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fapping to yourself is the only way

I enjoy talking to people irl occassionally, I'm way better at it than I am here at least, and getting to change tone and facial expressions means shitposting irl is way better than on the net.

But too much and you get really annoyed with people and ask "why did I even bother".

Chen we must have a hermit-off competition

narcissism is truly what drives us!

quoting paracelsus: "O', you hypocrites, who despise the truths taught you by a true physician, who is himself instructed by Nature, and is the son of God himself! Come, then, and listen, impostors who prevail only by authority of your high positions! After my death, my disciples will burst forth and drag you to the light, and shall expose your dirty drugs, wherewith up to this time you have compassed the death of princes, and the most invincible magnates of the Christian world. Woe for your necks in the day of judgment! I know the monarchy will be mine. Mine, too, will be the honor and the glory. Not that I praise myself: Nature praises me. Of her I am born, her I follow. She knows me, and I know her. The light which is in her I have beheld in her; outside, too. I have proved the same in the figure of the microcosm, and found it in the universe."

i actually do like talking to people and i have some friends too (i went to a birthday today). whenever i think of something cool i accidentally have a smile on my face and then people ask me why i'm smiling but i cannot project the image into their minds and if i could they would not understand. but i have the BEST shitposting expressions, my face is made for it!

talking to people is fun most of the time, too bad my throat literally dries up when i talk too much, some kind of auto-hermitting mechanism

i'll just give the hermit prize to you since i have a job now, you're the #1 frog here sheezy

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Haha, this.

Change the intimacy level and I can say I know the feel.

Well, friendships are relationships too... oh wait you said intimacy level. But yeah. I think I used to do what I now hate people doing but I was really stupid back then.

and now

wait what relationship problems

only me problems

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Well, friendships are relationships too... oh wait you said intimacy level. But yeah. I think I used to do what I now hate people doing but I was really stupid back then.

and now

wait what relationship problems

only me problems

Yeah, it was friendship that I referred to, but I seeeeeee. My condolences. :(

What relationship problems?

But you're all right though. :v

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Cross Ange!? What the....! What!? No Valvrave, no Iron Orphan, no Reconquista, no Aldnoah, no Majestic Prince, no Aquarion Logos, no Knight of Sidonia, no Fafner Exodus, no Macross Delta but Cross Ange? What's next? Kantai Collection? Is this supposed to be a joke?

Well, I found someone else not pleased with Cross Ange in SRW V

Though, I do agree that Valvrave, Aldnoah, or Iron Blooded Orphans, would have been an infinitely better option.

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"I fap to videos of myself fapping to videos of myself fapping"


Is this your theosophism again.

it is isn't it.


this is an intp trait i read about

yeah that happens to me too. just means that you have a richer inner world than normies do, or something.

The same thing happens to me too, yeah. I also have trouble concentrating again on anything afterwards and that fucking sucks, because I go back through literally every line of dialogue that was spoken.

i do not think paracelsus was a theosophist because he was born a few hundred years before the society was made, but he has some pretty sweet quotes

"Dreams must be heeded and accepted. For a great many of them come true."

also he was kinda an asshole

>Paracelsus was known for his arrogance. He gained the wrath of other contemporary physicians in Europe for his arrogance. At one point of time Paracelsus was holding the chair of medicine at the University of Basel when he was allegedly involved in publicly putting traditional medical books on fire.

"richer inner world", i wouldn't call it "rich" in any form lmao... i guess rich in content because i think of things a lot but most people wouldn't understand so it'd be useless to talk to them about it

i have trouble organizing my thoughts before i speak so i either take a long time to speak or spout out total nonsense, with my posts i usually don't think things through to make legible content either unless i'm making a long post. talking while doing something is difficult, i cannot play video games and talk it brings the quality of one thing down

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Well, I found someone else not pleased with Cross Ange in SRW V

Though, I do agree that Valvrave, Aldnoah, or Iron Blooded Orphans, would have been an infinitely better option.

Admittedly, can't say I have much of a comment there.

All in all, I don't mind the cast list.

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For me, it tends to be the emotions in the dream, rather than the latent content that come into reality I guess.

well tbh medicine from his previous 2 centuries was shit and facilitated the worst plagues in history.

Like that 4 humours bullshit? My god that was fucking painful to read about. And the worst part was, there was people actually improving medicine at universities during the bubonic plague, but their works weren't allowed to continue because "hurr durr doesn't comply with the astrological humours theory that's obviously worked so well in stopping the plague".


Rich in content is what I meant.

yeah that's why I'm never serious when I'm talking because I'll never connect anyways.

Continue on with this chen, tis interesting and relatable.

or maybe I'm just inserting myself into too much of what you're saying.

the dreams i have are never that good, just weird. once i dreamed of my parents naked doing copulation in middle school and it was pretty scarring, i didn't want to see that

people were pretty dumb back then and people are still a shit now. there are actual people who are >Anti-Vaccers or believe in that weird hippie stuff, no way! thankfully they are not the mainstream

like, i have best friends but i barely talk to them about my feelings and they don't talk to me about their feelings because I guess, we wouldn't understand each other. i don't have anything to be frustrated about except for video games and school, i'm a pretty okay guy in that respect. one of them broke up with their online boyfriend (from who knows where, aussieland i think) of what, a year, and they still haven't gotten over it. they're also really active in advertising their art and online "drama" with 10 year olds, which i will never ever understand. why do you deal with this. why do you put up with that? it's not even funny it's just sad lol, i hate dealing with kids on the internet because they remind me of when i was a kid and i would rather not tell them off because i know i was once a dumb kid who did dumb kid things. sympathy where it doesn't matter?

huuuuuuh, what else... right, about talking. it just feels awkward most of the time, especially with teachers when they try to relate or be personal with me. i'm always making sure not to cry in front of people (like i ever do pffft) so they don't bother me about it later. or make a scene, or do anything too out of place. there are nerdy kids in my latin class but they're... different from me? they're very excited about everything and they're middle schoolers. how do they excitedly spout dumb internet memes in the classroom like that, embarassingly? i don't get it myself, but this entire post has been a tangent so i hope you understand anything of what i typed

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Wow, and I thought my dreams are bad.

