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School of Hard NOCs - Night 6 ends on Mar. 15 at 9:00 PM HST


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I only have a minute right now (literally), but I just realized that I'm not going to be able to post again until after phase end. Just posting to let everyone know not to expect me to be able to answer any questions before today's lynch.

Leaving my vote on SB today because I genuinely believe he is scum.

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So like, not to be pushy or anything, but there's only about 12 hours left in the phase and the biggest wagon right now is at 2 votes if I'm not mistaken, when the minimum requirement for a lynch is 4.

Get your shit together, people.

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Fire Flower what did you edit in your #195? What's your read on RD?

It seemed like a wall-of-text to me so I just edited it to make it easier to read yo

Also it feels like RD is just reiterating what everyone else has said about the most suspicious players. Pretty much just skimmed RD's posts.

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I'm posting my notes now since there's less than 12 hours to deadline, despite I still want to put a lot more observations as I read further. Still, I think they holds a lot of valuable reads. btw =/= means "not scum with".

~ School of Hard ~

#3: D1 begins


#43: Claims Paranoid Gun Owner.
#46: Meta as a discussion-lead attempt against Kaoz who basically had no pressure at that moment. BigPlaysMeteor =/= Kaoz.
#68: The part where he says “But I guess at this point I'll infer that you do not find him suspicious” is weird. If he had that thought, he could’ve waited until I answered to check if his conclusion aligned with my responses. It’s nothing indicative of alignment afaik but rather something I’d like to check after the game ends.
#68: Last paragraph is safe play; he does nothing with it. Don’t like.
#119: First paragraph: Why making the observation then (regarding dragonfang13)? The lack of pursue on the small lean means the fear of the scrutiny was bigger than the will to follow it up.
#126: Second paragraph: good analysis. BigPlaysMeteor =/= Paperblade.
#150: Defense towards FFM looks a lot as BigPlaysMeteor =/= Fire Flower.
#150: I feel that if RD were town and BPM scum, BPM would push a lot more the last observation made in this post. BigPlaysMeteor not scum if Radiant Dragon flips town.
#170: BigPlaysMeteor =/= Paperblade.
#182: Slight lean of BigPlaysMeteor =/= Shinori. Still dependant of further exchanges. #212 continues the trend of this lean. #213 most likely seals the disconnection.

dragonfang13 (bearclaw) (Town)

#6: Claims Mayor (Doublevoter).
#6, #8, #11: Lean of dragonfang13 =/= Randa.
#31: Interference aligns well with his town read on Randa stated on #11.
#34: Why not reaffirm the town lean/read on Randa?
#98: Cool callout to BigPlaysMeteor; he even adds a little to make BPM look worse by stating BPM has a suspicion worth a vote on me when BPM said before it wasn’t’ enough to warrant it. dragonfang13 =/= BigPlaysMeteor.

Fire Flower (Frosty Fire Mage)

#151: First line: what the hell is this¿? Newbtown don’t have this overconfidence and sorta arrogance to defend their bad play, and a potential plan of being bad on purpose sounds fishy specially from a newbie.
#151: Last paragraph: If Fire Flower flips scum this must be pushed as SvS. It’d be incredibly weird for a new scum to do such accusation towards a townie.
#151: Overall this post is really telling imo if FF flips scum. I’d go as far as saying that he’s defending one of his scummates (Kaoz), charging against another in a non-committal way (Mango Sentinel) and I’d also clear Haze who is probably the scapegoat here. Kaoz’ #152’s lack of push against Fire Flower would also turn on the red flags if FF flips scum.
#153: Lean of Fire Flower =/= Shark Bait.
#195: The Haze commentary¿? Lean of Fire Flower =/= Haze.


#168: Lean of Haze =/= Paperblade, since Haze goes “as far” as to refute 4 reasons against Paperblade.


#7: Claims Miller.
#83: Makes Randa “forget” about his (basically) only scum pick, which could potentially lead to put Randa in problems when he isn’t. Kaoz =/= Randa.
#86: Sharing that article seems rather unlikely as SvS. Lean of Kaoz =/= Scarlet.
#152: Scarlet town if Kaoz flips scum. The defense seems natural in the sense of Kaoz knowing Scarlet isn’t his scum buddy.
#154: Too much stuff against BPM; as SvS I think Kaoz would’ve just dropped less things. Kaoz =/= BigPlaysMeteor.
#154: Final words on Shark Bait seem honest. Lean of Kaoz =/= Shark Bait.
#215: Another lean of Kaoz =/= Shark Bait.
#215: I don’t agree with the commentary given to BPM here, but still Kaoz =/= BigPlaysMeteor.

