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[Battle:FE9] Round 1 - ZM vs. Athena


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[spoiler=see teams here]

ZM's team



Athena's team


Turn 4.

ffw7.pngvs owfi.png

Athena's Calill (Bolting) attacks ZM's Tauroneo (Brave Lance)!

ZM's Tauroneo activates Nihil!

Athena's Calill activates Nihil!

21 dmg 70% hit 2% crit

(86 12 96)

Tauroneo receives 20/52 damage!

Calill attacks again!

(87 11 2)

Tauroneo receives 20/52 damage!

ZM                                  Athena
Ike 0/52                            Rolf 45/45
Elincia 18/52                       Tauroneo 59/59
Rolf 52/52                          Calill 2/54
Tauroneo 12/52                      Nephenee 44/44
Giffca 68/68 [14]                   Nasir 60/60 [20]

ZM acts next.

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[spoiler=see teams here]

ZM's team



Athena's team


Turn 5.

3wfb.pngvs owfi.png

ZM's Giffca (Claw) attacks Athena's Calill (Bolting)!

16 dmg 62% hit 0% crit

(40 88 85) [64]

Giffca misses!

ZM                                  Athena
Ike 0/52                            Rolf 45/45
Elincia 18/52                       Tauroneo 59/59
Rolf 52/52                          Calill 2/54
Tauroneo 12/52                      Nephenee 44/44
Giffca 68/68 [10]                   Nasir 60/60 [20]

Athena acts next.

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[spoiler=see teams here]

ZM's team



Athena's team


Turn 6.

ffw7.pngvs owfi.png

Athena's Calill (Rexbolt) attacks ZM's Tauroneo (Brave Lance)!

ZM's Tauroneo activates Nihil!

Athena's Calill activates Nihil!

23 dmg 86% hit 9% crit

(11 74 21)

Tauroneo receives 12/52 damage!

Tauroneo is KO'd!

ZM                                  Athena
Ike 0/52                            Rolf 45/45
Elincia 18/52                       Tauroneo 59/59
Rolf 52/52                          Calill 2/54
Tauroneo 0/52                       Nephenee 44/44
Giffca 68/68 [10]                   Nasir 60/60 [20]

ZM acts next.

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I wonder if I should've given her a Stilleto.

It's a shame that +7 strength is going to waste.

That probably would've pierced Tauroneo at least! Speaking of which, Volke, the bottom tier unit, can 2RKO Generals.

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[spoiler=see teams here]

ZM's team



Athena's team


Turn 7.

gfwk.pngvs owfi.png

ZM's Rolf (Silver Bow) attacks Athena's Calill (Rexbolt)!

Athena's Calill activates Nihil!

25 dmg 100% hit 10% crit

(50 5 22)

Calill receives 2/54 damage!

Calill is KO'd!

ZM                                  Athena
Ike 0/52                            Rolf 45/45
Elincia 18/52                       Tauroneo 59/59
Rolf 52/52                          Calill 0/54
Tauroneo 0/52                       Nephenee 44/44
Giffca 68/68 [7]                    Nasir 60/60 [20]

Athena acts next.

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[spoiler=see teams here]

ZM's team



Athena's team


Turn 8.

gfwk.pngvs 2qcnrtc.png

Athena's Tauroneo (Vague Katti) attacks ZM's Rolf (Silver Bow)!

18 dmg 76% hit 27% crit

(14 30 71)

Rolf receives 18/52 damage!

ZM                                  Athena
Ike 0/52                            Rolf 45/45
Elincia 18/52                       Tauroneo 59/59
Rolf 34/52                          Calill 0/54
Tauroneo 0/52                       Nephenee 44/44
Giffca 68/68 [7]                    Nasir 60/60 [20]

ZM acts next.

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[spoiler=see teams here]

ZM's team



Athena's team


Turn 9.

mtcz.pngvs 2qcnrtc.png

ZM's Elincia (Sonic Sword) attacks Athena's Tauroneo (Vague Katti)!

Athena's Tauroneo activates Nihil!

13 dmg 83% hit 0% hit

(23 49 23)

Tauroneo receives 13/59 damage!

Tauroneo counterattacks!

21 dmg 69% hit 20% crit

(93 77 68)

Tauroneo misses!

Elincia attacks again!

(45 50 84)

Tauroneo receives 13/59 damage!

ZM                                  Athena
Ike 0/52                            Rolf 45/45
Elincia 18/52                       Tauroneo 33/59
Rolf 34/52                          Calill 0/54
Tauroneo 0/52                       Nephenee 44/44
Giffca 68/68 [4]                    Nasir 60/60 [20]

Athena acts next.

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[spoiler=see teams here]

ZM's team



Athena's team


Turn 10.

gfwk.pngvs 2qcnrtc.png

Athena's Tauroneo (Brave Lance) attacks ZM's Rolf (Silver Bow)!

17x2 dmg 66% hit 0% crit

(97 48 2)

Tauroneo misses!

(41 94 55)

Tauroneo misses!

ZM                                  Athena
Ike 0/52                            Rolf 45/45
Elincia 18/52                       Tauroneo 33/59
Rolf 34/52                          Calill 0/54
Tauroneo 0/52                       Nephenee 44/44
Giffca 68/68 [4]                    Nasir 60/60 [20]

ZM acts next.

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[spoiler=see teams here]

ZM's team



Athena's team


Turn 11.

mtcz.pngvs 2qcnrtc.png

ZM's Elincia (Runesword) attacks Athena's Tauroneo (Brave Lance)!

Athena's Tauroneo activates Nihil!

18 dmg 78% hit 0% hit

(68 80 54)

Tauroneo receives 18/59 damage!

Elincia recovers 18/52 HP!

Tauroneo counterattacks!

Tauroneo activates Resolve!

32x2 dmg 83% hit 0% crit

(32 99 31)

Elincia receivers 32/52 damage!

(19 12 81)

Elincia receivers 4/52 damage!

Elincia is KO'd!

ZM                                  Athena
Ike 0/52                            Rolf 45/45
Elincia 0/52                        Tauroneo 15/59
Rolf 34/52                          Calill 0/54
Tauroneo 0/52                       Nephenee 44/44
Giffca 68/68 [1]                    Nasir 60/60 [20]

Athena acts next.

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