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Did Jahn ever kill a divine dragon?

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I remember reading somewhere that he killed a Divine Dragon at some point in his backstory, but now I don't remember where I read it. Did he?

Why would he even do that? His only goal is to preserve dragonkind, so why would he push the gene for being a dragon further into extinction.

The closest he'll come is if you are an idiot with Fae.

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Because they were running out of soldiers and something about divine dragons being the only ones able to create war dragons, but the divine dragons had no interest in helping.

Killing their only means of getting war dragons won't help much.
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No. He kidnapped Idoun, who is a divine dragon and broke her soul to make her obey a master.

Maybe I'm just more screwed up and sleep deprived right now... but that sounds horrible under the context of her generating war dragons.

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Maybe I'm just more screwed up and sleep deprived right now... but that sounds horrible under the context of her generating war dragons.

Idoun refused to create War Dragons after the Fire and maybe Ice Dragons captured her. They destroyed her soul to make her follow the command to make War Dragons. Even with a destroyed soul, she was still TECHNICALLY a Divine Dragon and could still make them.
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The only Ice Dragons in the series, that I know of, are Ninian and Aenir, and probably Nils, because he has basically the same genes as Ninian. No mention of them in Sword of Seals, and it's presumed besides Jahn and Idoun, all the Dragons on Elibe are in Arcadia, living in peace.

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The only Ice Dragons in the series, that I know of, are Ninian and Aenir, and probably Nils, because he has basically the same genes as Ninian. No mention of them in Sword of Seals, and it's presumed besides Jahn and Idoun, all the Dragons on Elibe are in Arcadia, living in peace.

Well that and FE7 was made after FE6. Ice Dragons were retroactively added. That doesn't explain why Ninian would've had a shorter lifespan though when Fae had no issues from what was seen.

But I digress.

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It was my impression that ice dragons == divine dragons and fire dragons == earth dragons. Though, I can't recall anywhere that explicitly says that.

Edited by MP2E
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Well that and FE7 was made after FE6. Ice Dragons were retroactively added. That doesn't explain why Ninian would've had a shorter lifespan though when Fae had no issues from what was seen.

But I digress.

Something about her having adpated to the Ending Winter after it, well, ended unlike the dragons like Ninian who fled past the dragons gate? Not sure.

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Well that and FE7 was made after FE6. Ice Dragons were retroactively added. That doesn't explain why Ninian would've had a shorter lifespan though when Fae had no issues from what was seen.

Yeah, I always thought Fae and the others in Arcadia were alright because they stayed and adapted to the environment, it seems Ninian/Nils left before there was too big a change.

Pretty much my thoughts here. Especially since it was implied that Ninian and Nils weren't used to the environment on Elibe due to having lived on the other side of the Dragon Gate for so long.

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The only question on this matter is... What exactly happened to Aenir?

That's something I'd like to have answers to, her kidnapping was the start of Nergal's descend into insanity and Ninian/Nils' memory loss and retreat into Dragon Gates, where perhaps they could had instead lived in peace on Elibe with Aenir, but because Aenir was targetted, Nergal feared Ninian and Nils could be next, so he asked them to escape through Dragon Gates when he returns with Aenir or if he doesn't returns after some time.

If you think about it, the entire FE7 plot was because of some twisted greedy fucks wanting an Ice Dragon that led to Nergal becoming the villain.

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The only question on this matter is... What exactly happened to Aenir?

That's something I'd like to have answers to, her kidnapping was the start of Nergal's descend into insanity and Ninian/Nils' memory loss and retreat into Dragon Gates, where perhaps they could had instead lived in peace on Elibe with Aenir, but because Aenir was targetted, Nergal feared Ninian and Nils could be next, so he asked them to escape through Dragon Gates when he returns with Aenir or if he doesn't returns after some time.

If you think about it, the entire FE7 plot was because of some twisted greedy fucks wanting an Ice Dragon that led to Nergal becoming the villain.

I always thought the humans, since their goal was basically 'kill dragons' took her away since she was a dragon then killed her.

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I just figured she was kidnapped and executed. I'm kinda curious, I wonder if Nergal took Ninian and Nils to Valor, but Aenir was kidnapped in Illia. (Though I'm curious how Nergal knew about the gate, I guess Aenir just told him, though)

I kinda wanna know why Nergal didn't come back, probably got hung up in the war. Though, I'm surprised he didn't tell Athos about his goal (getting his kids) in his quest for knowledge. I wonder if his memories weren't almost gone before he even started working with Morphs. He did say he met Athos 500 years after the scouring, that does seem like a long time...

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Then why did Nergal seeks powers? If Aenir was executed, Nergal was more than enough to take on the bad guys that killed her since he was a powerful spellcaster in his own right. So what caused him to go mad? In that sense, Aenir is probably still alive, and Nergal kept hunting for her but never found her because people kept getting in his ways in one way or another. Or PERHAPS... Aenir was corrupted, the identical situation as Idoun, and hidden until such time to use her would rise, and Nergal wanted to rescue her asap but needed powers, and eventually went mad and forgot about his purpose.


