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When did you first get into RPG's?


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Maybe because of that I shouldn't count Pokemon and go with Baldur's Gate.

An absolutely amazing game, where victory was depended on strategy rather then mere levels. The interactions of the party members also added a lot to the authenticity of the characters and consequently could also result with certain characters trying to kill each other or leaving the party.

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Nope not yet, I want to remake my list again soon though. The list I had made was actually RPG's I have already got and then ones I researched and wanted to get, I thought I saved it to my external hard drive but I couldn't find it anywhere on there, along with a lot of other stuff I tried to save...

All this talk I been hearing of Golden sun lately really makes me want to play it, I wish I could.

You can. Though it may be by illegal means, I'll admit.

And if you want to try other RPGs, there's obviously all the great games of the SNES :Treasure of Ruidras, Live a Live (One of the most fun RPG I've played), Bahamuth Lagoon (The good old times when Square could spend all of its money just for fun).

Also, Iplayed Oriental Blue recently (as if it wasn't obvious already), and it's a pretty cool game. It has an old school feel, and reasonable difficulty (especially early on, when you have only 1-2 party members), but it allows you to explore relatively freely.

My favorite part is that many characters have uses outside of battle, like Professor Ren who translate ancient text, or Judge who opens Blue Chests.

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Funny how times change right?

Yeah, yeah do that, there are alot of really good RPGs out there with alot of them not being mention here yet

i still like them but at least theres other people that like them as me now

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Nope not yet, I want to remake my list again soon though. The list I had made was actually RPG's I have already got and then ones I researched and wanted to get, I thought I saved it to my external hard drive but I couldn't find it anywhere on there, along with a lot of other stuff I tried to save...

All this talk I been hearing of Golden sun lately really makes me want to play it, I wish I could.

You should try to get what you remember jotted down as soon as possible so you don't forget, like Judge said, you'd be able to play a lot of these if you're not opposed to emulation, and yeah Golden Sun... it's alright


*skulks in the corner all alone* Pokemanz came out when i was 17/18 years old!

Whoa! That's pretty impressive, this actually encourages me to game until my fingers fall off

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I started back on the NES with Destiny of an Emperor and Dragon Warrior. The first of which is one of my fav games on the system

Edited by Jedisupersorry
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You should try to get what you remember jotted down as soon as possible so you don't forget, like Judge said, you'd be able to play a lot of these if you're not opposed to emulation, and yeah Golden Sun... it's alright

Whoa! That's pretty impressive, this actually encourages me to game until my fingers fall off

Especially the SNES games. If you wander around the romhacking.net translations, you'll discover lots of really great games that never came here.

That's how I discovered Treasure of Ruida (that I should start again once) or Live a Live (I love this game so much).

There's also the cult classic Bahamuth Lagoon.

I mean, if Square announce a 3DS Remake for any of these game, I'll honnestly buy them day one.

And if any of you RPG fans haven't tried the Mother series (At least Earthbound and Mother 3), you don't know how much you missed.

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A short while after Final Fantasy VII was released. I'd recently been given a Playstation for Christmas in '97, so it must have been sometime in '98 when I was eight or nine. My cousin had a big ol' stack of videogames and I noticed that FFVII's jewel case was bigger than all the others. I asked him what the game was and he told me about how cool it was. I can't remember anything he said other than that he mentioned that you could name the main characters. For some reason that really fascinated me, so I asked if I could borrow it and I got hooked. Ever since then JRPGs have kinda been my thing. The PSX really had a large assortment of them, so I guess I got kinda lucky there.

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You should try to get what you remember jotted down as soon as possible so you don't forget, like Judge said, you'd be able to play a lot of these if you're not opposed to emulation, and yeah Golden Sun... it's alright

Whoa! That's pretty impressive, this actually encourages me to game until my fingers fall off

Well i have been gaming since i was wee. Way back in the mid 80s. Pokemon didnt really appeal to me due to it being not really story driven and very kid-orientated. I did try it back in 1999, and it was ok. Just dont have the nostalgia with it like you lot. Iown two pokemon games and they are fun enough. But the games that have the Pokemon Factor with me is Zelda.

holy nipples

Yep. Im ancient. First year in college, Pokemon Red/Blue happened.
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Especially the SNES games. If you wander around the romhacking.net translations, you'll discover lots of really great games that never came here.

That's how I discovered Treasure of Ruida (that I should start again once) or Live a Live (I love this game so much).

There's also the cult classic Bahamuth Lagoon.

I mean, if Square announce a 3DS Remake for any of these game, I'll honnestly buy them day one.

And if any of you RPG fans haven't tried the Mother series (At least Earthbound and Mother 3), you don't know how much you missed.

You know every game you just listed, I've played them all, so I can vouch them for Shelie, particularly Live a Live

Well i have been gaming since i was wee. Way back in the mid 80s. Pokemon didnt really appeal to me due to it being not really story driven and very kid-orientated. I did try it back in 1999, and it was ok. Just dont have the nostalgia with it like you lot. Iown two pokemon games and they are fun enough. But the games that have the Pokemon Factor with me is Zelda.

Yep. Im ancient. First year in college, Pokemon Red/Blue happened.

To be honest, pokemon doesn't really get me riled up like some of these guys, but I don't really mind it either, I think I(We?) might be a part of a small, rare breed of gamer who play games for the story, I don't mind the gameplay as long as it's passable, but after a while, pokemon gets pretty darn tedious

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You know every game you just listed, I've played them all, so I can vouch them for Shelie, particularly Live a Live

To be honest, pokemon doesn't really get me riled up like some of these guys, but I don't really mind it either, I think I(We?) might be a part of a small, rare breed of gamer who play games for the story, I don't mind the gameplay as long as it's passable, but after a while, pokemon gets pretty darn tedious

I think had i been like...12 or so when Pokemon came out, id have been pretty into it. I can certainly see the appeal especially to younger people. Its lighthearted. Its fun, its colorful, theres a lot of stuff to do, a lot of pokemanz to collect. Plus the social aspect and being able to trade with your friends and stuff. I see that being truly gr9 as a kid. But i was not really a kid when that happened, so i couldnt really appreciate it the same way others do. Plus, Pokemon came with a fun trading card game and an animated series. All of this is like, BALLS AWESOME to a kid aged 6 to 13. I was just not that demographic, so i dont think its because i prefer story or anything. If Pokemon came out like ten years earlier than it did, i would have been on that shit like white on rice. lol!

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