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Help! Who should the Avatar (in Awakening) Marry, Anna, or Sully?

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As a general rule for optimization with MaMU goes:

Gen 2 Galeforce user > Gen 1 Child Bearer without Galeforce > Gen 1 with Galeforce > Gen 1 Non Child Bearer Lacking Galeforce.

I see that "2nd gen vs. 1st gen" MaMU view of yours creeping up again with statement of "general rule".

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I see that "2nd gen vs. 1st gen" MaMU view of yours creeping up again with statement of "general rule".

Simple fact is a simple fact.

You get an identical or better yield with 2nd on what matters [which are your second gen Galeforce/Agg pairs at S-- 1st gen will always have the same number of these, Gen 2 will either be 6/3 or 7/2 (Total/Double) with MaMU- and can -Only- max out at 6/3 with MaMU 1st/Non-Gale], AND a stronger kid.

General rule is general.

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Sully gives skill and speed bonuses, plus two children. Anna gives a large luck bonus and an okay skill bonus, but only one child. It depends on your Avatar's asset/flaw. However, AvatarxSully gives Kjelle access to Galeforce, freeing up Donnel (or some other potential father. Donny's just the generally accepted "best" father for Kjelle) to give Pegasus Knight to some other daughter who will lack it by default (Nah or Noire). On the other hand, Anna is very lacking in support options (she has potentially 3: The Avatar, Tiki, and Morgan, but only if Morgan is her child), and a male Avatar is her only option for an S Support, which would really boost her effectiveness as a unit, and with her mediocre class sets, she sorely needs the help. In terms of children, Morgan will always be a tremendous unit. Kjelle, on the other hand, can be built just fine without the help of the Avatar. The defense-focused build I'm currently running on her can be done with just her default class sets. Aegis, Dual Guard+, Defender, and Luna can all be gotten from Sully's classes, and Pavise can be gotten from Kjelle's General promotion. However, the Avatar can make her more offensively focused, by passing down Axefaire. Kjelle @General can have Lancefaire, Movement+1, Luna, and Galeforce this way. In the end, though, minmaxing in Awakening is cool, but that's about all it is. In-game, you can dominate pretty easily without minmaxing, and minmaxing for a StreetPass team is somewhat futile, as StreetPass teams will suffer from the game's AI, and will, at best, be a minor inconvenience to players who fight them. The only situation where minmaxing can make a truly game changing difference is in the Apotheosis secret route, but even that can be beaten without. The Avatar's children will always be overpowered, end of story. So, for optimization's sake, base it off your asset and flaw. There's a table for those somewhere on this site. Otherwise, just choose the character you like more.

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Also, Sully is just a better unit than Anna due to her having no offensive procs.

Lethality, but y'know, it's not really that great anyways.
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Yeah, but that's only in Apotheosis, on Grima, and on Hard/Lunatic Validar in Chapter 23. So, two minor instances and one scenario, Apotheosis, when it actually really makes a difference.

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Yeah, but that's only in Apotheosis, on Grima, and on Hard/Lunatic Validar in Chapter 23. So, two minor instances and one scenario, Apotheosis, when it actually really makes a difference.

Let me ask you something. When are you going to actually have to consider your skill choice the most?

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Let me ask you something. When are you going to actually have to consider your skill choice the most?

That's a fair point. But still, if we're looking at general usage, Dragonskin is rarely relevant.

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