Most of my dreams are just average situations with a hint of fantasy that are sort of kafkaesque.

or I just die, or get the shit beaten out of me.

I wouldn't necessarily say they were dumb, because I'm sure there were some pretty intelligent people who mastered the shit out of the 4 humours theory.

Openess is a bigger issue, to have enough insight to let yourself take in new perspectives, isn't so much a sign of intelligence but more, uhh, well openess I guess.

Now that we have the scientific method and stuff though I'd say groups like anti-vaccers are destined to become minorities though, yes.

hmm...that's interesting. Venting isn't that great in relationships as people make it out to be, so you're fine there.

Yeah, sometimes I find it hard to talk to people who I can't get over a stupid thing about them, but I guess it's necessary, because odds are they could be thinking about stupid things regarding me too.

I'll try to understand though why they do so much stupidity though for perspectives sake however.

When people try to relate to me, I tend to just go with the flow. Most people will just try endlessly to shove you into their preconceived notions of you, so when they're asking you to pour your heart out for them it feels sort of selfish actually.

Those are inferior nerds, who like the idea of being nerds more than actually doing nerd things.

The worst.

Nah, tangents are the only way for thoughts to be expressed sometimes.

eh, most of the time my dreams aren't that bad. just in that instance, that was really really awful, anything worse would be the one where my grandpa got replaced by waluigi or when my brother became a demon and i had to fight him... i couldn't look at him straight for an entire day, also once i had a yume nikki dream (????????) and recently, i had a dream where i was praising mastema in a cult (accurate)

The scientific method was in fact not a mistake

my chemistry textbook had this thing where a couple got lead poisoning from drinking in expensive italian cups (why?) and they used the scientific method to find that out, really amazing! but yeah openness is a miracle of the world and more people need to be open to new things (including me, but i think i'm pretty open)

i don't mind venting, but i'm rather bad at giving advice so i'd rather not people ask me about it, but i'd rate myself a 9/10 armrest and support pillow. no advice, just HAPPI HAPPI from me

like, i wouldn't call it dumb to their faces but wow am i thinking it right in front of them. i'm not that rude or blunt, and i don't think the advice would work, so w/e. i'm rather inoffensive as a person so i don't worry about things like that

thinking from other people's perspectives is important, but i'm too lazy to do it... not lazy, but it's more a "so what?" feeling. "that's dumb, and you should be feeling THIS instead" kind of thing. but i still exercise my empathy muscles a lot! just not too hard.

i haven't had anyone try to relate to me recently (do you count?) so i think i'm fine. when people complain about certain things and when i know i've had it way worse i don't think much of it. oh man. that person complaining about their relationship, their whatever didn't talk to them for a few days and they're worried they're cheating on them holy fuck how? maybe i'm too relaxed about things but being busy is a reasonable excuse for everything since i do go off and do my own things most of the time. speaking of that, my friends complain that i don't hang out with them enough and they want me to sleep over at their house. but what they don't get is that their house is not my home, and nothing will replace the home in my heart. a house is not a "home" unless you've made it a "home" and this is definitely my home, i cannot get enough of my own home seriously i'd rate my own room 10/10 in comfiness i can sleep all day here, NEET all day here, maybe even spend my whole life here. sleeping over somewhere, especially when i wake up with mysterious bug bites that they refuse to account for, is a turnoff. plus i don't have my own bed to sleep in, what's a sleep without your own bed? that's no sleep.

nerd secondaries are the worst <T B H>, i just don't like it when people capitalize on their identities as if it were something to manufacture massively, some image to sell to other people to make yourself look more special. you may be attracting more mates, but that's absolutely nahweh i don't like it at all. shit i know two boys in my homeroom and they do the "lol 4chanz so funny so edgy political humor XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD i hate es jay double-us " shit and it absolutely disgusts me. why would you do that to yourself, fucking secondaries don't know when to shut up

oh good, i'm just typing whatever comes to mind, it made sense when it was in my head

Something significant of the 23, or you had no idea what my age is?

i had like, no idea how old you were so it was a shock, not a shock knowing the age average here though

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Oh, dream talk. My dreams can be so random...

i had like, no idea how old you were so it was a shock, not a shock knowing the age average here though

Well, I have my birthday listed on my profile. But I guess it's not a place that many visit often, heh.

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SF is loading at disgustingly low speeds right now

Well, I have my birthday listed on my profile. But I guess it's not a place that many visit often, heh.

DW i don't visit profiles often unless it's for sending PMs

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I bet people are gonna jump on me in that Kaga/Post-Kaga era preference thread because I brought up why I like things in both.

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I bet people are gonna jump on me in that Kaga/Post-Kaga era preference thread because I brought up why I like things in both.

I feel like you should be fine. I'm only speaking from my experience, but I've made it known I like every game in the series to an extent, and I've never really gotten trouble for that.

Edited by shinpichu
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