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Any Monster Hunter WII U players? I have a question....


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So I made a post awhile ago about my WII U game pad being broken (which it still is) So I recently just got a Controller Pro to play Monster Hunter on my WII U but realized I cannot see my HP on the TV, and the only way I know of getting hp to show on the TV is if I started a new game...

But of course I don't want to do that soo I was wondering to anyone who plays Monster hunter on the WII U know if there is anyway of making the HP appear on the TV, cause this game is a teeny bit hard to play without seeing my HP.... I also asked on Gamefaqs and have no replies on there yet... sigh

Edited by Shelie
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The only way I know to change your HDD options is through the touchscreen itself, and everything you don't put on the HDD gets put on the TV, so without any touchscreen controls I don't think you can do it.

I can give it a look later today, if you don't get any other responses, but if there's anything in the options to that effect I don't know it.

EDIT: I feel you on the health thing, though. I put literally all of my information on the HDD (i love the main screen being completely interface-free) and one night while I was hunting in bed I switched feed to the pad, realized I had literally no interface, and had a fun few hunts. Fortunately I'm methodical about my inventory lineup so I generally knew how to get to things, but knowing when to heal was a crapshoot/Freohr uses Lifepowders. It's fun.

Edited by Integrity
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Did you switch your controller settings on the main menu? I think if you switch those settings it should make things go back to normal, since it isn't like they can expect everything to appear on the gamepad if you're not using a gamepad =3 I hope I'm right, I don't have a pro/classic controller to test this out ;u;

Edit: (also hopefully you don't have to switch this manually every time... for a while when my touchscreen quit working I kept making the same screen appear on both tv and gamepad while I played because it wouldn't work otherwise... but I had to switch every single time until it magically started to work again~)

Edit edit: (ok nevermind I tested it just now, even though I didn't have one I could still do things but the setting still stayed after I turned the game off so I guess you don't always need to change it then!)

Edited by Freohr Datia
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