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FE Awakening Avatar Options?

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I basically am just curious to what people created and the waifus they picked for their awakening character.

Female character/Dren

Body Type 1

Face Type 4

Hair Type 5

Hair Color 8

Voice Type 3

Husband Gaius

Child Morgan(I call him Rin instead though)

Male Avatar/Sei

Body Type 1

Face Type 5

Hair Type 5

Hair Color 19

Voice Type

Wife Say'ri

Child Morgan(I call her Rei)

Well, reply away and stuff C:


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There have been threads like this before, but I don't see why we can't add some fan features to our Avatars to make them stand out a bit more. :)

Gender: Female (I don't play a male. :P)

Name: Kelli



Kelli's final class is Dark Flier though, and my phone's camera actually makes her hair look bluer than it really is. :P

Voice: 1

Personality: Kelli, besides what's shown in the game, loves traveling around, learning new things, and is pretty enthusiastic about her work as a tactician. She also admires the military, especially knights. She always dreamed of marrying one someday, in fact. However, she can also be a bit loud and over-affectionate, as well as very defensive of the people and things she loves. Chrom and Lissa are like a brother and sister to her, though she tries to see good in everyone she meets.



Frederick, of course! She fell madly in love with him in a short time, and started attempting to get his attention and affection as soon as she drew up the courage. It took some effort and elbow grease, but she managed to win him over and achieve her dream of marrying a handsome knight in shining armor. :3

Children: Morgan is the obvious one. He's a Cavalier/Great Knight like his dad, but also studies tactics like his mama. :) He also gets a little sister named Antoinette, an OC I created whom is the daughter of Frederick. :) She's a Troubador.


And that's all. :)

Edited by Anacybele
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There have been threads like this before, but I don't see why we can't add some fan features to our Avatars to make them stand out a bit more. :)

Gender: Female (I don't play a male. :P)

Name: Kelli



Kelli's final class is Dark Flier though, and my phone's camera actually makes her hair look bluer than it really is. :P

Voice: 1

Personality: Kelli, besides what's shown in the game, loves traveling around, learning new things, and is pretty enthusiastic about her work as a tactician. She also admires the military, especially knights. She always dreamed of marrying one someday, in fact. However, she can also be a bit loud and over-affectionate, as well as very defensive of the people and things she loves. Chrom and Lissa are like a brother and sister to her, though she tries to see good in everyone she meets.



Frederick, of course! She fell madly in love with him in a short time, and started attempting to get his attention and affection as soon as she drew up the courage. It took some effort and elbow grease, but she managed to win him over and achieve her dream of marrying a handsome knight in shining armor. :3

Children: Morgan is the obvious one. He's a Cavalier/Great Knight like his dad, but also studies tactics like his mama. :) He also gets a little sister named Antoinette, an OC I created whom is the daughter of Frederick. :) She's a Troubador.


And that's all. :)

Nice. I wish I honestly could costumize the avatar personality, because in my fanfic Dren is more irritable and sly. Ima post a pic in a sec.

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Male-01-04-01-05-Male 3


Asset: SPD


Wife: Lucina

Class: Sage

Small headcanon: Zweilitz is a -bit- of a masochist. Thus why his signature active isn't Ignis or Luna, or Ignis/Luna even- it's Vengeance.

Lucina doesn't really understand this. He's also slightly crazy, leading to things like this (although that was me, not him).

His favorite spell is Mjolnir, but he opts for Celica's Gale more often than not.

(Closest thing to a "Self-insert" MU I'll ever do right here. I just don't see myself as Robin, at all.)

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Nice. I wish I honestly could costumize the avatar personality, because in my fanfic Dren is more irritable and sly. Ima post a pic in a sec.

Ah, thanks. :)

Also, yeah, your pic is upside down. lol

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Okay, but how do I post theme here?

Right click the screenshot on Miiverse

Then it "Copy Image Location" (or save it) and go to an Image hosting site like Imgur and host it there.

Normal Image link.


Here's an example:

Miiverse Post.



[The Card I posted with my MU is also a Miiverse-grabbed SS]

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The reason I didn't use a Miiverse shot is because I had already taken that camera pic a long time ago, way before MIiverse was even available on the 3DS. :P

I think I remember that Avatar of yours, Thor! I think she looks cool in that wyvern rider outfit. ^^

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have two physical copies of the game, and I switch saves around a lot, but I'll share my self-insert MU.


Name: Patsy

Class: Bride

Asset: Speed

Flaw: Luck

Skills: Limit Breaker, Ignis, Armsthrift, Galeforce, Renewal

Husband: Lon'qu

Child: Morgan

Personality: (Note, this is a self-insert, so I have these same traits)

Patsy is a hyper-active young woman, some would call it ADHD. She is quite naive and oblivious. She is very childish and immature. She once had a doctor call it Asperger Syndrome. Patsy had always been Asexual, which basically meant she never wanted to have children or any activities relating to that. She is very smart, but gullible. On the battlefield however, she's ruthless. She doesn't take losing as an option and will mercilessly destroy any who challenge that fact.

When she met Lon'qu, she was fascinated. For as long as she could remember she had suffered from phobias of relationships, weddings and pregnancy (Yes, I suffer these actual phobias and have autism.) Lon'qu seemed terrified of her, she hadn't met anyone with crippling phobias before, besides herself. As she got closer to him, she fell in love. She tried to hide it, feeling ashamed of these feelings, but she couldn't hide it anymore.

