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FEWiki Suggestion/Complaint Thread


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Of course, that'd mean a buttload of work would have to go into that, seeing as we'd have to change EVERY page just about on the wiki to match the new templates (I also noticed that sometimes FE11/12 are paired together, but othertimes they're separate...).

I'm currently working on the FE8 Weapons page. I'm looking at the FE8 Items page and wondering how I'm going to convert that into the FE12 Items page format. @_@;;

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Well, for the weapons page aye. I'm more referring to the items page for FE8 in relation to the items page done for FE12 (which is the same table really). And converting all of the other weapon/item pages to be the same is going to take ages as well...

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Yeah, if I recall, the Akaneia remakes have their stats together because I think the stats are identical between games except for New Mystery's lack of weight?

...And yeah, that would be a lot of work. We have to make so many new templates, then go back and convert the pages for every weapon to fit the stats into those templates and ....uh, wow.

On top of converting the weapon lists into pages will full stats/descriptions instead of just lists, making and fixing templates for character stats, and just generally figuring out just what the hell we are doing with the wiki.

We have a lot of work ahead of us. I'm (preemptively) sorry for slacking off...

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It'd be much more bearable if there were more people helping out with the editing, but from what I see, it's generally 4-5 people that's working on the entirety of the thing. @_@; And I can't guarantee I'll be around THAT long on the wiki either, since my wiki mood changes in a heartbeat.

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I'mma working very, very slowly on fixing up the weapons and item pages lol...I got FE6-13's Item pages fixed up, and I believe FE1/3/7/8/12 weapon pages fixed up? I forget what all I've done...but there's still a loooot more to fix up, lemme tell you. This is on top of doing the FE8 LP that I've been doing AND playing FE11. Too many things at once! At this rate, I'm going to need a FE break! @_@;;

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That's perfectly fair. Thanks for all the work you've done Xeno, and if you get burnt out, it's OK to take a break.

As for me, I am still doing the FE4 templates. Finished the first gen and the second gen playables. Waiting for Wikia to sort out it's database problems so I can start on the second gen NPCs.

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I'm just going with what it's called in-game in the most used version. Otherwise, calling it "Physic" in a game where it's called "Reblow" wouldn't help much, right?

fan translations aren't official translations. remember that some of them can be quite bad. i can make a good argument that physic should be listed as "riburoo" for the JP-only games, but that would be stupid, wouldn't it?

so just use physic. redirect for "reblow" and "libro" and mention that it's been translated as such in fan translations of the JP-only games. done.

(thought experiment: if the only FE3 translation patch translated physic to "blowjob" as a joke, would you still use "blowjob" as the name for physic on your wiki?)

Edited by dondon151
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...I suppose that is true. Of course, if it called it that, we probably wouldn't even recognize it on the wiki I'd think but that's what I think. *shrugs*

Ok, so here's a new one for you guys (Otherarrow, you can remove both of those polls. The Base Conversations one I've decided will be things like "Rody/Base Conversations", while Tiki's just goes on her Support page). Item pages! Yes, things like Vulnerary and the like. We have this for instance:


Which I feel is too unsightly to look at. I feel that the Locations (and descriptions as well) should go in the table/template as well. So, here's the questions!

1) Template or table? Template is as you see it (as well as the FE13/FE4 Base Stats), table is what you'd see in the FE4/13 Children Stat Modifiers, or on the List of Items/Weapons pages for the various games.

2) Do we want to put all games into one template (tabbed or not) or table?

Example of table with games combined:


Give your suggestions! Anything to make the wiki as great as it can be!

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I am currently having a dilemma about the dragonstones. On one hand, they are weapons, but on the other, they're always listed in the "Items" section, so I feel they should be listed there accordingly. What does everyone here think? FE11 has them in their own section, but FE7/8 (and I think FE12) has them in Items (with their stats in the Effects section) so...

EDIT - In addition to this, looking at the Serenes pages on damage formulae, I think we should have a page dedicated to the formulae for each game SOMEWHERE on the wiki. I'm not sure where or how, seeing as I'm not sure on how to handle it myself. The Final Fantasy Wiki handles it in a different manner, since each stat in that series has its own formula and whatnot...so...ehhh...I don't know!

EDIT #2 - To fill up my time while waiting on you folks, I decided to go ahead and update the FE1/3 Book 1/11 pages, particularly the Shop data! For those who are curious, this is what they looked like previously:


And this is how they're starting to look!


I decided to do this this way because A) Looks a lot better and B) Believe it or not, but FE1's shops are different from FE3 Book 1's Shops which is different from FE11's shops! I'll be doing this later with FE3 Book 2 shops and FE12 shops as well. Also, we really REALLY need to go around on the wiki and specify WHAT books things are from. For instance, Lifesphere doesn't exist in FE1/3 Book 1/11, but does in FE3 Book 2/FE12, but it just says it's from FE3/12 in general. In addition, the pages for the chapters from said games need to be update to include all of the games that they're from, what books, etc. I think...

Edited by Xenomic
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I think we do have a template for dealing with damage formulas and the like...I just don't know where it is or how it works. Sorry.

As for the shop lists and the like, my only complaint is you going out of your way to use outdated/Japanese only names. Why "Live" when "Heal" has been used pretty much consistently for some time now, for instance?

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I'm not even thinking of that for some reason. I'm still in the mindset of using the names given in the English translation patch when we "should" be using the original names translated proper. Just a nasty habit of mine at this point. ^^;;

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IIRC the LP that I read used these names, unless there's been a brand new patch or something. *shrugs* Reason I'm using those names is because using the new modern names for the NES/SNES games seems...off. Ridersbane doesn't exist in NES/SNES versions where it's Knight Killer in both, for example.

