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Etrian Odyssey 2 Mafia - Game Over


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I know that they WEREN'T 1v1s, but you thought that they were and pushed them based on a misunderstanding. My point wasn't that they were correct but that they were things you would do as town, whereas this game you've been pretty much avoiding roles because they point to scum!you when they have to be responsible for a blocked kill and I don't think you would try and do that as town, especially if you think that Wen is actually a vig.

And do you think scum!Wen could fame a townslip if he couldn't fake a single read?

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except here I DONT THINK IT'S A 1V1

like seriously how hard is that to understand

And you haven't been reading my posts if you think I'm avoiding roles. I was the first person to point out why GP was likely to be town because of the redirected hook, and to defend Wen due to his role.

It's 100x easier to fake a townslip than to fake reads how is this even a question? Are you seriously comparing reading 40 pages of text to find a good read to something incredibly simple like calling the flipped ITP scum? The first requires actual thought and the second one doesn't. But again, I reiterate, I don't think Wen is scum.

Refa was attacking me for more time yesterday than you were and I was more sure he was town than you. >_>

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Can't say for sure, on one hand, GP has claimed safeguard, which isn't that strong a role against kills. On the other hand, most of us seem to consider him town pretty much...

No, if I were a maf, I'd leave GP alone with the knowledge that he can't bother my killings anyway.

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SB's BBM case is making me a Sad Baldrick. The meta he is using is poor, SB/BBM being blocked has never been a 1v1, we cannot discount the possibility of fleur being the N1 kill. And the point about the townslip is a stretch, you'd need to find evidence of BBM doing the contrary as town before making a claim that town!BBM would never do it.

Wen, if you were determining Shinori's action last night, who would you have protected?

If Wen is telling the truth about his being blocked, that means there's very probably scum among the inactives. (Elieson/Kirsche). Maybe bear did fail to recruit elie after all?

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You're kinda avoiding the hook thing and are stubbornly convinced that Fleur was the mafia kill AND that Wen is town, which is kind of odd.

I'm pretty sure Wen wouldn't think of the townslip thing on his own, so I doubt it's faked as his scumbuddies would probably give him SOMETHING to say once he became a major wagon if he was antitown.

Completely forgot about Refa's attack though.

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The point ISN'T that it's a 1v1, the point is that I don't think town!BBM would just sit back and not really seem to make an attempt to read into me rather than just assuming that the mafia and the vig killed the same person. I expected him to look into this more when Shinori revealed he was doc and didn't protect anyone night 1, but he hasn't done that at all.

@Baldrick, iirc one of Prims/Paperblade said this a lot better at one point, where town BBM tries his best to clear people whereas here BBM is casting doubt over Wen despite him being a townread for no real reason.

I'm tempted to just claim right now but I'll try for a little longer before I out.

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I am so bored. Going to try and play a bit of catch up but could use some help. Am I right in thinking:

[spoiler=Claim List]]Poet: Safeguard

BBM: Friendly Neighbour


Shinori: Follower/Doc

Refa: Hooker

Poly: Driver

Is all we have? Also some kind of scum hooker who targetted Poet N1 but noone else N2? Who was hooked N1?

How many kills did Elieson say he had anyways? Was it 2 or 3?

Where did this come from?

Why was I your scummiest nullread when I was a townread before this?

I didn't hook Wen, I hijacked him to target Elieson.

Why did you hijack a town read?

Town is more likely to spam post than scum. Try and prove me wrong.



Spam posting is terrible btw. It's worse than walling by far as at least with walls I know where the content is but with all these shitty spam posts trawling through for content is like the worst thing. The end of D2 was especially bad.

Would hazard guess at Elie/Eury/scorri/kirsche?

Why am I scum?

