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Help with making a VGC Pokemon Tournament team?

Silver Lightning

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So, I pre-registered for my local annual anime convention last night, and I just found out that they're holding a Pokemon League Tournament for the first time ever with X and Y. With everything I've learned in the past several months, I'm feeling pretty confident about going for it; however, I've never played with and am not entirely familiar with VGC rulesets, which is what they decided to go with (this is what I get for only playing Smogon singles for far too long..XP). I'd like some help with building a team from the ground up, and since they must be Kalos bred and from the Kalos Pokedex, I have 2 weeks to get them IV bred and EV trained, so I kinda wanna get my team finalized soon.

Here are the ground rules for reference:

Rule #2 – The person challenging the Gym Leader/Elite Four Member may have the choice of challenging them to a 3v3 Single Battle with Flat Rules or a 4v4 Double Battle with Flat Rules

Rule #3- Due to the switch from Smogon to VGC rulings, only Pokemon from the Kalos Pokedex will be permitted in battle

Rule #4- As well, any pokemon in the Kalos Dex is now permitted with the exceptions of Mewtwo, Xerneas, Yveltal, and Zygarde. After a bit of research as well, it also appears, for whatever reason, Blaziken is still not allowed

Rule #5- Pokemon are allowed to Mega Evolve

Rule #6- Duplicate Pokemon are not allowed; ie. Cannot have two Blastoise on one’s team

Rule #7- Duplicate items are not allowed; ie. Cannot have your Machamp holding Choice Band then your Breloom holding one as well

Rule #8- Please have appropriate names for both your trainer and Pokemon

Rule #9- Please do not name your Pokemon as another Pokemon. Ex. Having an Arcanine named Shuckle.

Rule #10- Moves that raise or lower evasion and accuracy are allowed in movesets

Rule #11- More than one Pokemon are permitted to be put to sleep within battles

Rule #12- More than one Pokemon are permitted to be frozen within battles

Rule #13- If each trainer has one Pokemon each and one uses a move that cause both Pokemon to faint at the same time, ie Self Destruct, it counts as a loss to the player that used the move. Ex.- If the challenger used the move then it would count as a loss.

Rule #14- Pokemon with their Hidden Abilities are allowed

Rule #15- Pokemon from the Friend Safari are allowed ONLY if they are in the Central Kalos Pokedex, Coastal Kalos Pokedex, and the Mountain Kalos Pokedex

If I can manage to beat their League's eight gym leaders, I'll be invited to their Elite Four Tournament for a chance at the Champion title and a prize.
I've never actually done something like this before (or even had the confidence to even attempt something like this) so I'd really appreciate any and all the advice I can get. Thanks!
I'm not sure where exactly to start; should I build around a mega evolution or certain pokemon that are bound to be overused like Talonflame and Aegislash? I'm kinda sad that I can't use pokemon outside of the Kalos dex, but oh well.....thoughts?
And I just had a fun idea; the most helpful six people to assist me with this will have the honor of being able to choose a pokemon on my team to be nicknamed after their username, and be represented on my team.
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Three words.

Fake Out, Protect, and Hitmontop.

Seriously, Hitmontop is the ultimate doubles support. With access to Quick Guard, Wide Guard, Intimidate, and Fake Out, it's a Doubles beast. There's a reason why it's the most used Pokemon on online doubles. For its last move, I usually choose between Close Combat, for actual damage, or helping hand, for even more support.

Protect is also incredibly useful for predicting. When used correctly, it can totally mess up your opponent's momentum. Fake Out gives you a chance to attack/set-up more easily.

Multiple hitting moves are obviously important, too. Discharge, Lava Plume, Surf, Earthquake, Heat Wave, and Rock Slide are probably the most common. Although you may see Blizzard, Eruption, and Water Spout.

I once tried using a Modest Specs Typhlosion Eruption with a Sun boost and Helping Hand boost. SO. STRONG. It even murders Pokemon that resist it, which I understand, since it is, effectively, a 450 base power move. It isn't the most reliable, however.

EDIT: Wait, I'm a bit confused here. Kalos-dex are allowed or Kalos-born? Becaues if it's Kalos dex, then you can't use Hitmontop, and Meowstic or Sableye may have to be used for support. Or maybe Klefki.

Although Aegislash does get Wide Guard, while Talonflame gets Quick Guard... but still...

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I'm not that well versed in VGC rules, but I can try giving what help I can offer.

First: the rules state that it's either 3v3 singles or 4v4 doubles. A single team will be really different than a double one in terms of moveset.

Either way, from what I've seen from videos, you might want want to have at least 2 mega evos(Charizard Y is really popular in doubles and Mega Kangaskhan is all over the place).