Mango Sentinel (Poly) > Eurykins

#107: The defense given to Shark Bait feels honest, specially considering the previous reads on same post which could be SvS. Mango Sentinel =/= Shark Bait. #155 seals the deal.
#180: Eurykins replaces Mango Sentinel.
#190: Lean of Eurykins =/= Radiant Dragon. Dependant on further exchanges though.
#190: Townie vibes overall. Seems genuinely lost but trying to scum-hunt at the same time.
#191: Slight town tell. Scum partners could’ve already commented him some of this, and restraining from pushing newbie players is not something scum likes to do.


#52: Being really assertive about dragonfang13. I think Paperblade =/= dragonfang13.
#122: Not scum with SB, or else, why would he appear to shift wagons? Paperblade =/= Shark Bait.
#123: Second paragraph: what?


#61: Callout plus questioning his vote (or lack of). Prims =/= Randa.
#66: Notes the “weirdness” of Randa’s distinction between concern and suspicious. Prims =/= Randa.
#81: The observation made to Scarlet (1st paragraph) is not something I’d see scum doing to town. Prims not scum if Scarlet flips town.
#118: Prims is right here. In #107 Mango Sentinel just picks on stuff that has already been said, not bringing anything new, and making it look as if it were his own. Good observation. Prims =/= Mango Sentinel.
#147: Prims =/= Fire Flower.
#147: Lean of Prims =/= Paperblade. It’s a good accusation and the disconnection would be “sealed” with more exchanges.
#147: In last question he confused me and Randa, since Randa was who voted against Prims. Prims =/= Randa.
#156: Requoting question to reaffirm pressure. Prims =/= Fire Flower.
#156: Lean of Prims =/= Paperblade.
#192: If he is scum with Eurykins, he could’ve just left him alone with the dragonfang read, specially knowing now dragonfang flipped town. Prims =/= Eurykins.

Radiant Dragon

#148: Wondering which posts from Scarlet gave the good impression. Final read on the slot is incredibly vague.
#148: Shallow reads overall. It’s just a list of actions made by some players, but there is no analysis of the motivation behind said actions. BPM’s #150 resumes it well. Seems an excuse to put a facade of contribution plus an excuse to cast a vote, but the vote lacks a real explanation.
#184: The “blatant” defense on Paper gives me a lean of Radiant Dragon =/= Paperblade.
#184: Last part of the paragraph dedicated to BPM: Radiant Dragon =/= BigPlaysMeteor.
#184: Overall, feeling RD is doing little with his JB’s scum read. Given it’s his major read, I think he isn’t concerned about trying to convince more people to join him.

Rajam (Town)

Randa (???)

#53: Open question and an invitation to look at Mango Sentinel. Like. Randa =/= Mango Sentinel.
#63: Not scum with dragonfang13. Part where he says “it could be he's trying to make people think we're scum buddies” seals the deal for me. Add #67.
#129: Like. Lean of Randa =/= Shark Bait.

Scarlet (Raymond)

#74: It’s like he has a town read on Randa but for some reason doesn’t spit it out. Don’t like. Anyways, lean of Scarlet =/= Randa.
#74: Vote doesn’t align with what he postured about me. As Prims said, it’s safe play.
#76: First paragraph is just a lame excuse. He’s not even asking Haze stuff; is just “parking” his vote in the safest of the ways.
Overall not liking his first posts in the game. No (hard) postures, lame vote on inactive, no questions, no comments on past events…
#84: Doesn’t explain how my sheeping is scummy when the act of sheeping itself is pretty null.
#114: Seems Scarlet =/= dragonfang13.

Shark Bait

#108: I like the push on Radiant Dragon. Shark Bait =/= Radiant Dragon.
#155: “You also seem to be acting on the assumption that Rajam is town when you do that wagon analysis” is cool. Shark Bait =/= Radiant Dragon. Whole post gives the vibes as well.
#155: I like the analysis and callout on Paperblade. Shark Bait =/= Paperblade.
#167: Like the callout. Shark Bait =/= Haze. Add #168. Add #202.
#202: “If you're leaning towards the idea that Rajam is scum, then why is all of your analysis based around an assumption that you feel is false? This doesn't make any sense to me at all.” True. Didn’t notice at first but RD’s response “I entertained the notion that Rajam was Town for that post to see what logically progressed from that possibility” feels too elaborated and fake. More Shark Bait =/= Radiant Dragon.