When Lon'qu confessed his feelings to her, she got very flustered, but she confessed her feelings back. After they wed (which was horrifying to Patsy) she changed to the Bride class so she would feel closer to her husband. Neither partner really wanted too much contact, so it came as a surprise when Morgan was born (another terrifying time for the tactician.)

Patsy, Lon'qu and Morgan became one big, happy, dysfunctional family.

Sorry it's so long. XD

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OMG, I have autism and a phobia of pregnancy too. o_o

But Kelli is only a partial self-insert, so I gave her other negative traits instead. xP

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Name: poopie (no capitals) or 1

Build: Default

Hair: 1

Hair color: 1

Voice: 1

Face: 1

Gender: 1

Husband: Himself, recruited through the avatar logbook

Class: Grima

Backstory: poopie is a mass murderer and responsible for multiple genocides. In his spare time, he thinks of strategies to kill his own army in creative ways. Also, Grima didn't kill Chrom and every single other person on the continent, poopie did. He was in jail for murdering all the Shepherds, and some random shepherds with sheep or something, but Chrom decided it would be a good idea to put him in charge of the entire army. poopie is currently making a cake containing poison to serve at some party of some sort.

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Voice: 俺1/ Voice 1



[spoiler=Backstory]Because I like time paradoxes, his backstory is that he *IS* Morgan. Explained here: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=46154&page=13#entry2985533

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I use the default Avatar (body type 1, face 1, hair 1, hair color 1, and voice 1) and leave his name Robin. I haven't decided which of his supports I like best yet, so he gets married to a different woman in each playthrough.


Female Robin is also left default, and I prefer her with Lon'qu.

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I can't show pictures, so I guess I'll have to use words(gasp!).
First one: Name:Kuros, Gender:Male, Build 3, Face 1, Hair 3, Hair Color 9, Voice 3, Asset: Def, Flaw: Res.
Second one: Name:Vilnius, Gender:Male, Build 3, Face 3, Hair 1, Hair Color 5, Voice 2, Asset:Def, Flaw:Mag.
Kuros is currently a Dark Knight and married to Anna(bad choice, I know). Vilnius I plan on making a Great Knight and marrying him to anyone with good physical growths.

Now, on to the stupid backstories!
Kuros is a genius whose only flaw is his clumsiness. He can see into the minds of other people, cure people by looking at them, and fly in the air. He has HIV too, so then Morgan becomes perfect through inheritance, and everyone else can too through touching him, because, you know, HIV is transferrable through touch. He is also a huge Marxist.

Vilnius is a talib and the initial prophet for the religion of Walterism, which claims that the true God is an invisible Peruvian deer tick named Walter, and we can also become invisible Peruvian deer ticks if we build him giant igloos made of frozen blocks of Mello Yello. He is only in the Shepherds because the Book of Walter'ran revealed to him by the angel Moron tells him to kill all non-believers. After the war, he plans on converting everybody, and killing all those who do not join him. Walterism will also start crusades that will go on for 1300+ years. (Hopefully the Muslims don't kill me because of this joke.)

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zlCfzRopJwUcT6gEoc (it doesn't seem to want to let me post the picture.)

Limited and rather lackluster as the male customization options are, I like to imagine him with a different hairdo (bangs parted in the front like… uhh… Erk I suppose?) and like to pretend he has an Ike-esque headband bcuz why not. (also I couldn't think of a good quote for him to say OTL)

EDIT: Headcanon appearance


Aside from the part where he's stupid and ugly because I'm bad at drawing

I don't really consider him to be a Robin-esque character either so much as just me in the game, like AC said of his. Marries Tiki and is generally a bit more stressed-out and careworn than Robin usually seems to be (because Hard mode is embarassingly difficult right now). Like I shared in the headcanon thread, his deal is that he's the same tactician as my one for Lyn in FE7, and after the events of that game, he somehow got sucked into the Outrealms or something, where he was then dumped into Ylisse. Validar then finds him and story-related Grima business ensues. I… I haven't really gotten the details straight yet. And yes, I know it's incredibly dumb.

I also have a rather more… tailored, shall we say? Backstory for his daughter, who I'm saying is named Nubrya instead of Morgan because reasons.

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I play as the female avatar.

Name: varies (usually Robin or Phoebe)

Body type: short

Hair: short-ish (the one that kinda looks like Morgan's), brown

Voice: 3... I think.

Asset: Speed

Flaw: Luck

Final Class: Undecided. I'm leaning toward Grandmaster, though.

Husband: ALL OF THEM

Robin (or Phoebe) is a quick thinker and all-around happy and easygoing person, but tends to overlook small details. This can be as harmless as lack of sarcasm detection or as bad as failing a spot check in battle, leading to very rapid and demanding changes in plan. Robin/Phoebe hates it when anyone withholds information from her and usually doesn't know when to stop pressing the issue. The easiest way to upset her is to ignore her. The best way to make her happy is to cook for her. Confident and capable of laughing at herself, but still likes to be flattered. She's a curious mind who bounces rapidly between areas of interest. She prefers to fight with tomes, but isn't bad with a sword. Attracted to tall men with deep voices. Lacks any measurable amount of subtlety.

I try to keep her pairings varied, but Robin/Phoebe keeps winding up with Frederick for some reason. :smug:

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