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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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honorable mention to nu-metal, which is the worst thing i've heard from an objective standpoint but is fun to laugh at.

Omg yes. nu-metal is just...smh. My friends back in the day, all thought i was barking mad cuz i could never get behind that stuff. "But bruh! KORN!"

Me: "Nah mang. Nah."

I also don't understand dubstep at all.

I understand the concept of dubstep, i just am really uncertain about its execution.

Punk rock tried to kill the metal

Not really. Punk tried to kill the corporate. It failed, but was rather successful in making its point.

[spoiler=Joe Strummer and pals illustrate this well]



Everyone already knows im not into modern Country and actually kinda detest it.

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Ever since mine and my dad's work started it's been 11:00pmish (at least... that's the goal ;u;) to 7:30am

although now that my schedule's become so erratic idk what I'll be doing anymore, especially since their main goal seems to keep me there late at night

stoopid work

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I get about 5-6 hours of sleep everyday.

Sometimes I'll nap on campus for en extra hour, which I think I might do.

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Well, I typically sleep through the day, waking up anywhere between 6 through 10 pm EST. I go to bed anywhere between 6 am and 2 pm. Every now and again I attempt to reset my sleep schedule by staying awake through an entire day and going to bed at around midnight, although I usually relapse into my "normal" sleep "schedule" in a few days or so.

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I sleep at varying times-- sometimes I like hitting the hay early, sometimes I like hitting it late. It really depends on what Ive got going on the next day.

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