Shatter (JB) (Town)

#102: Just sheeping the questioning already done to Randa. Seems way more like pressure-sheeping than a potential bus. Shatter =/= Randa.
#103: Playing safe. By stating that he’s voting because there is no risk of hammer he’s basically not committing. Scummy.


#142: Lean of Shinori =/= Shark Bait (mostly from 1st –actually 2nd- bolded paragraph)

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##vote: Radiant Dragon

Reasons explained in my notes in my observations from that slot's section plus the #202 observation under Shark Bait's section. At this moment I'd also support lynching Kaoz, who I think lacks a townier motivation, Scumlet, and Haze + Shinori for overall being so null that I don't care seeing them dead. FF is no longer a priority, Paper not interested, and SB, BPM, Prims and Mango/Eury are town reads so no.

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Got a few hours before class, so pullin' out a post while I can.

D2 Observations:

[spoiler= WHEEE~ gotta love walls. ;D]


- He and Shinori just seem to love each other, don't they? <3

- Realtalk: Welp, there's the semi-usual Prims vibes that I was talking about (being crass n' whatnot), but not sure if that was purely because of the 1v1 between him and Shinori or not.

- I can agree but also disagree with the first comment in this post, in the sense that, as much as people can/do try, mistakes will probably happen regardless. Scum slips OP? (Just like dat Elie role cop claim, lol.)

- Overall: Eh... while I don't agree with the attitude/some of the responses so far in D2 (in terms of poking more at the people themselves than actual arguments), I don't feel a reason to lynch Prims D2.


- Selective Back-up claims OP, yo.

- Can agree with his case/sentiment toward Scarlet's behavior in D1 (which would justify his reaction test post. I don't feel that Scumnori would bother entertaining that sort of post, imo.

- Reactions/posting styles overall has pretty much screamed townie reactions/responses.

- Overall: Would not lynch Shinori D2.


- I don't altogether agree with his comment in this post, regarding: "I feel that if Prims was scum he wouldn't have protested as much about the Bearclaw modkill." Imo, if that's all the logic you'd need to prove yourself clean to someone, then that's the easiest way for him to secure town cred. Anyone could've easily stepped in and done so, and (to be honest), it was a silly mistake that resulted in the modkill because Eclipse inadvertently had no choice because of what she posted earlier. He made an error, which broke the rules. End of story. Feels like you're trying to pass off Prims too easily as a town read.

- Comments regarding Haze's posts in this post, along with the notions of almost every one else in that post, kinda screams flimsy cases/reads. You seem so uncertain with your thoughts/insight on people, and it's like you're posting "reads" on people without actually doing so. Kinda weird.

- What is this post- I don't even know. That was one of the weakest sounding votes/vote reasoning I've personally have ever seen you put forth, and the last part of your post screams jokes and fillers. What exactly was the purpose of this post?

- Also, in the above post: "I was thinking FFM didn't get killed because the mafia wanted to use their Jan and then didn't get hooked because they didn't have a Hooker. I feel that if he was scum he would have just claimed to be hooked regardless because it's easy." Again, more speculation about the roles and trying to verify whether someone's being town/scum based on some pretty silly logic, imo. And also recall in how FFM posted- he was attempting to get a claim out of me in terms of verification of his claimed tracking of me. Wouldn't that be more effective/informative than just claiming roleblock?

- Overall: ...I kinda don't like BBM currently, and feels more like scum!BBM playstyle/posting than a town!BBM would have. Would be fine lynching D2.


- Whai so lurky/inactive, SB? :( (Not sure if semi-scummy lurking of the thread or not.)

- This doesn't scream all bad, but I do have a few questions regarding it:

1. "Not really interested in a Rajam lynch due to various things I think are townslips he posted." What townslips are you specifically referring to?

2. Regarding the Shinori question: Technically I also said that I'd be willing to start a wagon on Bearclaw as well as a result of his actions (though I, on the other hand, actually disliked Bearclaw for the majority of the time). Is it unusual to distrust someone who wants to quick-hammer someone else without even having a claim posted in the thread? (The act of quickhammering, imo, seems pretty scummy all things considered.)

