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Oh, man, that reminds me of the days of huge essay test finals back to back. Though, it was the right hand cramping up in my case.

Oh jeez those, I feel like my hand is going to drop off. Especially when there is a essay test after an essay test- then an essay test the next day!

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Hi Lux

Yeah..my ap world history teacher makes us write the questions and then the answer to this one assignment we had. It was 50 questions and the questions were literally all short answer OTL Then it was frustrating when you got it wrong and you couldn't erase it since he /demands/ that you write in pen or else he won't take it as a grade

Nahh it's fine broski

But that is good to know! How's the gameplay so far?

ap world history?

And that sucks. I hated when my teachers forced us to write with pens for the same reasons.

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Hmm, that's no good... if it's all right, could I be a poor stand-in for her?

I am fine, was a slow day, though I've been constant interviews lately, so I guess it's okay.

I might be going to sleep since I slept during the this pre-testing period for something that's happening on Wednesday.

Felt so bad my assistant principal kept waking me up crai. But I see, that is good to know!

kitty remember oblivia

do you ever intend on CONTINUING the temple thing


Everyone loves Totodile

That's good to know

Today ended on a rather good note

I wrote about it when I got back but don't feel like finding the poooost

Nah I read it. Something about you being a boss and getting a ride home from the drumline guy cause of that one clarinet dude that acts like a prick <:

Oh, man, that reminds me of the days of huge essay test finals back to back. Though, it was the right hand cramping up in my case.

How've you been? I missed you Sat and Sun, did you finish those problems without any more issue or questions? And did you see the link I dropped for you with the women in armor?

;___; the sole reminder of what my english eoc is going to be about crai. Maaaan I am not looking forward to that. But good evening! I am having mixed feelings overall, but I guess today was alright. They actually helped a /lot/ when I was doing some more practice ACT stuff for this thing on Wednesday at school. So thanks! And yes, I saw the link of the women in armor. I think the design ended up really really well. That being said, how have you been Bal?

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Good idea. Later on I'll watch some parts of this LP. Not that the LP is boring. It gets repetitive sometimes though.

Ahhhh, class. Surprisingly, it was interesting. I decided to pay more attention than usual today.

Oh, what LP? and agreed, sometimes it can get that way indeed

Heh, you should be paying more attention, not that I'm one to talk, I usually didn't <_<

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It's different playing with a DS instead of a GC controller that much is certain, trying to get used to Mega Man and Villager, they seem a bit awkard

I suppose it takes a bit of adjustment! But huh, I've heard different about them. Apparently they're really good and were praised during streams and such. o Ao

ap world history?

And that sucks. I hated when my teachers forced us to write with pens for the same reasons.

It's like a really accelerated course for World History I suppose. Usually you would learn from the year 1500 to the present but in AP, you learn 12,000 years. It also helps you get college credit by taking this test they have at the end of the year.

I typically am okay with pen as long they are compromising but writing the questions were just horrible ono;;

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I might be going to sleep since I slept during the this pre-testing period for something that's happening on Wednesday.

Felt so bad my assistant principal kept waking me up crai. But I see, that is good to know!

I see I see, that's good, you need your rest after all, I recall mention of a test or something on Wednesday, so I wish you good luck when the time comes.

"Kittee, you shouldn't fall all asleeping here, wake up, go get some wateer"... Well, considering my luck, nothing's set yet.

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;___; the sole reminder of what my english eoc is going to be about crai. Maaaan I am not looking forward to that. But good evening! I am having mixed feelings overall, but I guess today was alright. They actually helped a /lot/ when I was doing some more practice ACT stuff for this thing on Wednesday at school. So thanks! And yes, I saw the link of the women in armor. I think the design ended up really really well. That being said, how have you been Bal?

Heh, sorrow to be a harbinger of bad omens. Mixed feelings is kind of unfortunate, but also kind of fortunate too, I guess. Such is the virtue of being mixed.

Glad to hear the lesson came in handy then! I wasn't sure if you finished because you went to sleep early on Friday, but I shouldn't have doubted and just believed. You are a good girl. What is this thing that's happening on Wednesday, an organized practice exam or...?

Excellent, I think I snagged most of those pictures off of one of those tumblr repost things, and a lot of the armor designs were good and practical, so I figured it would be useful for your situation.

What I've been up to? I just typed a post to shock about it earlier, but firefox ate it in submission and I was sad. There wasn't a whole lot notable. I helped my mother paint the outside of the house over the weekend, my dad was out of town at a scout campout thing. The siding and windows were redone over the summer and with winter closing in getting the paint on the bits than need it before that hits is kind of coming up fast. Watched some movies over the weekend, World War Z and Divergent, and I finished Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright. I'm now playing Style Savvy Trendsetters when I'm not practicing some Touhou. I'm going to put a couple complete replays up on my youtube channel, if you have any interest I could link you.

Other than that and getting annoyed by some allergies (my eyes are itchy and watery kind of fierce right now) I think it's mostly same old same old for me.

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