Having priority moves is still really useful. Talonflame, Conkeldurr, Mega Kangaskhan seemed pretty frequent.

Also, Protect is a good move to have on nearly all your pokemon. It allows you to scout what your opponent wants to do as well as protect from moves like Earthquake.

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Hmm for megas Charizard Y could be good for doubles. Also what Lux said. maybe mega Kangaskhan?

​One I suggest is Greninja with the Protean ability. I've won many matches with thanks to protean and Mat block in doubles and triple battle. the other moves i gave it were Ice beam, scald, and extrasensory.

Protect is a great move you should give your pokemon.

And I guess maybe gengar?

Good luck! I know you'll do great! :)

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Nuggetbridge.com is a great place to go if you're interested in the VGC format, since you can use the Pokemon builds of experienced VGC players as a reference.

Aaron Zheng (former VGC champion)'s YouTube also has a lot of VGC content. https://www.youtube.com/user/CybertronProductions

As for VGC 2014 Pokemon, my most often used ones are Bisharp, Aerodactyl, Gyarados, Hydreigon, Ferrothorn and various Rotom forms.

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Thanks for the suggestions so far guys!

But before I start making a team, I think I should address Lux's point about whether to make my team inclined towards 3 vs 3 singles or 4 vs 4 doubles, since I have that choice in the rules. Seeing as I'm more versed in singles overall (even if 6 vs 6 is a different ball game from 3vs3), should I stick with a singles team or make a doubles team (and hopefully research as much as I can on doubles in the 2 weeks I have)?

And Fruity, apparently they must be in the Kalos dex to enter, which leads me to believe that they should also be Kalos born. So I'm gonna breed everything from scratch just to be sure, and I can't use stuff like Hitmontop sadly if I do go doubles.

Thanks for the info and link SLM; even if I go singles, I'll probably brush up on my doubles knowledge for the future. And it also helps to know more about the strategies in general.

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Thanks for the suggestions so far guys!

But before I start making a team, I think I should address Lux's point about whether to make my team inclined towards 3 vs 3 singles or 4 vs 4 doubles, since I have that choice in the rules. Seeing as I'm more versed in singles overall (even if 6 vs 6 is a different ball game from 3vs3), should I stick with a singles team or make a doubles team (and hopefully research as much as I can on doubles in the 2 weeks I have)?

And Fruity, apparently they must be in the Kalos dex to enter, which leads me to believe that they should also be Kalos born. So I'm gonna breed everything from scratch just to be sure, and I can't use stuff like Hitmontop sadly if I do go doubles.

Thanks for the info and link SLM; even if I go singles, I'll probably brush up on my doubles knowledge for the future. And it also helps to know more about the strategies in general.

I'd say go for doubles, it's just more dynamic and fun, and there's a lot more prediction too.

3v3 singles is pretty unbalanced, based on my experience (It's mostly a matter of who picked the more advantageous Pokemon, though 4v4 doubles is the same but way less of a factor).

But I have to agree 2 weeks is not enough to get used to the doubles format, so I have to say... just enter the format that you're more used to. :)

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I think VGC ruleset are best suited for doubles and always felt that 3v3 singles felt too restrictive. Having 2 pokemon on the field allows to react better to things like sleep or evasion boosting moves.

The problem though is that it requires a different approach.

I think it might be worth it to go for 4v4 doubles, but it's up to you whether you feel confident enough to go with the format.

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Go for doubles and use Rotom-W and Garchomp - they're so versatile and have around 40% usage in vgc for a reason. Can't go wrong with them, just don't use stuff like Outrage.

I guess Garchomp, Roton-W, Kanga and x is the standard team there.

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Go for doubles and use Rotom-W and Garchomp - they're so versatile and have around 40% usage in vgc for a reason. Can't go wrong with them, just don't use stuff like Outrage.

I guess Garchomp, Roton-W, Kanga and x is the standard team there.

I think something that can take a spore could be a good idea i.e. a grass type or a something like guts flame orb conkeldurr

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For reference: http://i.imgur.com/bqBqvMN.png

I guess Amoonguss is great for taking spore?

I'm not that familiar with doubles, I just happen to know how insane Garchomp is (and Smogon-W is insane everywhere ********).

Well, Amoonguss is especially great at using Spore himself, even though him being grass type allows him to switch into a predicted one.

Ferrothorn is also a good grass type to use thanks to his bulk and typing. His ability also helps against Mega Kangaskhan. I may have made a mistake while calculating, but a Ferrothorn(or Rough Skin Garchomp) holding a rocky helmet would deal (7/24)x2 if he can tank both hits from M-K, so just a bit over half of its HP in recoil.

