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It's Time To Duel!!!! Mafia [Game Over]


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Fair enough. tbh I'm willing to drop this for now because you have at least posted some things I regard as townie and have pseudo-confirmed town vouching for you.

Shin, are you still reading? Poly hasn't really been posting inactively; he's #7 on the posters list (#6 if you don't count Elie) and makes fair-sized posts when he's around. Given that most of your post is town-reads and you have no vote yet I'm finding you questionable.

I kinda went to bed because 2am so yeah. I recall Poly having far more presence in the other games I've been in with him, which is why I thought to mention it. I don't usually care too much about meta, but this struck me as odd.

Remember, I subbed in for NNR, and I've given my suspicions on both scorri and DA BEAR. Although it's kind of you to notice my townreads!

Oops, I guess I missed the redirect notice! I guess Poly isn't quite as clear as I thought, but I'm not sure he'd admit that he got redirected if he were scum. It'd be far easier to ride on the fact he shot Kay.

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Shin, Eury and Bearclaw, make a case, lay down a vote and give your priorities.

No u

Although I've already said a little about how I feel, I'd probably lean more towards DA BEAR for his day 1 antics, they scream getting Vhaltz lynched and then just being happy to let Psych get lynched because it's a lynch. My inkling on scorri' puts her in second, but it doesn't quite ride as strong as DA BEAR.

##Vote: DA BEAR

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Cases? I haven't got time for that, weekends literally suck

Also it seems like people are voting me for not having the time to do anything and a weak randa case? sorry for having schoolwork I guess, idk how I could possibly defend myself from that.

-Claims that Garland/Baldrick was VT, but this isn't verifiable, and an extremely easy claim to fake. I also don't see why you'd decide to investigate someone who was silent the whole day, as opposed to one of the remaining three wagons that were popular yesterday.


No seriously what?

You're voting me because you don't like my night action choice and it's not 100% provable? Wtf is that, this is you complaining about my night action choice not a legit reason I'm scummy. Try again and don't trump something up next time.

Also @Prims: rolecop literally sucks itg b/c I don't get items. I just know that Baldrick was vanilla.

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That turbolynch was awful. Prims especially knows better which really throws me off because I was reading him as town but after going "meh Eury's posts seem legit" he drops her and sheeps both her and Green Poet, two of his scumreads, onto someone because "they disappeared" right after they claimed they would disappear and I don't see a townie thought process behind it.

Shinori mite b scum but he hasn't really posted much and ok he white-knighted Eury but he does that every game. I wouldn't lynch bear right now. Everyone has forgotten about Randa except for Vhaltz which I'm not sure is a good or a bad thing as of right now.

My opinion on Eury hasn't really changed much. I chose her over Vhaltz yesterday because I felt like scum Vhaltz would behave slightly differently if she were town, and if Vhaltz is town then why lynch him? Both could be scum though. Poly's defence of her doesn't make me feel any better because she is far from cleared from that.

iunno ##Vote: Eury

Eury > Vhaltz > Shinori = Prims = Randa > Everyone else

Not confident in my reads at all anymore.

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I'm not fully sold on the idea as he was one of the main reasons she was a major wagon yesterday, but if you were to just look at the way he switched to Psych then yeah.

There's also the fact that turbolynches generally leave less associative reads. I might reread GP at some point but not now.

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Wait I guess it could also come from a special scum kill card, since they apparently get a different category and are hidden after use. That would make more sense since 12/3/1 feels specially wonky with all the potential town appears to have to decimate themselves with vig+suicidevig+lovers (so far) and 13/2/1 would be horrid for scum unless they were incredibly OP.

I also just remembered that Poly is still absolutely lost in the lalaland of confirmation bias. Do you think anybody else is likely to be scum aside from me?

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Gonna stop playing the role game now and concentrate on reading people but this is still very important.

If somebody is town and used the drive card, claim it now because otherwise I'm going to assume it came from scum. This is important.

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Wait I guess it could also come from a special scum kill card, since they apparently get a different category and are hidden after use. That would make more sense since 12/3/1 feels specially wonky with all the potential town appears to have to decimate themselves with vig+suicidevig+lovers (so far) and 13/2/1 would be horrid for scum unless they were incredibly OP.

Pfffffffffft, this is extremely dumb because it would mean that scum decided to both drive BBM/Kay and send a kill on BBM. Smart/10

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There's also the possibility somebody used the bomb card on Baldrick, resulting in the scum kill, which I assume was Kay, killing Kay. The card graveyard checks out, but I'm not sure if anyone is willing to claim it.