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Then why did Nergal seeks powers? If Aenir was executed, Nergal was more than enough to take on the bad guys that killed her since he was a powerful spellcaster in his own right. So what caused him to go mad? In that sense, Aenir is probably still alive, and Nergal kept hunting for her but never found her because people kept getting in his ways in one way or another. Or PERHAPS... Aenir was corrupted, the identical situation as Idoun, and hidden until such time to use her would rise, and Nergal wanted to rescue her asap but needed powers, and eventually went mad and forgot about his purpose.


...I was always under the impression he needed power to open the gate and get his kids back, which is why I'm confused he never brought it up to Athos. (If Athos did know, I'm sure he would have brought it up)

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...I was always under the impression he needed power to open the gate and get his kids back, which is why I'm confused he never brought it up to Athos. (If Athos did know, I'm sure he would have brought it up)

I would've said that maybe by that point, Nergal was too far gone and such. Then again, the Elibe games are kinda a clusterfuck in terms of story. Bullshit reason on my end: Because Nergal had to become like Gharnef. IDK.

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My own personal Word of God is that

1. The War Dragons are actually Morphs.

2. The way they broke Idoun, in addition to where she got her power from was from the fire dragons forcing the quintessence of all the humans they slaughtered into her. If humans really did initially overpower the dragons in numbers alone, then using their quintessence against them would only be logical.

3. Nergal lived in Ilia with Aenir along with their children. He took his children away to Valor and then went back for Aenir. Nils and Ninian just followed the other dragons into the Dragon's Gate (or were forced to) while Nergal became shattered by Aenir's death.

It seems resurrection is possible with enough power.
See: Brammimond and Ninian.

See also: Renault's history with Nergal:

Renault: ...Nergal, do you remember me?

Nergal: Hah. You are... Renault. So you're still seeking out a wretched existence?

Renault: I went astray. I listened to your honeyed words... I dreamt of the impossible... the return of a lost soul. But...what you gave me was... a puppet... It was soulless...nothing more than an empty vessel!!

Nergal: Just an empty vessel... Isn't that what you wanted? You desired to bring back your dead friend. You were my experiment, and I completed my morph. I'm grateful, Renault. Thanks to you, I gained power.

Renault: You villain... You cursed him! Your crime can never be forgiven! I will end you with my hands. In the name of my lost friend!

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  • 3 months later...

not to just clusterfuck a dead topic but...this is how I always imagined that the timeline happened (at least in my timeline for hacks...)

The Scouring:

During the Scouring there is Jahn and Idounn, as well as other Divine and Fire Dragons. After the Divine Dragons refuse Jahn's request to harness the quintessence needed to make War Dragons (Just Morphs of the highest quality), Jahn and the other dragons kidnap one of them (Idounn) and force her to use their already fallen allies quintessence to create the War Dragons. quintessence, while powerful, has strong corrupting properties as we've seen in the past, and such quantities turned Idounn into the infamous Demon Dragon. then the war...blah blah, she's sealed, and the remaining dragons flee. Just as the war is ending, (or before it's end) Nergal, currently living with Aenir, Nils and Ninian in Ilia (initially because Ice Dragons lived there because of the climate) then people found out Aenir was a Dragon...took her away, Nergal gave chase but she was dead. Nergal took his children and fled with them towards the gate to protect his kids only since revival was beyond his scope of knowledge and power at the time. The gate is closed but bcause his children possess dragon's blood they can open it themselves and fled.So his children are safe with the other dragons, however, to get them back he would require enormous amounts of power.

Meeting Athos and the Fated Discovery:

It was some time later that he would meet Athos and become friends in Arcadia. In time the two became well known and loved throughout Arcadia. During his time there however, Nergal became aware of the presence of a resource known as quintessence, known by the dragons left in Arcadia. Thinking he may finally have found the power to not only the gate but maybe even possibly recreate his wife, Nergal secretly starts learning the art, however his drive for power and love soon corrupts his heart and mind, as he is willing to risk and do anything to get his family back. This leads to the death of a fellow Dragon, after which he receives his scar from Athos is is banished from Arcadia.

Gathering Quintessence and the Morphs:

As we know, quintessence can be used to make morphs, beings who may, or may not be created in a person's likeness. However, currently injured, and not wanting to risk himself too much, Nergal sought help with gathering his quintessence. This is what made him search for outside help: mercenaries. Specifically one caught his eye: Renault. After learning story, Renault was come at with the proposal to kill especially strong people and in exchange, Nergal would recreate his lost friend. Because he still lacked enough energy, some, but not a lethal amount, of quintessence was taken from Renault himself. This caused Renault's rare state of abnormal aging, etc. So Nergal is finally creating his first successful morph, and by his standards, reaches a success. Renault however is appalled and leaves, however Nergal now has more than enough quintessence to make a few morphs of his own to do his work. during the next decade or so, Nergal finds Jaffar, creates both Sonia and Ephidel, order the death of Nino's family, and then creates his greatest creation with quintessence he took from that dragon in Arcadia so long ago: (what I believe subconsciously) his perfect Morph Aenir Limstella, a morph vaguely made in the likeness of his wife.

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