- I have to agree with Prim's reaction/reply here regarding your thoughts concerning Kaoz here. Sounds a lot like BBM's reasoning referring to Prims not being scum due to doing something that scum wouldn't usually end up doing.

- Overall: I still don't really trust SB currently- his gameplay/posting isn't nearly as solid or confident as to what I've seen from town!SB, and I'm inclined to figure he's scum atm. Would be fine lynching D2.


- First 2 posts: O....kay? Randa is gone, and can be assumed to have been jankilled by no flip post. Your point?

- I don't really understand this and this- in terms of ISO'ing dead people... I understand looking at their priorities would be one thing, but given that neither really put forth very strong/prominent cases of their own (and Randa himself came off as just fairly clear townie), what exactly was there to gain about mulling over the possibility of looking back through their ISOs again? (As far as I can tell/see, I don't really see any post regarding any findings/thoughts concerning their ISOs, despite you posting repeatedly about looking through them.)

- Last two posts: Idk. Feels like really easy voting (voting one, but I wish I could vote both!) and not having much time to post, and leaving your vote on someone because you "genuinely believe he is scum"? That comment alone makes me kinda question your other thoughts/reads on people.

- Overall: Not really caring for his vibes. Would lynch D2.


- Not altogether sure how to take the interaction between him and Shinori.

- Would like to hear more thoughts regarding the reads you mentioned in your second to the last post: "Would consider switching to Kaoz or maaaybe RD/SB (would have to reread in their case, though) if necessary for the lynch to go through."

- Overall: Eh, I wouldn't consider Scarlet a top priority in D2, imo. Would not really lynch D2, unless no one else is on the chopping block.


- Haven't seen much since D1, imo. From what I can see:

- I disagree with this post in 2 spots:

1. It isn't unusual for scum to be blalantly defensive, imo. After all, by that logic, "only townies would be this openly defensive" can easily be utilized by posting as defensively as someone townie? (...Which is the ultimate goal of the scum players, is it not? To pass off to the rest of us as town players and to stay off the 'scum radars'?)

2. I don't quite understand why you're still abstaining from a vote. All it's doing, imo, is making it harder to see what your thoughts are in terms of reads on players, and (at least to me) making you seem pretty non-commital to the progress of the game as well (pot meet kettle then, in terms of your comment on Scarlet being non-commital?).

- EDIT: Ninja'd in a rather flimsy vote right as I'm typing this. Still not thrilled, imo.

- Overall: I'm not altogether buying FFM's claim as towncred, nor am I sold with him being knocked off my priority list. Would lynch D2.


- This post is making me a bit curious/wary in a sense. Along with general reads, there's a lot of inferrences in terms of who would and wouldn't end up as scumbuddies, which I suppose is fine to state... but Idk. It feels like you're trying to isolate people/possible scum groups by saying that "These people cannot/are unlikely to be scumbuddies" but I doubt scum would make themselves out to be obvious buddies to begin with. And it's not uncommon for one scum buddy to sell another down river in terms of gaining easy town cred (or otherwise openly contradict/argue against them), so that in itself could render a lot of what you put down as moot arguments/justification of if they're scum buddies or not.

- I'm surprised to see a random notion in this last post saying that "FF is no longer a priority". As far as I can tell, I see little to no justification in terms of why your read/priority on FFM would change, aside from "Haze commentary". Care to explain?

- Overall: Eh... more posts, sure. But I'm not getting a solid positive feeling from them all. Would not put at the top of the lynch priority, but would settle for this lynch if no one else.


- Regarding this post:

1. You say that "My opinion of FFM has gone up a lot. His posts in the last few hours of Day 1 and so far in Day 2 are noticably improved, so I'm glad he wasn't lynched." What is it about D2 content that has changed or has improved since D1? As far as I can see/tell, aside from a vote that just dropped as I was making this post. Sigh. (time to edit some stuffs).

2. I'm still not sure how FFM got cleared by late D1/N1 actions?

- This felt like an easy vote on Shinori, imo.

- I'm not sure I follow this logic:

~ Potentially speaking, yeah, it can be powerful, if you somehow end up nullifying someone strong on a scum team. But as Shinori himself said, there are limits to his back-up, and maybe that's one he cannot copy. But even if he could, it's gambling on the ability to even hit the right target, and would end up still getting someone killed (and even if the scum person lost their ability(s), someone's still dead, and they [assuming Mafia] still have the ability to innately night kill.). All in all, I don't see it as being hugely detrimental or OP in any fashion.

