ground, huh?" 0/10 worst fan project ever because of this ONE error

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The girl is shirtless? I mostly point this out because the two dudes have some sort of cloth, it amuses me

yeah... intentional. I kept messing up on the guy's left opv shoulder since i tried to custom it. So I went easy route and put cloth over it ahaha. But the siren I some how managed to pull off, probably a few lucky mouse clicks that made it look decent.

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yeah I'm utterly terrible at beta testing my own shit. This always happens.

I'm now looking for beta testers for 1.4 right now. So if you're very good at beta testing, and not just in it for the spoilers (for real, I've had people just straight up not help beta test at all and just played the game) and that gets me super cheesed. Then PM me and I'll add you to the beta testing group. I need a decent amount, because I'm hella bad at beta testing and there's always stuff that me and my team miss because we... don't do a lot of testing.

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We need to have more usage of the word exsiccated in our lives. (Honestly never seen that word used before XD )

Map looks good in game... And yay! CGs! :D

The world... She is abuilding... ;)

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I worked on this for most of today. This is my tribute to Satoru Iwata. He will give you a special something if you find him in chapter 5!


Edited by Ghatsu!
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Because fuck custom music and we're remixing shit instead.

Just kidding... Fire Emblem Bloodlines is now not only adding more custom music, but it will also feature remixes of FE7 music crafted by the Bloodlines music squad (Sqawl and Mageknight Pacifica).


Bloodlines v.1.4, containing 6 playable and 1 cutscene chapters (7 in total) will be released very soon!

oh also here are some new palettes


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"what if... what if we just remixed the songs that are already there instead of searching for more new ones?"

"ghast yuo are of genious"

>rip music from rom; remove/add a few instruments/notes

w- well I wasn't expecting /that/ of all things to be the next thing showcased, but...

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I prefer the original Distant Travels more. This remix throws out the balance that the melody and harmonies had. Now it's just the same line playing over and over, with everything else being drowned out :V

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