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Awkward Times When People Flirt With You


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oh i just remembered my most awkward flirting story ever.

I was in london, in the store below that famous ferris wheel, next to the restrooms, waiting for my mother and my sister to get back from there. Then a really, really cute girl I'd never seen before approached me, smiled and said "hi".

What did I do? I ran to the male restroom

this happened a year and a half ago.

hahahahahahaha i'm so pathetic it's not even funny.

The worst part is that I fell since then I've only gotten more awkward, But hey, at least I feel like i'm attractive now =)

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I usually think people are fucking with me when they flirt with me. A customer gave me her number awhile back and all I could think the whole night was "I bet it directs to a gay swingers hotline or something she's so mean." >__>

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I don't think anyone's ever flirted with me, actually. I was always the one doing the flirting when I was in day care.

for me it lasted all the way through first grade

awkward times when people propose marriage to you online and you barely know them *cough*

we should get married

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I usually think people are fucking with me when they flirt with me. A customer gave me her number awhile back and all I could think the whole night was "I bet it directs to a gay swingers hotline or something she's so mean." >__>

Sup hunk

Didnt paulina unsubtly metaphorically dickride you a while back though

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One time I kept getting flirted at, I was an idiot and fell for it until realizing that he was only doing it to mess with me and get a laugh with the rest of his friends at all my shy, flustered reactions to him. He only stopped when I grew uninterested and started having uninteresting reactions to him.

The next time I got flirted at, I was terribly afraid since suddenly flirts were scary to me and why would anybody like me anyway? Which is why I never expected that person to become the love of my life~

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Which is why I never expected that person to become the love of my life~

who was it?! im gonna kick his ass so hard i swear

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oh yes, i am very flirted with... all the time.. it's a curse being this lovely.. many a flirt have i. because i'm attractive.

sobbing in corner//

but in pre-k another kid kissed my hand and i felt so offended that i slapped him. it couldn't have hurt much, but ha.

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One night about a year ago, a stranger, who was with another girl, asked me on the street, "how you doing"

Responded, "good, thank you"

They said "cool"

We went in opposite directions and I picked up my order of noodles

When I was 12ish, I was reading/doing some work at my middle school library after school when a couple of girls came over and, I guess, did things that one could describe as middle-school tease-flirting? Not like "oh you're such a tease" like messing with somebody, though it wasn't super mean-spirited

Apparently it looked like I was being kind of squeamish and/or indeed being teased, some other girl in the area said something like "stop messing with him, ___"

Somebody liked my notes last semester, so they asked if they could take phone pictures of them, and at one point they invited me to the library to do some studying/classwork together

They gave me some chicken, it owned

One day I was out of class (being shit-brained), and they called me 3 times after it was out

Being 120 pounds of spaghetti in the shape of a person, I didn't pick up, and have not encountered them since

In theory/on multiple conceptual levels, I think the idea of girls/women doing the asking-out/flirting is hella-attractive

In practice, I have a bad track record dealing with it, I think not because "ASSERTIVE WOMEN ARE ACTUALLY SCARY/UNAPPEALING" or anything, but, at least half because I'm just socially stunted and have no go-to reaction, and probably a good part because I'd be like


"They don't mean that the way I'm hearing it, right

Because I suck and they can tell, right

Yeah I should probably not make what they said into something it probably isn't"

I forget if I've ever been flirted at by a guy, assuming not

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Wow you must be/have been a princess of high distinction.

Oh, yes, the most high distinction. my throne was made of building blocks and my scepter was several scented markers stuck together end-to-end.

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Oh, yes, the most high distinction. my throne was made of building blocks and my scepter was several scented markers stuck together end-to-end.

Everybody must've praised you highly.

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my scepter was several scented markers stuck together end-to-end.

wow luxury, we just used fuckin' textas lol

edit i have a hard time even using 'check your privilege' ironically it seems

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