- Overall: Eh... I'm not getting a whole lot of productivity vibes from Haze, imo. Kinda lazyish, and would be fine with a lynch on D2.


- Hasn't done a whole lot concerning D2 (dat prod tho).

- Concerning this post... Idk. I'd have to say that he's either playing a lot more passively with his reads/playing style currently, or he's just not divulging harder/more precise reads. Seems unusual, given the usual aura about him (usually seems a lot more confident/forthcoming with his thoughts/posts), and it's making me slightly wary atm.

- Overall: Not a top-tier lynch candidate, but would settle for him if no one else was up for the lynch.


- Soooooooo... that amount of posting D2.

- I just see ezpz Shinori vote and nothing more. Okay.

- Kinda has brought nothing to the table? Would be fine lynching D2.

TL;DR (for all ya lazy people out there who didn't care to read said wall above) in terms of Lynch Priority:

Would be fine lynching today: BBM, SB, RD, FFM, Haze, Balz

Would consider lynching if none of the above: Scarlet, Rajam, Kaoz

Wouldn't bother lynching: Shinori, Prims

##Vote Balz

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#404: Pretty null. Eurykins' big reads post at the end of D1 (the spoilered one) felt off to me at first, but after comparing it to a previous game I'm not sure anymore. I expressed concerns about Polydeuces before as well, but that might've been because of a bad post rather than a scummy one. I feel like I should reread her/them, but I really don't feel motivated enough to do at this stage.

#421: Unmotivated might be the word you're looking for.

The bold part stands out to me. You clearly hadn't read the update or any comments related to the kill (else the entire part in brackets wouldn't make sense), so why would you make that assumption? Clearly it wasn't just because he was a town read either given that you name Prims in the same line. Could it be that you knew he died because you saw the action in the scum topic/PM/whatever?

Also where are those notes you promised? Copy pasting them here shouldn't take much time. Lastly, have you been mafia in any recent SWF game? If so, could I get a link for future reference?

Kaoz, is Eury null then? Would you support his lynch?

I don't understand what are you asking me about Randa's kill. In the last post in page 19 (20ppp) it says nowhere Randa was killed (I checked the OP now and it says that in fact Randa was NKilled though), so it was an assumption I made in that post, also seeing how everyone else was treating Randa's slot as dead.

idk why you'd waste time reading other games, considering you seem to not be invested enough in this game; how much do you rely on meta? Anyways, here's a link to all the games I've played in DGames: the sub-forum dedicated to Mafia in SWF: Link. Just search my name and by opening the spoiler there's a resume with links of the games I've played, plus the role I got in each of those games. How did you knew that I come from there?

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Getting caught up now. Can someone do votals?

I...think these are right?

Shinori (2) - Balcerzak, Haze

Radiant Dragon (4) - SB, BBM, FFM, Rajam

Kaoz (1) - Prims

SB (1) - Radiant Dragon

Scarlet (1) - Shinori

Balz (3) - Eurykins, Scarlet, Kaoz

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- Whai so lurky/inactive, SB? :( (Not sure if semi-scummy lurking of the thread or not.)

- This doesn't scream all bad, but I do have a few questions regarding it:

1. "Not really interested in a Rajam lynch due to various things I think are townslips he posted." What townslips are you specifically referring to?

2. Regarding the Shinori question: Technically I also said that I'd be willing to start a wagon on Bearclaw as well as a result of his actions (though I, on the other hand, actually disliked Bearclaw for the majority of the time). Is it unusual to distrust someone who wants to quick-hammer someone else without even having a claim posted in the thread? (The act of quickhammering, imo, seems pretty scummy all things considered.)

- I have to agree with Prim's reaction/reply here regarding your thoughts concerning Kaoz here. Sounds a lot like BBM's reasoning referring to Prims not being scum due to doing something that scum wouldn't usually end up doing.

- Overall: I still don't really trust SB currently- his gameplay/posting isn't nearly as solid or confident as to what I've seen from town!SB, and I'm inclined to figure he's scum atm. Would be fine lynching D2.