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So, what I'm getting here is that Doubles, while being more dynamic, also allows for a little more control and ease of prediction? I suppose if I put my mind to it I could adapt in 2 weeks; I'm gonna check out those nugget bridge links first before I decide for sure though and maybe try a few double battles on showdown too. That Garchomp/Rotom-W combo seems divine though; and I suppose you could slap Mega Kanga onto almost any team and expect to punch some holes in the opposition.

Also, keep in mind that most of my opponents are probably going to be primarily type locked into mono type teams, seeing as they're gym leaders and elite four not unlike our league here. Obviously I can't counter team, but I should be able to have reasonable answers to any type I encounter (the only type I know for sure that is present is the Fairy Gym Leader, since she sent me the rules).

I find it strange though that they actually give you a choice on whether to pick 3vs3 or 4vs4 seeing as that requires two different approaches towards their team building; I suppose they have a different team prepared for each format.

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Just wondering, does your team need to be 3/4 pokemon only or you have 6 pokemon in your team and choose which 3/4 you want to use in battle? Because the latter would allow you to cover every types more effectively. For example, you may want to use a grass type pokemon when your opponent has one, but if you're against a fire type gym leader, you could use another pokemon.

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It looks like you've gotten some pretty good advice so far, but I'll go ahead and throw one idea out there....

Since it looks like Sleep Clause isn't active for VGC, you could probably find a way to abuse that if you felt like it (although it might be rather gimmicky). If you give Smeargle Dark Void (which I think is technically legal, because even though Pokemon outside the Kalos dex aren't allowed, the rules don't say anything about moves from Pokemon from other games), that might be a useful team-crippling tool.

Then again, I haven't played much doubles so more likely than not that'd just be a silly gimmick.

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It looks like you've gotten some pretty good advice so far, but I'll go ahead and throw one idea out there....

Since it looks like Sleep Clause isn't active for VGC, you could probably find a way to abuse that if you felt like it (although it might be rather gimmicky). If you give Smeargle Dark Void (which I think is technically legal, because even though Pokemon outside the Kalos dex aren't allowed, the rules don't say anything about moves from Pokemon from other games), that might be a useful team-crippling tool.

Then again, I haven't played much doubles so more likely than not that'd just be a silly gimmick.

I guess it could work, but Smeargle is pretty frail and can be destroyed by priority, especially if 2 pokémon targets him.

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Yeah, that would be the issue. I guess it could be remedied by some combination of Protect & Follow Me/Rage Powder or something, but it's probably not worth centering a team around, haha.

EDIT: Yeah, agreed. I DID say it was a dumb idea, lol.

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I think a solid all-around team would be better than one based around a gimmick. Gimmicks are way riskier since even though they can work very well if the adversary doesn't expect it, they're also easier to shot down than other team builds.

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Ok, I was busy with life the last few days so I'm a little late on the uptake, but after watching several of Cybertron's videos and poking around Nuggetbridge, I've decided I'm going to try making a true doubles VGC team for the tournament. Even with my inexperience, I'm still pretty confident about being able to adapt in time and it'd be good for me to branch outside of singles for once. I hope this doesn't come back to bite me in the future.

So, now comes team building. As fun as gimmicks can be, I'm going to try to stay as standard as possible for now to be safe. Garchomp + Rotom-W is about as standard as it gets along with being an attractive combo, and I've always wanted to try using a Mega Kangaskhan (never got to before it got banned) which as I understand it is a standard all-around mega to work with. So unless there's a huge oversight there, that's already half my team. Talonflame seems good for priority and Amoonguss or Ferrothorn for spore absorbing; what else should I look to use in my team? Not sure if I should get walls or tanks for this meta, for example, since IIRC its super fast paced and aggressive. And you don't get to switch a lot it seems...

Just wondering, does your team need to be 3/4 pokemon only or you have 6 pokemon in your team and choose which 3/4 you want to use in battle? Because the latter would allow you to cover every types more effectively. For example, you may want to use a grass type pokemon when your opponent has one, but if you're against a fire type gym leader, you could use another pokemon.

From what I can tell, you bring six and choose 3/4. And yes, this point should emphasized: while I'm not sure what rules they follow about monotyping teams (or if they have wildcards), most of these teams should be following a type theme of some sort, so my team should probably built with this in mind instead of expecting the usual opposing competitive teams.

Anyways, I need to start getting pokemon, strats, and movesets down in order to start breeding soon, so any advice is appreciated (especially since I'm playing in unfamiliar territory).

