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[Battle:FE9] Baldrick vs Athena


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Winners Bracket of Serenes Arena Cup I continues with Baldrick vs Athena!

Baldrick's Team



Athena's Team



Unit     HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  acc  avo  crt  sk%  Atk  Hit
Rolf     52   23   10   29   28   24   21   14   82   80   29   14
Shinon   53   24   10   30   28   16   21   14   76   72   30   15
Gatrie   59   29    4   27   15   13   30   16   67   43   12   25
Oscar    56   25   14   26   26   16   23   14   68   68   13   26
Nasir    60   23   11   25   29   19   26   28    0   77    0    -
Nasir    60   28   11   28   31   19   29   31   75   81   14    -   38  150
Nasir    60   33   11   30   32   19   31   33   79   83   15    -   43  154
Unit     HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  acc  avo  crt  sk%
Calill   54   14   30   27   28   20   18   22   74   76   13   27
Ike      52   26   11   27   28   20   24   18   74   76   13   27
Makalov  51   26    8   26   27   15   25   15   67   69   13   26
Nasir    60   23   11   25   27   19   26   28    0   73    0    -
Nasir    60   28   11   28   29   19   29   31   75   77   14   -    36  150
Nasir    60   33   11   30   30   19   31   33   79   79   15   -    41  154
Tibarn   66   32   12   32   25   26   27   20    0   76    0   32
Tibarn   66   39   13   37   28   26   30   21  100   82   18   37   47  195

Baldrick: 0-49

Athena: 50-99


Athena gets to act first!

Baldrick's Shinon activates Shade!

Baldrick's Nasir activates Provoke!

Athenas Tibarn transforms!

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I'm getting some serious deja vu.

EDIT I'm not actually upset or bothered or anything, that'd be stupid (what, do I have a copyright on my teams?). Just figured I'd throw that out there.

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Baldrick's Team



Athena's Team


Turn 1
Athena's Calill (Bolting) attacks Baldrick's Nasir!
15 dmg 62% Hit 0 Crit
Calill's Nihil activates!
Nasir's Nihil activates!
(78 42 56)
Nasir receives 15 damage! (45/60)
Rolf 52/52
Shinon 53/53
Gatrie 59/59
Oscar 56/56
Nasir 45/60 (11/20)

Calill 54/54
Ike 52/52
Makalov 51/51
Nasir 60/60 (13/20)
Tibarn 66/66 [17/20]

Baldrick's Turn!

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Baldrick's Team



Athena's Team


Turn 2
Baldrick's Gatrie (Vague Katti) attacks Athena's Calill (Bolting)!
23 dmg 78% Hit 27% Crit
Gatrie's Nihil activates!
Calill's Nihil activates!
(51 56 87)
Calill receives 23 damage! (31/54)
Rolf 52/52
Shinon 53/53
Gatrie 59/59
Oscar 56/56
Nasir 45/60 (15/20)

Calill 31/54
Ike 52/52
Makalov 51/51
Nasir 60/60 (13/20)
Tibarn 66/66 [17/20]

Athena's turn!

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Baldrick's Team



Athena's Team


Turn 3
Athena's Calill (Rexbolt) attacks Baldrick's Nasir!
17 dmg 78% Hit 6% Crit
Calill's Nihil activates!
Nasir's Nihil activates!
(84 88 12)
Calill misses! (45/60)
Rolf 52/52
Shinon 53/53
Gatrie 59/59
Oscar 56/56
Nasir 45/60 (17/20)

Calill 31/54
Ike 52/52
Makalov 51/51
Nasir 60/60 (17/20)
Tibarn 66/66 [14/20]

Baldrick's turn!

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Presumably he'd be able to have someone else attack Calill so his Nihil user wouldn't be revealed. Kinda pointless to redo things now if I got the gist of it.

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I would have gone for sleep except not really, because I forgot Nihil cancels the sleep effect. So it saved me from making a misplay.

Nasir attacks his fellow Nasir.

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Shouldn't Athena's Nasir be transformed? He was 17 at the previous turn, after all.

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Ok, this is ridiculous. It just goes to show I shouldnt do this while half-asleep. And it also shows that I shouldnt have trusted Baldrick's stats!

You forgot to update Nasir's Avo in the stats and I just trusted it. Looked at it as reference for Calill's attack and it turns out, the Rexbolt wouldve missed under the actual avo. Idk im really confused at this point now. @_@

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Ok, so, Rexbolt misses. Nasir transforms. You can redo your move now Baldrick.Though I think it best if we leave it here because Im tired as fuck. Send the teams to someone else.

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Sure. I would have likely done the same move, frustrating as it is it'd be fairest to not reroll the round.

PKL's right. Gauges don't go up on the opponent's turn. Nasir's OP enough as it is.

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Apologies to PKL for my error, I'm pretty incompetent. Anyways, to make up for it (also because Athena asked), I could do backup hosting while PKL's not here.

EDIT If he has a spreadsheet or anything and could send me the stuff, that'd be swell.

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