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The bomb role thing isn't an actual bomb, as GP (iirc) pointed out earlier. It's a bomb that destroys the role of the person exploding it, without killing them.

So yeah it's probably an SK who killed BBM for ??? reasons given his low activity and troubles to log on

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Looking back, BBM is probably the card Coroner. Numbers are likely 11/4/1 for Vhaltz's sake.

Not feeling good about bearclaw at present.

-He switches from his RVS vote to Randa before phase end and doesn't follow up except with "I wouldn't lynch Vhaltz, personally." No reasoning there as to why.

-Claims that Garland/Baldrick was VT, but this isn't verifiable, and an extremely easy claim to fake. I also don't see why you'd decide to investigate someone who was silent the whole day, as opposed to one of the remaining three wagons that were popular yesterday.

##Vote: bearclaw

Also bothered by Shinori, somewhat. I'm getting bad vibes from his general lack of comment and lurking before phase end. I don't feel comfortable voting him now, though, since he's explained why he's been short on time recently and I definitely want to hear his sub's perspective if he does request one.

This post is really bad. The way he phrases the first part is like bearclaw didn't actually give any reasons for him wanting to lynch Randa, and the second part assuming bear is mafia and fitting actions to it. Nobody had anything on Baldrick's slot at all, so going into D2 with no info whatsoever on him would be a complete crapshoot. And because it's an "easy claim to fake", it means that it's also a likely possibility to be true. There's also the fact that bearclaw had no reason to out it anyway, so it's not like he was under any pressure to do so.

Don't have time to do more right now, going out to eat with family.

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Yes, but somebody was clearly aiming at BBM as well because Kay died too

That or Balc was a bomb by role instead of card (since there are no used bomb cards aside from the rolebomb card), and that conflicts with bearclaw's rolecop report.

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@SB why 11/4/1? Isn't that incredibly imbalanced towards anti-town?

So reads stuff. One of scorri's posts irked me slightly

That's a good question!

I want to ISO Eury at some point and hear her answer to the point about Kay. Uhm... Kirsche feels really unmemorable, all I remember is him pushing Eury and not much else, but need to ISO him too...

Oh. Bearclaw. All he did yesterday was vote Randa, say he didn't want to lynch Vhaltz, and... that's about it. His case on Randa feels weak to me as well.

##Vote: Bearclaw

It's mostly an issue of wording, it feels like she's just putting out whatever comes to the top of her head instead of actually reading through the thread like she said she would and make a case on somebody. I'd appreciate it if she elaborated her reads and priorities a bit more.

I'm also somewhat wary of kirsche due to his last contentpost. His Prims suspicion seems to stem from his deadline actions where he was pretty much trying to avoid a townread getting lynched and switching to Psych when he did makes sense if he didn't think Eury was going to get lynched instead. The suspicion on Prims along with keeping a suspicion on Eury/me solely on "they could be buddies" also doesn't make sense unless you consider that the scumteam is Prims/Eury/Me, which he doesn't appear to have really thought through. Could be scum trying to hang onto their D1 suspicions for the sake of not producing newer content to be scrutinized. I'd also appreciate it if he elaborated on his thoughts.

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I've contracted SF aids and now it's become a bastard to post.


Who? Balcerzak isn't playing.

"if he didn't think Eury was getting lynched" - Eury was a perfectly viable lynch option at the time. I'm not suspicious of both you and Eury "because you could be buddies" I'm suspicious of you guys for stuff which I have already gone into great detail over the course of this thread and noting that regardless of interactions, you could indeed be buddies. Why does the scumteam have to be you/Eury/Prims again?

What thoughts do you want me to elaborate on?

I reread GP and got nothing too bad aside from the bear vote.

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I mixed up Balc and Baldrick, go me.

Well you changed your mind on me towards deadline and then just made your D2 post like that never happened. There's no mention to what happened there other than "Vhaltz/Eury could be buddies", and then the Prims suspicion also seemed to stem from him voting Psych over Eury, which would only make sense if you were considering him to be buddies with Eury avoiding lynching her by voting Psych. Your reply to me on this didn't feel like you thought it through very well.

Saying "Eury sure was a viable wagon" doesn't make it out to be true either. Hindsight is 10/10 and iirc I'm pretty sure that after SB went to sleep there was a solid bunch of hours during which Prims was the only one in the thread willing to vote Eury. I don't think it would've been possible for an Eury lynch to happen unless scorri had shown up earlier to unvote me, by the time she did show up the Psych wagon was already a majority.

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