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Trump: is Trump

do I need to say more

He's shown just how messed up the country is because he uses what is available and tells us.

go fuck yourself ein lmao

What is it that I said that is so wrong. Look at what's happening in Europe and that will likely happen to the US.

A small group controlling even more power and doing as they please just the EU.

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Pledge allegiance, no flag
God nation, goddamned
The devil dances with the scorned
And how the fire keeps us warm
Tunnel vision, no man
Damn nation, god damn
Can't see the forest for the trees
Can't heal the wound before we bleed

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ooooh, what'd you think?

Honestly, I was a bit underwhelmed. Don't know what exactly I was expecting, but I guess after all the time I spent grinding supports and characters any finale less than spectacular would be disappointing, and FE being what it is lately, there wasn't much hope. All in all, I was fairly satisfied with the units I grinded and I'm glad to have put an end to it, if a bit disappointed I couldn't max the stats in some of my units. That dragon in the end was not impressive at all.

6/10 story.

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Come to Australia, it's as far away from America as possible

You mean the place that has "safe schools" that are teaching children sexual practices and pornography?

Yeah, that sounds wonderful.

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What is it that I said that is so wrong.

ok since the world is ending anyways i'll entertain this for a bit

here let me select the parts of it that were "so wrong":

Corruption, pathological liar, war mongering, stole the nomination from Bernie, accept money from foreign countries and wealthy people to gain or give political or economic favors, claims that Russia has hacked servers and emails and such but provides no proof and say how she will treat these as actual attacks and be dealt with as such, wholly against democracy, corporate puppet and so on.

+ the part where you imply all of that doesn't apply to trump to a much higher degree

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Corruption, pathological liar, war mongering, stole the nomination from Bernie, accept money from foreign countries and wealthy people to gain or give political or economic favors, claims that Russia has hacked servers and emails and such but provides no proof and say how she will treat these as actual attacks and be dealt with as such, wholly against democracy, corporate puppet and so on.

Alright. And what is she better than? A sociopathic, pathological lying sack of shit who stirs up the American system with hate? That guy who constantly insults women, of which I am one, said a prisoner of war isn't a hero because he got caught, who's platform revolves around not only attempting to build a wall around a country to keep immigrants out, but make them pay for it, a man who wants to ban a religion and deport those of their religion?

A man who's ideas for America would genuinely put us in a worse place, displace the trust of countries who believed in us, and turned the GOP into a laughing stock? Granted, I've been blue my entire life, but the GOP has never been this toxic before and never will never recover.

Oh okay. Clinton has her emails. Emails that have been said to contain nothing with her and were basically there to stir distrust before the election. Okay, her foreign policies aren't the best, but it's not like she'll be alone on this. There are others who can help her in that "weak point" of her's. You know who she has under her belt? Joe Biden being eyed as secretary of state. Who does Trump have under his belt? Pence, a man who is anti choice, tries to make it easier to discriminate against lgbt people... but okay. Clinton is bad. She has her emails and she's corrupted!!!!

Alright, let's say Trump is elected and he doesn't do shit. You know who will? His followers who he's told to incite violence against others, have been known to be raging homophobes and racists, and who have been encouraged to deal with. With actual guns.

I don't like humoring people like this because it only gives them power, but go fuck yourself. Blocked.

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Wow I really hit a nerve didn't I.

like you're a factor in my life whatsoever

I do not support Hillary first of all.

I don't give a fuck about your political views. They're yours.

I'm sure no one else cares that much either.

What I do care about is you very clearly coming into this thread, seeing that some clearly unstable people are upset and clearly do not want to talk about nor be reminded of circumstances, and continuing to run your mouth.

You are saying shitty things to people in shitty places mentally to bring them down more.

It's disrespectful.

Edited by PKLucas531
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