Inactivity is due to me being busy as of late and being super tired when I get back home. Townslips are shit like not knowing what the Janitor thing did. I think there was something else, but I forgot it. His play hasn't really been bad. It's not unusual to find it scummy, but suddenly bearclaw leapt from being someone Shinori didn't find scummy (and he even said this in a previous vote) to someone that he wanted to turbolynch is a pretty huge change. And I don't get your BBM comparison. Is that meant to make it bad or what? Also, pretty much the only thing you actually call scummy there is that I might be lurking, so why does that make me a lynch?

Starting to change my mind on FFM a little. It feels like he suddenly became active to just get away from being the lynch and then went back to lurking again.

This is a horrible reason to white knight somebody.

"I don't think your logic makes X scummy because Y" is a fair reason to disagree with a case.

"I don't think your logic makes X scummy because X did some scummy thing and I don't think he'd do that as scum" is FUCKING TERRIBLE WIFOM. Do I really need to spell this out? Players regardless of alignment can get away with asking a lynch target for a claim and elaboration on that claim; that person is a lynch target. Plus rolefishing is hardly even going to be seen as a scumtell when posts like yours let people get away with it because it's "blatant".

In hindsight it's kind of a shitty reason, but I don't really look at Kaoz's posts and think scummy? I admittedly missed the votepark but his content was fine from what I remember and I don't really think Kaoz would be super active and pushy of his reads as either alignment. I don't really want his lynch today at least, although I should probably look over him tonight.

@Kaoz, I didn't attack you for defending Paperblade because you were doing more than pressing a newbie as scum for things that were not alignment indicative at all.

@Haze, how does Shinori saying "I might not be able to take all roles" make his claim more believable? It could just be an excuse that he thought of to get out of having to prove he could become the Mayor.

Rajam: does /=/ mean that the two players aren't scumbuddies, or something else?

Don't really have the energy to dissect the massive wallposts in detail. Happy lynching RD (although it doesn't seem like we'll get a claim from him), will reskim Bal. If Shinori can prove the mayor, his lynch shouldn't happen. If not, I'm kind of hesistant to lynch him anyway because even though his play has been scummy his reactions so far have felt like a genuine townie. I do want Shinori to respond to the quicktopic point though.

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Those walls of text.

Would like to hear more thoughts regarding the reads you mentioned in your second to the last post: "Would consider switching to Kaoz or maaaybe RD/SB (would have to reread in their case, though) if necessary for the lynch to go through."

Not much to hear there. Kaoz is making it difficult for me to get a read on him, so I don't feel strongly about him either way.

Put simply, I'm okay with lynching my null reads if needed to have a lynch at all.

RD and SB I haven't paid as much attention to as I have to most other players, so while skimming over their ISOs gave me a null read on them, I might be able to come to a better conclusion if I were to reread their posts.

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I really need to get some sleep, so I probably won't be around for the deadline.

The RD wagon seems to have enough votes for a lynch, so I'll leave my vote where it is in case you guys change your mind and want to lynch Bal instead.

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Haze, can you elaborate on your dislike on SB? I'm seeing your #424, but I don't get what are you pushing there or how it is scummy

Actually Haze, I just noticed in that same post that your final conclusion on SB is null. Then I wonder what was the goal of pointing all that stuff in 1st place. BTW the questions in the quote still remain, just ignore the very last part unless you find that what SB had there was actually scummy.

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Kaoz's response to me is pretty good. Good enough for me to drop the case for now.


##Vote: Radiant Dragon

I'm not going to be around for deadline, but prefer this for his D1 inconsistencies.

I don't have any major issues with Bal's content but I don't like how he up and disappeared after his Shinori vote. Please come back and play mafia with us.

If FFM doesn't provide tracker results from now on then I think we should lynch him instead of letting him coast on his claim. Kaoz even told him to use his track and FFM ignored Kaoz which is weird.

Honestly feeling like SB is scum if RD isn't. Prims lining up lynches 2014

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Also kind of ???ing at Eury's post, the content is fine but I can't tell why she prefers Bal over all her other suspects after having no issue with him D1.

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As for that:

No, I don't buy that. You don't just make up reasons to vote for someone if you don't think they're actually scummy. If you were voting simply for the lynch to go through, like can be argued that you did when you voted JB - fine. But the FFM vote prior to that doesn't follow that reasoning.

