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I think I'm getting skinnier


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Isn't protein needed for the muscles to grow? Liek, proteins for the muscles and fats to use and burn up as energy.



Edited by The leaving song II
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Heh i remember that time i woke up and realized i cant fit into my old size 10 pants anymore. And then...one day...i fit into a size 4. Ummm...i dont think i ever did wear a size 4, even in high school. Odd thing is, i dont look hella super skinny and bony and creepy. The last two years have been full of better eating and cutting out of shit food like fast food and bullshit. I do still have the occasional ramen and burger though. Im plenty active and can actually lift more than i used to. Huh.

They say metabolism changes after 30. lol! Indeed.

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Like I said, I mostly want muscle "tone". Definition. I'm sort of alright with my current body mass, but just a tiny bit more wouldn't hurt.

I don't want to be buff. But neither do I want to be a skinnyfuck with no shape. /= (not that I have been, but just saying)

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Well in general rule 1 = consistency, rule 2 = diet. I wouldn't worry about becoming buff accidentally, because that doesn't happen. If it did, tons of people would be a lot buffer than they are. If your goal is simply to lower BF%, then continue cardio I guess. If you want to gain more muscle before losing BF%, then there are lots of good resources. The starting strength program by Rippetoe is good if you're ok with lifting weights; you don't have to read the book because it's too much information for too little payoff, especially if you're just lifting casually. Rippetoe's videos on form are solid, though. Bodyweight exercises can be convenient. Pushups are surprisingly easy to progress into and really satisfying to do. Pullups or chinups are hard to progress into (you need something to hang from which I had the hardest time finding, and you also need to bring a chair or something if you want to start off with "negative reps"). You reach god status once you can do them, though, as most people can't do a pullup. Situps are a waste of time imho; leg raises tire out abs much more quickly and efficiently. Squats are cool but scary because they take too much willpower.

Alternatively, get $5000 and buy a couple of energy drops. Whatever works.

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I'm at a loss of how am I supposed to even get anywhere close to 100g of protein intake when I'm also going for a calorie deficit to lower my BF%...my protein intake is only around 50~g.

I don't want to get fat. And by "fat", I really mean "just a bit more fat" (not actual chubyness).

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For someone who's building mass 100g can be gotten through a few protein shakes a day. There's this common myth that you can only actually ingest ~30g of it in any one sitting but it's becoming increasingly unfounded. A scoop of whey protein generally has ~30g and ~150 calories. That's about 500 calories from shakes with nothing added (*cringe*). If you're an average male, even a smaller one, you're probably needing ~2000 calories a day. If you're trying to lose weight most recommend you cut 500 calories in eating and exercise at least that same amount. So that would leave you with about 1000 "free" calories that aren't shakes.

There are of course other sources of protein, they don't have to be through shakes. Fish, poultry, beans, corn, many deli meats, nuts, eggs (eggwhites more like)...The average person already consumes a pretty healthy amount of protein, if from awful sources, but to be sure there's some very "light" food out there that you can put a diet together around that are protein-high.

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Esau, you seem informed. I'm genuinely curious what your opinions on energy drinks are for someone with a physical job and averaging 6.5 hours edit: sleep a day, also slight concern of mild addiction

I may or may not have a vested interest in this.

Edited by Parrhesia
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Esau, you seem informed. I'm genuinely curious what your opinions on energy drinks are for someone with a physical job and averaging 6.5 hours edit: sleep a day, also slight concern of mild addiction

I may or may not have a vested interest in this.

My opinion as a fellow addict is MMMM DELICIOUS but in terms of healthiness, not so great I guess. I mean despite what people seem to say a caffeine addiction isn't awful, it's more than anything a bit of a waste of money. The human body builds up an immunity to caffeine very very fast, so that's why if you're anything like me you'd need to pound back two Redbulls to get the same effect you were getting when you first started drinking them a lot. Also drinking more than a cup of coffee or so daily can lead to lethargy and is often attributed to the feelings of insomnia, or so I've read.

In terms of addictions you could do way worse, so that's good.

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I sort of blame the fact that working at the pub gives me free access to 250ml cans of Monster, but it's really my fault. Making an energy drink rating thread and rating every one of the like 30 on offer down the road probably was the tipping point ngl, not a great decision.

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To build muscle, eat meat at almost every opportunity. And keep lifting, gradually raising the weight. Don't stick to light, quick reps because that's just more or less like cardio training, and you said you're already happy with your shape and just want more muscle. Take it higher, but don't kill yourself either.

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