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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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Sometimes dreams can really change your perspective though.

Like one time I had a dream where some angel told me I was going to die in 3 days, that it was inevitable and unavoidable. The next 3 days were absolutely life-changing, I began to realize how enjoyable even the simplest of pleasures seemed when it was all going to be taken away from me in a few days. From there on (well temporarily at least) after the dream, I sort of stopped with the whole 'death > life' thing, just because those feelings of the dream were too strong.

Because the goblets and cups the rich drank from were glazed using lead. It wasn't a problem for the plebs, since they didn't drink from glazed cups, but for the rich it was sort of common.

I don't think my advice is bad per se, just usually it's not the answer people want to hear. And a lot of the times, when they're asking me for advice, they already know what they want to do, so I just go with that.

I can't really empathize. Every time I try, it just feels like I'm being counterproductive and useless by just saying "I'm sorry". Is that really going to help them? I'd want to brainstorm solutions, but I also know that sometimes people want empathy more than that, but I feel like I'd just let them down if I try. It's weird.

My home is where not only my heart lies, but probably where the rest of my organs are too. Seriously, I feel like I cannot function properly when I'm out of it. I absolutely love it, and in a larger sense my town. I'm not sure if I could ever really adjust to another place really. Like, what would happen if you took patchy out of the scarlet devil mansion for a long period of time. Death? I dunno. Point is, I've never experienced being away from home more than a month and I don't want to. There's been countless days where I've only left my room for meals, and I can do that just because I've acclimated so deeply into it. Reading, playing viola, video games, shit posting, I can do whatever I could ever want to do in life right there.

Yes, nerd secondaries. I mean, what kind of nerd calls themselves a nerd? A true nerd, would call themselves an "enthusiast" or something. I cannot stand normies and their "nerd culture", especially when said nerds go to parties/aren't virgins/are not even that smart. Just, don't. You can't become a true nerd by just following a crowd. Ugh, you're not funny, you're not smart, and I hope you don't think you're cool.

ah, i've never had a real life changing dream, all i have are dreams that make me panic for 10 minutes in the morning or dreams that are horribly benign. like today, i had a dream where i had a book published and i looked online and it had shit reviews, i didn't really think much of it in the dream or now. it's a kids book anyways, they're still buying the crap. but sometimes i just realize how important living is. i actually really like my family no matter how much they annoy me sometimes and i don't ever want to disappoint them or make them sad, dying in itself sounds awful now that i think about it, nobody's lived to tell the tale! (hahaha)

to be specific, i think this story took place in a modern time... why are you drinking out of expensive decorative cups in 2016? i wouldn't know myself, glass is the best material

sometimes it's less real emphasizing, and more hearing a person out. they want to feel like they're doing more than talking to a wall, they're talking to a person that acts effectively as a wall. like those confession rooms in churches? you need to tell it all to them or it will spill out, just like that. if they wanted a solution, i'd redirect them to somebody more well-versed in what they're asking about, most likely other people i don't know or care about

i do love my home a lot and i feel as if i'd die without it, but i also like to travel. not too much, not too far maybe, in a place that's somewhat like my home. last year my family dragged me to go on a vacation to california and i was ABSOLUTELY, ABSOLUTELY against it for a few days and told them to not waste the plane tickets on me. you know what, i think i actually ended up enjoying it despite the fact that 90% of the trip was just sleeping on a bus or sleeping somewhere else because i was sleep deprived. but there's still no place quite like home, a literal bomb shelter for the heart. when i have insects in here i cannot STAND it since they invade my space

hm, but i do wonder why we think that way. maybe because nerds are already a minority and seeing people try to imitate a minority of people to try to be cool is dumb. hey, you've gotta work to be a nerd. not just wave around a special badge and proclaim your "XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD lol so randum i'm a nerd guys lmao video games" thing. fucking secondaries i swear

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Yeah, it was friendship that I referred to, but I seeeeeee. My condolences. :(

What relationship problems?

But you're all right though. :v

It's okay.

Exactly. There is none for me now!

My real self is! As in when I'm feeling like me and not the irrational side and whatnot.

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oh god why is this site so slowww

Exactly. There is none for me now!
My real self is! As in when I'm feeling like me and not the irrational side and whatnot.

/gives suku

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Yeah, I don't see myself ever taking my life, just like hamlet all the damn stygiophobia is enough of a barrier.

My parents are fine, they do annoy me a lot though. l guess there's nothing either of us can do about annoying each other however.

Oh really? well then...I don't really have an answer for that.

There's another thing, I never trust my own solutions anyways, so I'm caught in between giving meaningful advice and being a wall and it fucking sucks.

I'll never make things worse for people though, but for me not improving the situation is just as bad as making things worse when talking to people.

I went to europe for 2 weeks in june and it was pretty great experience, I learned a lot and really got out of my comfort zone. I always dread traveling though, and I'll protest as much as I can about traveling until it's over. I guess I just have a rough time enjoying the present...Sometimes I do think travel is necessary, and even if you don't like it, it's still good because it just makes you appreciate home more.

Yes, nerds do exist...but the group isn't nearly as inclusive as people wish it was.

stygiophobia? i don't fear hell itself, i think that nothingness would be worse. how do you even feel nothingness? that's right, there's nothing there. that would be the most boring thing in the world, imagine if you wandering around in nothing for eternity. worse than people with pitchforks stabbing at you because at least you know there are still beings around you

i'm not much of a perfectionist when it comes to people, i figure that they'll get over it eventually or have it figured out soon. if i know how to relax, they can probably do so too... probably?

i don't think i've ever made things worse for people. that would actually be difficult to do, i would have to intentionally do that and there's never a reason to be an asshole to people. i wouldn't call not improving a situation as bad as worsening it, but there's always the potential for doing better that's always there. i place a lot of confidence in what i say anyways because i can always improve on it

btw, where did you visit in europe? europe sounds ultra kakkoi with the bakeries and the buildings, you don't get to see that kind of architecture in a big city. i bet they have overpriced restaurants with above average food too

i for one don't actually like calling myself things or participating in "fandom" (is that what they call it) stuff because i'd like to enjoy things on my own, or with a few friends. it seems a lot more rewarding to enjoy things with yourself

btw, i don't think you have a discord or skype or anything, but i wanted to hand you a collection of something

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The servers are so slow and Jyo is most likely roaming around AX. :T

I forgot all about it until Ein mentioned it yesterday before we left.

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