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[Battle:FE9] Round 2 - Refa vs. Vennobennu


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Though one round 1 game is yet to see its completion, we already start proceeding to round 2 games and the loser bracket games of Serenes Arena Cup I and the first match is Refa vs. Vennobennu!

Refa's team



Vennobennu's team!



Unit     HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  acc  avo  crt  sk%  Atk  Hit
Ike      52   26   15   27   28   20   24   18   74   76   13   27
Mist     53   19   26   21   26   29   15   25   71   81   10   29/15
Rolf     52   25   10   27   28   24   19   16   78   80   28   13
Nasir    60   21   11   25   29   19   26   30    0   65    0   -
Nasir    60   31   11   30   32   19   31   35   79   71   15   -    41  154
Nasir    60   26   11   28   31   19   29   33   75   69   14   -    36  150
Tibarn   66   32   12   32   25   26   27   20    0   76    0   32
Tibarn   66   39   13   37   28   26   30   21  100   82   18   37   47  195

Lethe    64   23    5   21   29   24   19   11    0   82    0   -
Lethe    64   29    5   25   32   24   24   14   74   88   12   -    37  164
Lethe    64   26    5   23   31   24   22   13   70   86   11   -    34  160
Ike      52   26   15   27   28   20   24   20   74   76   13   27
Ranulf   68   27    4   28   27   19   23    9    0   73    0   -
Ranulf   68   33    4   32   30   19   28   12   83   79   16   -    41  173
Ranulf   68   30    4   30   29   19   26   11   79   77   14   -    38  169
Makalov  58   26    8   24   27   17   25   13   65   71   12   22
Tibarn   66   32   12   32   25   26   27   20    0   76    0   32
Tibarn   66   39   13   37   28   26   30   21  100   82   18   37   47  195

Refa's Tibarn transforms!

Vennobennu's Lethe transforms!

Vennobennu's Tibarn transforms!

Refa's Ike activates Provoke! He's in the centre of attention for 2 turns!

Refa's Nasir activates Shade! He cannot be attacked for 2 turns!

Vennobennu's Ike activates Provoke! He's in the centre of attention for 2 turns!


Vennobennu acts first! Choose your character, his/her weapon (if applicable) and target!

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[spoiler=see teams here]

Refa's team



Vennobennu's team!


Turn 1.

gfwk.pngvs zbo8.png

Venno's Lethe activates Nihil!

Venno's Lethe (Claw) attacks Refa's Rolf (Silver Bow)!

18 dmg 100% hit 0% crit

Rolf receives 17/52 damage!

Lethe attacks again!

Rolf receives 17/52 damage!

Both parties survive the fight.


Refa                              Vennobennu
Ike 52/52                         Lethe 64/64 [16]
Mist 53/53                        Ike 52/52
Rolf 18/52                        Ranulf 68/68 (18)
Nasir 60/60 (9)                   Makalov 58/58
Tibarn 66/66 [20]                 Tibarn 66/66 [17]

Refa acts next.

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Shouldn't Lethe be doing 17x2? Nihil doesn't negate supports, and Lethergy doesn't have any +Atk supports that I'm aware of on his team. (29+8-20)*2=34 IIRC. Not that it matters much, I guess.

Also Rolf, shoot Ike with your Silver Bow.


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For a second I was going to be like FUCK HE HAS SOMEONE WITH PROVOKE ROLF CAN'T ATTACK IKE then I realized Ike was the one with Provoke. Just in case you ever thought I payed too much attention.

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[spoiler=see teams here]

Refa's team



Vennobennu's team!


Turn 2.

gfwk.pngvs hrwh.png

Refa's Rolf (Silver Bow) attacks Venno's Ike (Silver Sword)!

Rolf activates Wrath!

20 dmg 77% hit 58% crit 27% Adept


(26 91 40)

Critical hit!

Ike receives 52/52 damage!

Ike is KO'd!

Refa                              Vennobennu
Ike 52/52                         Lethe 64/64 [16]
Mist 53/53                        Ike 0/52
Rolf 18/52                        Ranulf 68/68 (18)
Nasir 60/60 (13)                  Makalov 58/58
Tibarn 66/66 [17]                 Tibarn 66/66 [17]

Venno acts next.

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For a second I was going to be like FUCK HE HAS SOMEONE WITH PROVOKE ROLF CAN'T ATTACK IKE then I realized Ike was the one with Provoke. Just in case you ever thought I payed too much attention.

Reminds me of those times when I'm looking for my hat and it's already on my head.

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Thanks for the idea of Wrath!Rolf, Not Tables (AKA Baldrick)! I just kind of stole it and used it for my own nefarious purposes, hehehe.

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[spoiler=see teams here]

Refa's team



Vennobennu's team!


Turn 3.

gfwk.pngvs zbo8.png

Venno's Ranulf transforms!

Venno's Lethe activates Nihil!

Venno's Lethe (Claw) attacks Refa's Rolf (Silver Bow)!

17 dmg 100% hit 0% crit

Rolf receives 17/52 damage!

Lethe attacks again!

Rolf receives 1/52 damage!

Refa is KO'd!

Refa                              Vennobennu
Ike 52/52                         Lethe 64/64 [12]
Mist 53/53                        Ike 0/52
Rolf 0/52                         Ranulf 68/68 [20]
Nasir 60/60 (13)                  Makalov 58/58
Tibarn 66/66 [17]                 Tibarn 66/66 [14]

Rolf acts next.

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