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If the supports were the icing on the cake, then I want my cake without icing.

FE4 had marriage options and only few pairings got conversations and it's way better.

FE4 also wasn't localized. Is that a small enough amount of icing for you?

Here's a headcanon: the Hubba Tester is different every time because there are different Hubbas running it- Hubba is part of a huge clan like Anna.

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For one thing... everyone after Lucina lacks supports? Which is still after only half of the game in a game with perma death. They serve as marriage fodder for the Mary Sue and that's it. Not to mention... units in fe13 need supports just to stay competitive because enemies are scaled to take those bonuses into account. Those avoid and hit bonuses back then were nice but they were not vital to avoid being double attacked into submission.

The kids in FE4 got their parent's items (In a game where even an ordinary Iron Sword is unique and every weapon can gain Exp. Possession actually means something there.), money but most of all: Purpose.

The story is actually about the kids actually taking over their parents legacy and to have them deal with the world that they left behind. They are not tagged on like the kids in FE13, "Oh yeah, we came totally from the future along with Lucina, even though you saw the portal through which she came and we were nowhere. Afterwards we just kinda got lost for two years. But now we are here and we are going to show Grima's prepromotes what unpaired level 10 units are made of. So... could you please stay of the battlefield for once so that I can get a slot and a support partner? Also, if you want to doom the future of our resident namesakes by leaving Grima alive, we are all totally okay with that because 'après nous le déluge' is the best motto that a game about generations and legacy can have."

They are redundant low level clones in gameplay and drag down the story.

The way they maneuvered the kids made sense because none of them except Lucina are guaranteed to exist. They can't just toss them all at you at once or make them part of the storyline because that's just not Fire Emblem's way and the main storyline isn't even very long. Now if you prefer the plot of FE4 then that's your business and most peeps will accept that but Awakening's mechanics were different. Whether that's due to a sucky plot or the different inheritance system or whatever, you can't well compare it to a game where all children were 100% either born or replaced by generic losers and where there was no grinding. Awakening is by far the hardest FE to compare to the others, it deviated from the norm pretty radically seeing as how all the other games evolved so little.

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Here's a headcanon: the Hubba Tester is different every time because there are different Hubbas running it- Hubba is part of a huge clan like Anna.

Haha, this would be funny. lol

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'Kay, so mine is pretty long...

So, first of all, every kid's biological parents are set in stone - both parents. Otherwise, they would look and act significantly different depending on the second parent. After all, they couldn't have been raised exactly the same way regardless of something as important as that. DNA would have changed their faces and body types as well. All of them were born with the hair colors depicted in their original art.

Second of all, nobody time-traveled. They all dimension-traveled. Naga sent each and every one of them to this realm from an Outrealm, but first altered their memories so they thought their "optional parent" was whoever their "non-optional parent" married in this realm. In the case of Morgan, she just erased most of his/her memories herself.

Suppose, for example, that Lon'qu is Owain's biological father (and Lissa's canon husband) but Lissa married Robin. Then, as Owain hopped dimensions, Naga altered his memories by replacing Lon'qu with Robin. But she didn't alter his father's actions in his memory - otherwise Owain would be a different person. This is why Owain honestly believes that Robin took an arrow for him, even though by then Robin would have become Grima. Naga also had to make it look like Owain was truly Robin's son, and the easiest way was to change Owain's hair color (and his memories of it) to match Robin's.

This is why Noire thinks her father would never play around with curses, even if he's Henry or Ricken. This is why Severa thinks her mother never got over Chrom, even though Cordelia explicitly says she does in some of her S supports. This is why Brady looks and talks just like Vaike no matter who Maribelle marries.

As for the siblings, well...

Lucina originally had a younger sibling - let's say it's Cynthia. But Naga must account for Chrom deciding to marry, oh, let's say Sully. So she has some swapping to do: she switches Chrom out for Cynthia's father in her memories and Sumia out for Sully in Lucina's memories, and makes Kjelle's hair blue. She also takes out Cynthia's memories of Lucina being her sister and implants them in Kjelle. In Lucina's memory, Cynthia gets switched out for Kjelle in all of the sisterly interactions. The ways Cynthia and Kjelle remember interacting with Lucina in non-sibling-like ways are the same as before. Whoever Lucina's new sibling is, Naga grants him/her the power to wield Falchion.

Morgan, meanwhile, originally had an older sibling. Supposing, like before, that Robin and Lissa marry, Naga took Morgan's memories of her sibling and gave them to Owain. So now Owain thinks he has a sister when he never did, and who is Morgan to correct him? If, instead, Robin is female and marries Chrom, then the same switch as before with Lucina happens, and no new memories are implanted in her.

In this realm, the only one who has actually been born out of the kids is Lucina. So it is entirely possible that few or even none of the others are destined to be born in this "timeline".

I made an account here just so I could post that.

So, uh... Hi, everybody. Howzit goin'? :/:

EDIT: Just wanted to clarify something:

I don't mean to say that Lon'qu is Owain's canonical father, or any such thing. All the examples I presented above are just there to illustrate my point. The only biological set-in-stone father in my theory so far is that Vaike is definitely Brady's father.

Edited by TheBattyOne
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That's not bad at all, and would explain a lot of the highly biologically-incorrect plot holes that the game's generational system has, yeah. I can buy that.

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This is why Brady looks and talks just like Vaike no matter who Maribelle marries.

Just a correction... rough Tokyo accent isn't specific to Vaike in any fashion. Maribelle does the rough "accent" just with more ladylike endings.

