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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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Well I've not been to other cities much I suppose but the coastal ones are just a big no-no. Its usually hot throughout the year in those cities and its humid as fuck. I suppose I'd prefer Pune, its weather is similar to where I live(Bangalore) and the weather here's pretty awesome.

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the joke is that starcraft 2 has awful acting dialogue and probably plot as well

Me and my brother used to joke about Starcraft 2's "catch phrases." I don't remember if either of these were actually in the game, but we would say things like "It's time to finish the job..." and "I'm getting to old for this!" at seemingly opportune times.

EDIT-As far as the current qotd goes, I honestly don't know, unless I can say NYC...I live in a suburb close to nyrc, but not within the city itself.

Edited by Severlan
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Can't remember most of 'em, as I did most of my traveling when I was a kid. So you'll have to take my non-answer of Lihue, because it's one of the few that I remember.

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I haven't been around that much, but I liked Inverness in the Highlands when I went there after staying near Loch Ness for a while, a lot quieter than Edinburgh and Glasgow.

Stirling was also quite nice.

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Khamaneh is technically recognised as a city...but it really feels a lot more like a village/town.

So I guess I'd say Isfahan or Shiraz.

EDIT: Actually, real answer would probably be Kish Island.

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They also have a lot if hooligans, but what place doesn't?

I'd say the Gold Coast (if it counts), because it has great weather and fully sick theme parks

My friend and his brothers who grew up in RADELAIDE tell me its just a bunch of lads and abos doing whatever they want living the most loose life possibl

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San Francisco. You really cant beat that place. Its just so diverse, pretty, a little barking, friendly, and has this bizarre charm about it. I just...i love it there. Even with its overcrowded MUNI buses, BART funk, hipsters, yuppies, slightly overbearing homeless, and strange wafts of something kinda smelly in the air...


*rolls around in it*

Ahhhhh....they dont lie when they say you leave your heart in San Francisco.

Seattle comes in second. That place is gr9.

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Me and my brother used to joke about Starcraft 2's "catch phrases." I don't remember if either of these were actually in the game, but we would say things like "It's time to finish the job..." and "I'm getting to old for this!" at seemingly opportune times.

EDIT-As far as the current qotd goes, I honestly don't know, unless I can say NYC...I live in a suburb close to nyrc, but not within the city itself.

"Well, Jim. Guess you're a real hero of the people now."

*one second pause*

"Hah. Are you serious?"

*four second pause*

"HAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAAH! [beat] No, I was just kidding!"

quality convict and rebel dialogue itt

the one time I went to adelaide was during the Fringe festival aka the most loose time possible and it reshaped my life

the downside is the fucking archaic bus ticket system #MyWayLyfe

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can't really think about any cities in the country I live in that count.

I guess I'd like to say Manila by default, since I live in Cebu and I haven't been to Davao. Idk if Boracay counts though. It's a vacation spot with sun and beaches and really scary tourist traps.

Parts of the southern half of this nation aren't very safe for caucasians to travel to so idk if you guys would want that.

Back in Florida, I'd def. say any of the cities in the SW part of the state. Hell, if Venice Island counts I'd recommend it. It's a picturesque little place that seems as if it were a little out of time. When I was a kid, I visited my grandmother there, and we'd walk to the park all the time. I'd see tons of old cars, old concession stands, and old timey-ish theater that always seemed to be showing the rocky horror picture show, etc.

Hell, every shop in that place has an old timey-feel. I even remember a place that sold crumpets, and an italian place run by an old sicilian guy with a scar on his face. The only thing I found kinda wierd [as a kid] was the fact that the jeweler's shop had a ton of grandfather clocks.

Speaking of San Fran, I only visited it once as a child, but I went everywhere notable that my parents could think of. Even friggin Alcatraz. [i got lost there, long story.] I got under the Golden Gate Bridge, jumped on a trolley, and got whacked on the head by some kinda sea-fowl when I went seal-watching.

I'd say Chicago would be up there as well. But they closed Phil Schmidts a week after I ate there. [Famous restaurant. Served good frog legs.]

I got lost 3 blocks away from some kinda victorian style house. Why do i keep getting lost near scary places. This is why I never want to travel anywhere alone lol. [And why I'm never going to NYC unless I'm part of a group of more than 3 people.]

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Probably something like Highcliffe or Ashurst. I have a feeling that these mean absolutely nothing to anyone not from the south of England.

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Having only been to Sydney and Canberra, those are my only options. Won't make assumptions about places I haven't been to.

I like Canberra more because it's barely a city and cities terrify me.

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no idea tbqh

I'm a pretty big fan of a lot of cities within about an hour drive radius of here, but idk about others

also this question is like three days old :<

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lmao this question took like four days to get one page of answers, perfect

Question 405. What is your preferred instant messenger? Do you use them often?

irc and skype all the goddamn time i am a social fucking butterfly until i have to interact with people in person like a decent human being

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