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Scrafty for top-tier support (aside from Hitmontop, I guess). Intimidate and Fake Out, as well as Drain Punch and Quick Guard. Sturdy defenses and etc. Great 'mon. Amoonguss is also top-tier. Spore and Rage Powder are really good moves, and it can be bait for common 'mons like T-flame and Megazard Y. As you said before, Rotom-W and Garchomp are about as standard as you can get, but I guess that makes your team super predictable. Not that that should be too much of a problem.

Pretty much all your 'mons should be carrying Protect.

T-flame is good, as well as pretty much every 'mon with access to Intimidate. (Gyarados, Megatric, etc.)

Scizor and Lucario can also be really good, since they have access to Feint to deal with those Protect/Wide Guard/Quick Guard spammers.

There's a lot to choose from, and doubles is really fun! A lot less centralizing than singles, if you ask me.

From a guy who's 13th on Showdown's XY Battle Spot Doubles ladder.

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Your team needs a better special attacker, good Pokemon in the format are Aegishash (It can also support your team with Wide Guard), Hydreigon (Life Orb Draco Meteor achieves many 1HKOs), and Greninja (Mixed Greninja with Rock slide can surprise KO Talonflame and Charizard-Y).

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Ok, I think I've got most of my team here; just missing one since I'm torn between Aegislash, Amoonguss, and Scrafty for the final slot. Most of it is the previously mentioned standard stuff with what I understand is standard sets. Feel free to rate my EVs and movesets, and I haven't decided on items yet (other than the megastone).

For a dedicated special attacker, I decided on Gardevoir, but I haven't found as many helpful sets online to review it with. Not set on moves; EVs are also undecided, so advice is appreciated.

Here's what I have so far:

Ability: Rough Skin
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Atk / 4 HP
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Claw
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Protect
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 116 Def / 4 SAtk / 132 SDef / 4 Spd
Calm Nature
- Hydro Pump
- Thunderbolt
- Will-O-Wisp
- Protect
Ability: Gale Wings
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Atk / 4 HP
Jolly Nature
- Brave Bird
- Flare Blitz
- Tailwind
- Protect
Kangaskhan-Mega (F) @ Kangaskhanite
Ability: Parental Bond
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Atk / 4 HP
Jolly Nature
- Fake Out
- Return
- Power-Up Punch
- Sucker Punch
And some more insight on how this league is gonna work was announced; there are 18 gym leaders for the 18 types. If you win against 8 of them and collect their badge, you move onto the Elite Four/Champion challenge. Because there are so many gym leaders to fight, rematches are not allowed. If I lose to one, I cannot collect the badge and have to win against at least 8 by the end of the day. The Elite Four Tournament is single elimination; the types for them are Normal, Poison, Dark, and Water. The Champion is Fire/Ice.
So, I'm going to have to have some sort of answer to all of the Elite Four/Champion types especially.
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Since you're obviously going to face a Rain team, you should consider adding an additional check to Rain teams, since Rotom-W isn't that durable.

If Talonflame has a 31 HP IV, then you shouldn't give it any HP EVs so that its max HP remains an odd number, allowing it to take Stealth Rock twice. Changing the max HP in this way boosts your chances of winning only slightly on, say, Showdown, but remains worthwhile in my opinion since maximizing your odds is part of the game. Given the setup of the tournament, I also don't think it's necessary to give Jolly Talonflame 252 Spd EVs; you are facing at most two Talonflames the entire day.

You should consider visiting Nugget Bridge's IRC channel, #nuggetbridge, for live help if you still want advice on teambuilding. It's much quicker than communicating on a forum, and their VGC players are among the best.

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for talonflame i use adamant with 240 speed evs to outspeed mega pinsir, but that's more of a singles thing i guess. just play around with the speed evs and dump the rest into hp to take recoil damage, but make sure to keep it odd.

i rarely play doubles, but choice scarf gardevoir with trick seems like it would be good. http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/gardevoir.3497343/ also just found this on smogon lol

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A sample Gardevoir set would be like:

Gardevoir @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Trace/Telapathy
EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 Spd / 4 HP
Modest Nature
- Moonblast
- Psyshock
- Shadow Ball
- Dazzling Gleam/Focus Blast/Thunderbolt/Energy Ball
A good rain check would be Ferrothorn:
Ferrothorn @ Lum Berry
Ability: Iron Barbs
EVs: 204 Atk / 252 HP / 52 SDef
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spd
- Power Whip
- Gyro Ball
- Leech Seed
- Protect
This also completes a Steel/Dragon/Fairy as well as a Fire/Water/Grass core.
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