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Just a correction... rough Tokyo accent isn't specific to Vaike in any fashion. Maribelle does the rough "accent" just with more ladylike endings.

Sorry - I meant in the English version. Probably should've specified that.

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Naga is actually Nagi. Also, Naga is a genderless being.

I'm not even sure if this counts since the previous games made it quite clear that Naga is dead as dead can be and Nagi is his/her incarnation.

Edited by Ranger Jack Walker
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Naga is actually Nagi. Also, Naga is a genderless being.

I'm not even sure if this counts since the previous games made it quite clear that Naga is dead as dead can be and Nagi is his/her incarnation.

I think that one is canon.

"Naga" seems to be a bit of a title/state of being in Awakening, given what happens with Tiki in The Future Past.

'Kay, so mine is pretty long...

So, first of all, every kid's biological parents are set in stone - both parents. Otherwise, they would look and act significantly different depending on the second parent. After all, they couldn't have been raised exactly the same way regardless of something as important as that. DNA would have changed their faces and body types as well. All of them were born with the hair colors depicted in their original art.

Second of all, nobody time-traveled. They all dimension-traveled. Naga sent each and every one of them to this realm from an Outrealm, but first altered their memories so they thought their "optional parent" was whoever their "non-optional parent" married in this realm. In the case of Morgan, she just erased most of his/her memories herself.

Suppose, for example, that Lon'qu is Owain's biological father (and Lissa's canon husband) but Lissa married Robin. Then, as Owain hopped dimensions, Naga altered his memories by replacing Lon'qu with Robin. But she didn't alter his father's actions in his memory - otherwise Owain would be a different person. This is why Owain honestly believes that Robin took an arrow for him, even though by then Robin would have become Grima. Naga also had to make it look like Owain was truly Robin's son, and the easiest way was to change Owain's hair color (and his memories of it) to match Robin's.

This is why Noire thinks her father would never play around with curses, even if he's Henry or Ricken. This is why Severa thinks her mother never got over Chrom, even though Cordelia explicitly says she does in some of her S supports. This is why Brady looks and talks just like Vaike no matter who Maribelle marries.

As for the siblings, well...

Lucina originally had a younger sibling - let's say it's Cynthia. But Naga must account for Chrom deciding to marry, oh, let's say Sully. So she has some swapping to do: she switches Chrom out for Cynthia's father in her memories and Sumia out for Sully in Lucina's memories, and makes Kjelle's hair blue. She also takes out Cynthia's memories of Lucina being her sister and implants them in Kjelle. In Lucina's memory, Cynthia gets switched out for Kjelle in all of the sisterly interactions. The ways Cynthia and Kjelle remember interacting with Lucina in non-sibling-like ways are the same as before. Whoever Lucina's new sibling is, Naga grants him/her the power to wield Falchion.

Morgan, meanwhile, originally had an older sibling. Supposing, like before, that Robin and Lissa marry, Naga took Morgan's memories of her sibling and gave them to Owain. So now Owain thinks he has a sister when he never did, and who is Morgan to correct him? If, instead, Robin is female and marries Chrom, then the same switch as before with Lucina happens, and no new memories are implanted in her.

In this realm, the only one who has actually been born out of the kids is Lucina. So it is entirely possible that few or even none of the others are destined to be born in this "timeline".

I made an account here just so I could post that.

So, uh... Hi, everybody. Howzit goin'? :/:

EDIT: Just wanted to clarify something:

I don't mean to say that Lon'qu is Owain's canonical father, or any such thing. All the examples I presented above are just there to illustrate my point. The only biological set-in-stone father in my theory so far is that Vaike is definitely Brady's father.

Have to heavily disagree.

Reasoning: This Game Right Here.

Varying parentage doesn't cause great variations in Genealogy, why would it in Awakening?

Skills and classes are genetic, not learned to say. [seliph: "Hey Sigurd teach me to pursuit!"] [Henry/Sumia's supports]

Secondly, this game just ignores Chaos Theory/Butterfly Effect. It runs with a timetravel theory based in it, but doesn't use it [outside of Yen'fay], instead opting for a series of events that will occur as stated, unless a force acts upon them directly.

They do put down great points to cancel the idea that the child characters took ANYTHING from their non-determinate parent outside of their haircolor and skills/classes.

Brady is certainly no exception: As SoC said "Rough Tokyo accent isn't specific to Vaike in any fashion." and that does apply to the English version too, as Vaike's manner of speaking and Brady's are completely different.

The bloody hang lampshades on this for Laurent and Morgan, who certainly have nothing from their non-determinate parent.

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The bloody hang lampshades on this for Laurent and Morgan, who certainly have nothing from their non-determinate parent.

Hair color? lol

But in Morgan's case, if his/her non-Avatar parent isn't Chrom, Lucina, or Olivia, he/she inherits his/her base class from them. My Morgan started as a Cavalier because of Frederick being his father.

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Starting class isn't genetic, especially when Morgan already gets all classes.

Although... I don't think becoming a Manakete can be taught...

Starting would be. Class sets are [Henry/Sumia]. Inherited Skills are [see that Seliph thing.]

And as you pointed out: Manakete (and Taguel.)

Personality-wise, the kids take absolutely nothing from the non-determinate.

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Oddly, they do take several lines (mostly battle quotes) from the first gen units, but who their parents are have no effect on those.

IIRC, the children uses pretty exact variations of their mother(or father in the case of Chrom/Lucina and M!Avatar/F!Morgan) battle quotes in the japanese version.

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