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Metal Rabbit

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Inspired by the Tales series, list the titles that apply to you on the forum.

I'm adding descriptions.

-Metal Rabbit: A bunneary? What?

-Veteran User: A title for those who are devoted to the forum.

-Writer: Great imagination and prowess are yours when holding a pen... or mouse.

-Spriter: So I stole other people's works, I made them more colorful!

-Pervert: It's all funny till someone gets offended. Just like you planned.

-Moderator: A rank for those trusted by the administration enough to let you patroll the forum.

-Erratic Moderator: Great powers, great responsibility. Let's go abuse it.

-Vengeful Moderator: Don't get me mad. I might have to make things disappear.

-New Resolve: I've made a mistake, and I've apoligized. I'll promise to never do that again.

-Master of Chaos: Disorderly confusion is nothing to me. Hell, I made it.

-You Idiot: This is what you get for not knowing the whole story before doing something stupid.

-Clumsy Moderator: Ack... I'm sorry! I swear I'll fix it!

-Iron Moderator: Take no crap, and leave no violation unanswered. No going back now.

-Friend: No words need to be said, I've got your back.

-Newbie Protector: You didn't ask for it, but you've gained this awesome new responsibility. >_>

-Moogle Fanatic: Kupo, kupo!

Edited by Metal Arc
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The spriter one doesn't work, because if you do full custom works you haven't changed colours or made them more colourful than an original sprite. =X

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I guess some of yours would apply to me...so copying those and a few others...

-Pretty Prince of Parties: For one who frolics among the meadows drinking tea with midgets.

-Veteran User: A title for those who are devoted to the forum.

-Moderator: A rank for those trusted by the administration enough to let you patrol the forum.

-Harvey-Two Face: There are two sides to every coin...

-Silent Guardian: May not say much, but that doesn't mean I'm not watching.

-Twisted Genius: It may not make sense to you, but I know what I am doing...trust me...

-Comic Book Nerd: Another week, another hero...or villain...

-The Judge: One who upholds order in a world of chaos.

Edited by Hanz
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Inspired by the Tales series, list the titles that apply to you on the forum.

I'm adding descriptions.

-Metal Rabbit: A bunneary? What?

-Veteran User: A title for those who are devoted to the forum.

-Writer: Great imagination and prowess are yours when holding a pen... or mouse.

-Spriter: So I stole other people's works, I made them more colorful!

-Pervert: It's all funny till someone gets offended. Just like you planned.

-Moderator: A rank for those trusted by the administration enough to let you patroll the forum.

-Erratic Moderator: Great powers, great responsibility. Let's go abuse it.

-Vengeful Moderator: Don't get me mad. I might have to make things disappear.

-New Resolve: I've made a mistake, and I've apoligized. I'll promise to never do that again.

-Master of Chaos: Disorderly confusion is nothing to me. Hell, I made it.

-You Idiot: This is what you get for not knowing the whole story before doing something stupid.

-Clumsy Moderator: Ack... I'm sorry! I swear I'll fix it!

-Friend: No words need to be said, I've got your back.

-Newbie Protector: You didn't ask for it, but you've gained this awesome new responsibility. >_>

-Moogle Fanatic: Kupo, kupo!

Okay let's see

Lazy Bastard: If you want me to do stuff, ask me when I care (which is never)

Uncaring asshole: If you rip your heart and soul out to me, I'll just say "yeah that's nice" (only to Males)

Halo freak in a box: Proving that you know how many frag granades in cost, it takes to make one Spartan Laser

RPG Nut: Self explanitory

Honorable: If I don't mind you then I will repsect and back your decisions unless you are wrong or I don't agree.

Friend: See quote

Pervert: See quote


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-Young Heir: Boy betrothed to the Princess of Crimea. Wields two blades.

-Lone Survivor: The only one to have survived the mass murder of his family.

-Traveler of the planes: Unwilling victum.

-The Dual Wielding Noble: The strongest member of the Demonclaw Syndicate after the four originals.

-Avenger: His lifelong purpose fulfilled. His family's souls at peace.

-Tragic Lover: When all seems to be right, the worst will happen.