You're putting words in my mouth. I never said I was making up reasons, or that I didn't think they were scummy. My post was short because I was pressed for time and wanted to get some content out over the weekend that I knew was going to be very busy for me (Saturday LAN, Sunday Pathfinder + BSG boardgaming). I indicated in my final post on the night I subbed in that I'd focus my attentions on the four people that both: stood out to me the most, and had a shot at being an actual wagon, and then I followed through with that with my votes. My whole point about the damned if I did damned if I didn't was that I honestly expected criticism like yours, and it doesn't really mean much to me because I deem it invalid.


#425: There have been a number of comments about the FF wagon being easy, but from what I recall (this is to be taken literally, I'm doing little to no rereading), you're the first one to state that the JB wagon was. Care to elaborate on that? Do you feel any of the people that voted JB are scummy for it? Also, even if you feel that the JB wagon was easy, wasn't the FF wagon even easier? Or did you have reason to believe that JB would flip town?

For now though, I think I'll go with

##Vote: Bal.

For the stuff Raymond pointed out as well as what I took issue with earlier in this post (which I suppose is really an extension of Raymond's argument).

By "easy" I mostly meant the wagons were what, nearly tied at 4/4 so if I went with that one I'd just as well have been accused of sheeping, or riding the wagon train or whatever. There may have been bad votes on the wagon, but I couldn't recall them from memory, and I may not have time to look them up. I forgot how absolutely intensive these games can be. While not quite a full-time job, if you're not constantly keeping up with them, you get swarmed to the point where you almost dread pulling up the tab and laboriously catching up.

That said, so much has happened since my first post of the day. I honestly never expected Shinori to claim over it, and that's quite baffling, especially with the role he claimed. I'm having trouble focusing on more than one thing at a time, so I'm probably going to have to be going back and rereading, one more time to get things sorted out in my head some more as to whether or not I think that move was pro-town, or scum defense.

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imo my role should've been Anthem Landing and the PGO should've been my song because:

- Anthem Landing owns and it fits the role

- My song's english version is actually that bad.

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FFM can target me if he wants... TO DIE

imo my role should've been Anthem Landing and the PGO should've been my song because:
- Anthem Landing owns and it fits the role
- My song's english version is actually that bad.


Eury the end of my post was a joke. It wasn't meant to mean anything. If my reads are uncertain it's because I keep seeing reasons to read people as town and I'm afraid I'm giving scum a pass. Also, what FFM did wasn't more effective than claiming hooked in any way at all. Firstly, he was never going to get info from you for lame reasons like that. And secondly and more importantly, now that he claimed to not be hooked once, claiming hooked at any point looks fishy, because doing so would raise questions as to why the mafia didn't hook him N1 and then suddenly decided to start doing it afterwards. So as scum he now has to give results to the town every day. If he's scum it's probably his legit role anyways, but it means he has to twist its uses towards town purposes and that's generally not good.

Prims what is this terrible song?

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The "well at least this should be quick" votals

Radiant Dragon (5) - SB, BBM, Rajam, Fire Flower, Prims

Balcerzak (3) - Scarlet, Kaoz, Eurykins

SB (2) - Radiant Dragon, Haze

Scarlet (1) - Shinori

Shinori (1) - Balcerzak

Phase ends in a wee bit over two hours. I might vanish for a bit before phase end, because I need to cook for tomorrow.

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Genocide of Hard Songs continues.

Dear Radiant Dragon,

Your song is Colors(radio edit). You're third in the series of "oh my gosh I'm getting my butt kicked on Another" (the first two being Holic and V). TaQ remixed you and butchered it badly.

During the night, you may do ONE of the following:

- If you reply to your role PM with Night X - Obliterate PLAYER, you'll use orange to kill a player, leaving nothing but ashes. No one will know the fallen player's PM until after the game is over (except you guys).

- If you reply to your role PM with Night X - Sure target PLAYER, you'll use a twisted version of red to kill player, ensuring that your kill hits the target you specified.

- If you reply to your role PM with Night X - Use pretty colors to kill PLAYER, you'll mellow out with yellow, and your kill will be untraceable.

- If you reply to your role PM with Night X - Protect PLAYER, you'll think of PLAYER using blue, and protect them from the next day's lynch (if your target would be lynched, the lynch will fail).

ALL of these abilities can be used once, and only once. In the case of the first three, you must be the one sent out to do the mafia night kill.

You are allied with the mafia. You win if all threats to the mafia are eliminated.

And nothing of value was lost. . .well, for the town at least.

It is now Night 2! Night 2 ends on March 4 at 8:30 PM. There is a tiny chance that I might be a wee bit late. Timer

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