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We need to decide on a consistent format for the Chapter pages. I see sections that aren't in any particular order at all for these pages, and it's annoying. Any suggestions on what order each section should be in?

EDIT - I'm...running out of things to do on this wiki guys! Even though there's clearly a lot to still be done, there's not a lot for ME to do per say methinks...oi vey. x_x;;

For those interested, here's what I have on my To-Do list page:

Images to Get Spells

(Should FE6/7/8, FE9/10, and FE11/12 be just grouped together??)

  • All preferably animated if possible
  • Map animations for spells
  • Fire - FE1, FE7, FE8, FE11
  • Elfire - FE6, FE7, FE11, FE13
  • Meteor - FE4
  • Bolganone - FE1, FE11
  • Wind - FE13
  • Elwind - FE13
  • Excalibur - FE2, FE8, FE13
  • Rexcalibur - FE13
  • Arcwind - FE13
  • Fimbulvetr - FE7, FE8
  • Yurublizzard - FE12
  • Thunder - FE7, FE8, FE11, FE13
  • Thoron - FE1 (Reupload)
  • Bolting - FE7, FE8
  • Nosferatu - FE2, FE6, FE7, FE8, FE10, FE13
  • Worm - FE11
  • Yotsmungand - FE4
  • Fenrir - FE6, FE7, FE8
  • Flux - FE6, FE7
  • Eclipse - FE6, FE7
  • Luna - FE7
  • Divine - FE7, FE8
  • Light - FE6, FE7
  • Shine - FE7
  • Purge - FE8
  • Aura - FE7


  • Dark Breath - FE3
  • Flametongue - FE7


Heroes of Light and Shadow

See [1] this link in order to add in missing data.

  • All Base Conversations!


See [2] this link in order to finish up the following scripts!

  • Harvest Scramble (missing conversations)
  • Summer Scramble (missing conversations)
  • Hot-Spring Scramble (missing conversations)
  • The Future Past 1 (missing conversations)
  • The Future Past 2 (missing conversations)
  • The Future Past 3 (missing conversations)


There's quite a lot more to add to this list, just I haven't gotten around to them yet. But yeah...that's what I've got so far! Whether or not I do all of these (some I can't really) is debatable!

Edited by Xenomic
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IIRC the LP that I read used these names, unless there's been a brand new patch or something. *shrugs* Reason I'm using those names is because using the new modern names for the NES/SNES games seems...off. Ridersbane doesn't exist in NES/SNES versions where it's Knight Killer in both, for example.

why is this "off?" what's knight killer in japanese has always been horseslayer or ridersbane in the localized versions.

again, names used in translation patches should not be taken as official. they're not strictly wrong, but they're just transliterations of the original japanese. you could make an argument that you shouldn't even be using the transliterations, but the romaji instead (which would be even less intelligible because who's going to take NAITOKIRAA seriously).

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That's the problem, they all bounce around with it for the FE11 pages (FE12 is extremely barebones...). I can't even say how it is for the other pages. We should probably come up with an order for those somehow. Maybe something like this:

1) Quote at the top of the page

2) Little data on the chapter itself

3) Shops

4) Enemy Reinforcements

5) Strategy

6) Trivia

7) Gallery

Dunno what else would appear on the pages though. This isn't like the FFWiki where we can talk about enemy formations or the like...@_@;;

EDIT - To add onto this, I found this, which I was hoping to find:


So...the question is, even though it's not REALLY a support conversation per say, would it fit anywhere on a Support page? Granted, this all comes back to whether or not we have the FE12 things be "Base Conversations" or "Supports", and the poll was still tied so...

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Since the site was being weird at 5 in the morning on my end, this is what I was doing before I went to sleep:


I was thinking it was maybe time to spice up the List of Character pages, so that they're not so bland and boring. Granted, whether or not we can do this for ALL of the pages is something else, but it's better than just a list of pages (we can even extend this to further rows, or just have it at set rows. Your guy's choice!).

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Hmm. Yeah, that order for chapter pages could work. I don't see any problems with it.

As for the Shadow Dragon conversations, I dunno. I think we just put them with the rest of their quotes. If I recall, most of them aren't very long, nor are they really base conversations or supports.

List of characters with portraits? Interesting idea...

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The European version of Shadow Dragon came out first, so we moved all the names to that before we got the NoA names.

...And, between you and me, I'm too lazy to move it again. Seriously, this would be a massive undertaking that no one really wants to do due to how engrained in stuff Akaneia and its cast is. Sorry, part of it is just me not wanting to put in the effort.

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And done with the FE12 character stuff! This is going to have to be its own page, separate from the FE3 Character page (really, a lot of the FE3/12 stuff has been separated as it is. They can still share the same template...I guess). Feel free to give me your inputs on the tables! I'll probably make the page and place it there if the table is fine, and then work on the other character pages.

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So, here's food for thought, but perhaps we should have a translation page for each game, similar to how the Final Fantasy wiki does it? Such as...http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Final_Fantasy/Translations for instance? Or any of the translation pages on that site thereof? I feel it'd be of great help on this site, plus it's something I feel that should be on the site to begin with. It kinda pains me to remove most of the stuff I've been removing on the Character/Weapon/Item pages for games as there's no other good place for them, but after thinking about this today (after doing FE2 and starting FE4 for the character pages), thought it'd be something to think on.

I am still working on fixing up the character pages (FE1/2/3/11/12/13 are all done, though some portraits need reuploaded badly...). Currently working on FE4 and will keep going from there. Still need feedback on the item templates as well, before those get implemented or whatever. Unless you guys are comfortable with how the item pages are right now (using Vulnerary as an example of this).

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