-Power-sealed: To protect those around me, I will make myself weaker.

-Bianchi's Slave: O_o

-Kiryn's Bodyguard: "When did that happen?!?"

-Lover: Seaching for his lost love.

-Broken Seal: The grand power returns

-A Noble Reborn: The Demonclaw Syndicate rises again.

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Mage in training:So what if I dont have fancy magic? I'll still burn your ass!

Clingy:Even death cant stop him from clinging to life....and a specific girl (die 20 times in 1 battle)

Protective Sibling?:He could seem to care less for his own sister........how absurd

Friends:No matter how stupid he may act, or how many times he hits me, we share a true bond of friendship

Lame:Seriously? Getting on one knee and holding out flowers?

Retard!:YOU'RE A MAGE! STOP FIGHTING UP CLOSE! (be in a battle for at least 2 mins only using physical attacks)

Trash Talker:Im sorry........what was that again before I kick your ass? (taunt 10 times in 1 battle)

Sorrowful Soul:His past repeated before his very eyes, as he sees his cherished ones lie in defeat (fight a battle with all allies dead)

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Branded: One who bears laguz and beorc blood.

Direction Challenged: It was this way...right?

Bad with Names: You are...

Unmotivated: Sorry. Just can't get into it.

Creature of Whim: As long as sounds interesting, I'll do whatever.

Protector: Call them my "friends" or "companions" or whatever you will...either way I won't let you kill them.

Selfish Ally: It suits my needs so I'll help out.

Oblivious: I can't look after everyone in battle.

Secretive:...Don't worry about it.

Lost and Confused: This path I've chosen...is this really what I want?

Resolve: Even if Heaven and Earth are against me, I'll charge forward and continue to fight!

Edited by Branded Blade
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Branded: One who bears laguz and beorc blood.

Direction Challenged: It was this way...right?

Bad with Names: You are...

Unmotivated: Sorry. Just can't get into it.

Creature of Whim: As long as sounds interesting, I'll do whatever.

Protector: Call them my "friends" or "companions" or whatever you will...either way I won't let you kill them.

Selfish Ally: It suits my needs so I'll help out.

Oblivious: I can't look after everyone in battle.

Secretive:...Don't worry about it.



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That was already implied in "Oblivious." Besides it's your own fault for making me the healer.

I DID NOT MAKE YOU RAINE. You were Lloyd in TOS and


in TOS 2!!!!! The fact that you give yourself a fucking orange gummi when THE ENTIRE DAMN PARTY IS DEAD is on YOU!

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Tales of Symphonia...and Tales of Symphonia II.



Also, why not just mash the special button? I mean, it's not like you guys even needed a healer anyways.

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I DID NOT MAKE YOU RAINE. You were Lloyd in TOS and


in TOS 2!!!!! The fact that you give yourself a fucking orange gummi when THE ENTIRE DAMN PARTY IS DEAD is on YOU!


Branded isn't very smart now, is he?

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I DID NOT MAKE YOU RAINE. You were Lloyd in TOS and


in TOS 2!!!!! The fact that you give yourself a fucking orange gummi when THE ENTIRE DAMN PARTY IS DEAD is on YOU!

I meant when I was Zelos.



Also, why not just mash the special button? I mean, it's not like you guys even needed a healer anyways.

Both. And cause I don't really heal. Wastes time.


Branded isn't very smart now, is he?

I can't take the time to look at everyone's health when I fight. He should be able to take care of himself.

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I meant when I was Zelos.

Both. And cause I don't really heal. Wastes time.

I can't take the time to look at everyone's health when I fight. He should be able to take care of himself.

Yah because a mage getting jumped by a dragon and two plant beasts is totally A-OK. Shit Emil and


and Sheena and Zelos got rapped by FRIGGIN BUNNIES! DONT YOU REMEMBER THAT!?

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Yah because a mage getting jumped by a dragon and two plant beasts is totally A-OK. Shit Emil and


and Sheena and Zelos got rapped by FRIGGIN BUNNIES! DONT YOU REMEMBER THAT!?

Yeah...that just sucked. Hey remember when Emil got benched cause he kept knocking the enemies away from your spells? That was great.

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