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Etrian Odyssey 2 Mafia - Game Over


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Also Eli is probably legit imo, scorri shot has been proven and matches up with what he was saying earlier (and inno'd scorri means they're probably not scum together?) and BBM spent all of D2 pushing for an Eli lynch, I'm more inclined to side with him for now.

Basically Green is safeguarding Wen tonight so he can't claim his action didn't work as scum. If Shin flips town, he shoots Elieson, if Shin flips scum he shoots Eurykins.

In the event that I do not survive tomorrow until I would advocate a massclaim then if another 1v1 doesn't crop up.

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Dangitall I've lost my post 4 times now.

tl;dr version

#946 is the reasoning behind my scan. I figured BBMS CUM META implies that he might have thrown a scumbuddy's name in there, and I was pretty blanked out as to any other major scumreads.

Kim Refossible already explained why your role is scummy mcscum scum and I don't need to reiterate it to explain why. If I'm wrong, give us something worth it.

The only way I'm wrong is if you've been tailored and/or I'm lying. I can see why a ninja would exist in this setup, and I'm trysting my scan.

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Dangitall I've lost my post 4 times now.

tl;dr version

#946 is the reasoning behind my scan. I figured BBMS CUM META implies that he might have thrown a scumbuddy's name in there, and I was pretty blanked out as to any other major scumreads.

Funny how this applies directly to Eli as well. I'd like to know why Eli would 1. scan me to find my role and 2. lie about it. Baldrick confirmed that what I said is true, I acted on the Baldrick/Xin slot mostly out of curiosity, I was reading null on the slot and figured that it would easy for them to fly under the radar.

It's amazing how DA BEAR's failed recruitment of Eli is being conveniently ignored, There's also the fact his action was confirmed but his target has not been, it'd be very easy for scum!Eli to target someone else and make up a role for me, having gathered information from someone else and removing me from the game.

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There's also Eli's questionable lack of content in D1-2, and although he claims to have scanned kirsche early on, he's never revealed the role in order to prove it. His late vote of BBM during the previous day phase looks like an awful attempt at bussing, he doesn't even bother consider lynching BBM until he was near hammer.

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My kirsche check was confirmed, you dingbat

Also, I thought either you, Eury or scorri might be scum that BBM mentioned. Bpv scum scorri is still a possibility, but if I got a role on Eury that wasnt indicative of anything, then I'd be pressing an afk player for information. Lousy plan IMO.

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I clearly said I didn't want to risk a scum self hammer

You make no mention of BBM before this and you didn't exactly make very much use of the time before BBM got hammered. It's very easy to say that you don't want a hammer, especially that close to the end. Plus, you say you vig-shotted scorri, but also note the absence of a nightkill from scum and the fact we have another vig, it seems too coincidental to have so many killing roles in one game.

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Considering the length of his claim, I'd be more inclined to think Wen were out town vig rather than Eli - who I currently trust less than Horace's ability to actually do something productive.

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Recall that we have two claimed trackers, two claimed followers, a watcher claim, a cop claim and a rolecop claim. Now, I don't know about you guys, but that sure sounds like a whole lot of information to me.

Something that is a bit off to me though, which is Eli claims Shin is 1-shot hook. Which means that we still have a hook unaccounted for. Wen's been hooked twice, so even if the hook on SB N1 came from Fleur, that's still one that's missing. Just something to think about.

I still think that Eli lying here is less likely that him telling the truth, simply because of the fact that he'll get shot tonight if he's lying.

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So.... I got home late on... Monday, was last day phase (?) (school from 6am-past 5pm, ugh) and apparently it got cut early the next morning, so I had no chance to post after I finished my work. Granted, it ended with a successful scan on BBM and scum lynch, so I'm cool with that. (I just couldn't post anything worth shit, sorry. ;/)

Will be taking a moment to catch up on what's happened so far.

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Considering the length of his claim, I'd be more inclined to think Wen were out town vig rather than Eli - who I currently trust less than Horace's ability to actually do something productive.

The length of my claim? What does that even mean? I claimed as much as I felt was appropriate at the time, and i wasn't expecting to hit a bpv. Are you saying I should've CC'd the town vig?

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Huh, so N2 was as followed (in accordance to post #968):

SBuh: Copped Scorri, confirmed her as town.

GP: Followed Elie, confirmed a rolecop shot.

Elie: Rolecopped Shin, got back... something sketchy as fuck.

Refa: Roleblocked Shin

Kopf: Shot at Eury, got roleblocked

There are several things I will confirm here.

Also, while I cannot quote flavor text... I believe I was roleblocked these 2 nights in a row by the same person.

Probably the same person who tried to roleblock GP N1.

Yup, that's right. The last role blocker that has yet to claim, would be me. I can confirm that I've smacked Kop twice the past night phases with my 2-shot role blocking ability.

**You all know by now the fact that I don't trust Kop as far as I can throw him, and since I don't even know him irl... yeah. No can do. I didn't fancy the idea of plausible scum killer who OPENLY claims to be out and about with his shots, so I just took matters into my own hands and blocked him twice. And thanks for attempting to shoot me, Kop- I feel the love.

In addition, I see some issues with the claim on Shin (made by Elie) in terms of him having the role block, since Shin could NOT have hosted the role block source last night, given Refa's block on him.

**AAAAAAAAAND, this just in, Elie ninja-posting while I'm trying to post.

The length of my claim? What does that even mean? I claimed as much as I felt was appropriate at the time, and i wasn't expecting to hit a bpv. Are you saying I should've CC'd the town vig?

Eh? Who's to say that Kop is even a town vig? And why would you even try to CC a town vig to begin with?

I'm figuring Elie's scan on Shin = BS.

##Vote: Elieson

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That is assuming he is a town vig. I was not willing to risk a scum variant vig roaming about with his kills, and if Elie is here attempting to CC to some extent, then one or both of them will flip each other as being scummy or not.

In addition, the past night phases have gone (luckily) without any townie deaths. Imo, it was well-worth putting off his kills and weeding out someone else safely, especially now knowing that he tried shooting me for god-knows-what-reasons last night phase. Would rather use a roleblock on someone I think is dangerous, than on some others that I do not see as posing a threat to myself and/or others.

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That is assuming he is a town vig. I was not willing to risk a scum variant vig roaming about with his kills, and if Elie is here attempting to CC to some extent, then one or both of them will flip each other as being scummy or not.

then why would you be voting for the cc who discredits him

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