BBM/Refa excluded, can everyone post lynch priorities or something as when rereading I find that most people are just talking about null reads? Speaking of, I can see the case on Eury but "most of her reads are null reads" feels like it could be applied to most people. Like, if you're reading everyone active as town/null why are you saying someone is scummy for saying a lot of people are town/null? SB is also guilty of attacking her and scorri for this but he's actually got a case which would sheep now that I've read it.

I cannot be bothered to read indepth any more than this.

Refa > BBM > Everyone else

Sheep me for I am the master.

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I'm trying guys, I'm trying.

I don't think Kirsche is scum. If he is, he'd better watch himself.

I also don't believe that claim that BBM made. But it hinges on something elsev that I picked up on that doesn't seem right regarding a bpv. Gut tells me one of bbm and/or scorri are scum.

lol at the bear thing (no one is as protown as I!)

Why didn't I get killed last night? Why didn't wen kill me now?

##Vote Refa

for hijacking a vigclaim

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Why didn't I get killed last night? Why didn't wen kill me now?

Because Wen got roleblocked?

Elie's post does nothing to make me like him anymore.

Would not currently be interested in lynching BBM.

Kirsche for proreading with stuff that's happened. Wen claims blocked last night, so that's another possible block (assuming he's not lying).

I assume Refa hijacked the vig in an attempt to make it shoot who he viewed as scum since n1 proved (at least from one pov) that the vig has... unique ways of determining who to shoot.

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Also some kind of scum hooker who targetted Poet N1 but noone else N2? Who was hooked N1?

Lets see. SB and BBM were both hooked N1, Wen was hooked last night

Your vote on Refa appears to solely be because he's "spam" posting, since if it's because he claimed roleblock, that's dumb because he wasn't the unclaimed hook that tried to target one of our claimed info roles.

Voting a claimed friendly townie is also dumb since either they can be proven tonight or scum needs to waste time roleblocking them


Refa please use your actions better.

sounds like you're just as high on your own smughorse as you claim I am.

As for my grammar, I'm working on ~3 hours of sleep, so meh, idgaf.

Oh, and you're missing my claim of BPV who was shot on your list of role claims, along with the fact that GP claimed follower, a claim which Shinori reported to be true via his own follower claim. Your case on BBM seems to be solely based on the fact that he claimed he suspected you, completely ignoring the fact that his role can be proven.

Is that enough for what you missed or should I find more?

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sounds like you're just as high on your own smughorse as you claim I am.

Aww bless, someone hasn't figured out who I'm rping as yet.

On topic: I'm not unconvinced that a friendly neighbour godfather variant could exist.

Ty for elaborating, you've been a big help *Claps*. You still haven't answered my other question though: Who is scum?

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Aww bless, someone hasn't figured out who I'm rping as yet.

You RPing or not doesn't change that you're being an ass right now.

On topic: I'm not unconvinced that a friendly neighbour godfather variant could exist.

It's true. But unless you have a better reason for lynching BBM today than "He thinks I could be scum" and "His role could be a godfather role", I'm not interested and continue to think that you're bad for pushing him.

Moving past the continued condescension, I thought the fact that I've said I'd be interested in lynching Eli previously and then more recently stated that his post did nothing to make me feel better about him would indicate, just maybe, that I currently view him as scum. Beyond that, I'm not 100% sure, it's more that I'm gaining a growing list of town reads. I still need to ISO some people, so I'll try to get a more comprehensive list of who I think is scum by the end of the night, but for now


since I realized I had yet to do that.

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Eli's last post is bad because he's pushing Refa for him not being dead when nobody died at all and then he decides there might be a 1v1 between BBM and scorri for no reason?

I'd be interested if scorri could name what happened to Eli, actually. Her last few posts just feels like jumping on obviously bad play like she did in Inception imo and blindly defending the unproven Friendly Townie without taking into account the fact it could easily come from scum. I find the idea that a Friendly Townie managed to flop their action twice in a row kind of unlikely, and considering it might be *YLO tomorrow I don't feel like it's worth the night. Still happy to lynch BBM.

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