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Would the Zelda Spin Attack be a viable move to use with a sword?


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Hold B to charge,then release.

Anyways,in an actual sword fight,would a 4'8 Kokiri boy against a giant armored foe,use a spin attack effective enough to not get hit? If I were in a actual sword fight and I had a shield and a sword,is holding my sword out,and spinning around with it a good idea? Your turning your back on the enemy which will leave you vulnerable. As well as extending your arms for a period of time.A.K.A your holding out your sword and shield to a full length which makes it easier to chop off. Also,how can it be used effectively?Being relatively short may help but you don't get the length,but you get the speed to chop and the length to not get your joints cut off. While if your taller and lankier,you have the wider range,but your arms are prone to get chopped and the farther the radius,the slower it'll take you to get the full circle. How effective would it actually be in an actual sword fight?

Question: Is using the spin attack in real life actually beneficial or a move just to show off with.Is the momentum necessary? Also how can it be used effectively? Do you have to be short,tall etc.

Note: I'm just wondering xD

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Well, in the games it's mainly a move used when you're surrounded by lots of enemies. Even in that situation, though, I don't think it would be wise, because as you're spinning you always have at least one enemy out of your sight, and you can't really see what you're trying to hit anyway.

It would work wonders for cutting grass though.

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It would work wonders for cutting grass though.

Fear me,I am the ancient grass cutter of my lineage of descendants.

Edit: No wonder Link loss to Ganon in the Defeated Timeline xD

Edited by Jiac2001
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Fear me,I am the ancient grass cutter of my lineage of descendants.

Edit: No wonder Link loss to Ganon in the Defeated Timeline xD

Seriously. In that timeline, instead of the final blow being a stab to Ganon's head, he must have tried to charge a spin attack instead, and in the time it takes to charge it Ganon recovered and just destroyed him. Edited by dreamcrash
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I don't think it's a smart move, it leaves you too vulnerable to counterattacks. And the time it would take to gain enough momentum to spin and quickly regain control of yourself to continue fighting would seem too large, but...

It would work wonders for cutting grass though.

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I'm fairly certain it wouldn't even be effective at hitting a bunch of dummies standing around you because your sword wouldn't just cut through them cleanly. Odds are it would get stuck and you'd stop spinning.

Obviously the spin attack is the most ineffective attack ever. You couldn't even spin fast enough to get in place before an enemy attacks you, you're left vulnerable, you can't aim, swords don't cut cleanly, and it'd make you look really stupid.

And using a spinning attack with a straight edge sword is a really, really, really, bad idea.

Edited by GabrielKnight
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LOL Real life spin attack. No. If you know how to bullshit, you might be able to pull off something similar with a hand axe, but otherwise, nope nope nope. You might end up wounding yourself.

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i suppose if someone was approaching you and you had enough time to get some momentum and perfect aim you could throw the damn thing at them

(yes i'm aware that throwing your sword is generally not a good idea)

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The issue with the spin attack is that your swing may be slower and lack power; swords are already pretty heavy.

I always thought the Zelda spin attack was aided by some sort of magic.

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I've heard from more than one person that it's considered risky bordering on foolhardy to turn your back on an opponent in a real fight for anything, even a move with just a single half-spin, particularly with swords, where a fraction of a second with your back turned would be enough for somebody to at least nick you (which could be fatal)

not even getting into "charging up for it" where, if you did it like Link, you'd pull it all the way behind you (as in, not between you and them protecting you, and telegraphing whatever you'd do)

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