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Recently finished FE12, left with a few questions

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So I recently beat the game semi-blind, on Maniac CLA, and it definitely felt hard enough. So I was wondering...

1) What exactly changes between difficulties? Like, I know that Lunatic has more enemies and better weapons (including I think 1-2 range dragons?), and a few things like the Silver Card and Warp Staff are removed, but what else changes? I think their stats get a little better as well. What about going from Normal to Hard and Hard to Maniac, how much changes there? Does Lunatic have forged silvers and from where? How big are the stat gaps? Which would be harder, Lunatic with all the unlockable stuff (rainbow/bond/growth potions and reclass limits removed) or Maniac with nothing?

2) What makes for the best MU and is there a particular 'popular' setup for him? I went, as I said, semi-blind knowing my choices affected stuff but just picking what felt right for me (which ended up as Cav/Merchant/Wise/Honorable), but was wondering what kind of 'optimal' MUs there are. I've started on a Normal mode file which is gunning for a HP/STR/SKL/SPD/LUK/DEF capped Berserker, dunno if I'll manage it though.

3) What do the ranks at the end of the game measure? Speed I assume is turns taken, Survival is number of recruitable units who died (or just recruited units who died?) but then what's tactics? I got A/A/B, and as far as I know I missed Michalis only so I guess S is the best in each? What do you need to get to get the top rank in each, are the numbers known?

I think that's all I was wondering about for now. I really enjoyed the game, the game was generally a real challenge (well duh I started on Maniac ¬_¬) but I really enjoyed it. Endgame was especially challenging, and on Lunatic with enemies being even stronger and having 1-2 range... I'm really wondering how I'd handle that.

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1) Normal -> Hard: Improved stats and enemy reinforcements come at the beginning of the turn. I don't know about the other two, since I jumped from Hard -> Lunatic -> Lunatic Reverse. There are more enemies in Lunatic, and the enemies have higher stats and stronger weapons. Also, no Silver Card or Warp Staff, which means only one Hammerne. Lunatic has forged, like, everything towards end-game. In fact, because of this, the last chapter is easier in a sense. No silly forged Glower Sorcerers. Lunatic Reverse is a 1-Up of this. THEY ALWAYS ATTACK YOU FIRST. I have no idea how I beat it.

The stats are way higher, and you need a lot more strategy. I'd say Lunatic, even with the buffs, is harder than Maniac without them.

2) I've had the easiest time on Lunatic with Berserker MU. I've tried Sorcerer, but Sorcerer MU is impossible in Lunatic (good luck beating the first prologue with it). Ironically, Mage MU is possible in Lunatic Reverse, but only because you start with 2 Vulneraries. xD As for Berserker MU's buffs, increased Def and Spd is pretty important.

3) Speed is turns taken. Survival is how many units survived. If you didn't recruit a potentially recruitable unit, it counts as dead. Tactics is... I don't know. IIRC, you need to kill units quickly, etc. I'm not too sure.

I should do a no-unit-loss, min-turn, S/S/S run one of these days.

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Tactics is the weird one; it's probably not what you'd think it is.

Honestly I can't remember what the latest theory or evidence for that was. I do remember theorising it's related to how "complete" your playthrough is, like the chests you've opened and villages visited.

Edited by VincentASM
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Tactics is the weird one; it's probably not what you'd think it is.

Honestly I can't remember what the latest theory or evidence for that was. I do remember theorising it's related to how "complete" your playthrough is, like the chests you've opened and villages visited.

I think I visited every village and opened every chest except the two in chapter 23, so I kind of have my doubts about that I'm afraid.

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Just had a quick check of some Japanese sites and apparently there's an official guide that says this:



Which I'm interpreting as "recruit as many characters as possible".

BTW, I think A is the best rank, so maybe you missed A because of no Michalis.

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So basically the ranks will come down to recruiting everyone and nobody dying, while completing the game in some certain amount of turns (which can't be that harsh considering my turtle strats got a B).

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Maniac enemies have Silver in Chapter 1 like Lunatic. Hard doesnt. Forges exist since Chapter 15 in Maniac. In Lunatic the forges start a lot earlier but weaker, the enemy 1-2 range is usually Tellius-like early on. Forges are a lot more common and powerful later and starting Chapter 15, they are very common/exclusive.

Chapter 5 Sniper AI now moves if youre in their red range. A dracoknight has been added in the mountains near Hammerne to box you in with the Snipers.

Chapter 6 has 1 more mage in the Treasure Room in Maniac/Lunatic. There are 2 promoted enemies added in the doors to the throne and the enemies near Lang have Ridersbane forges and stuff.

Chapter 8 has more Generals.

Chapter 9 has a few more DKs.

Chapter 11 has an AI change in the enemies near the boss area. They added more Swordmasters and some other stuff. Dragons have 1-2.

Maniac and Lunatic have that Fire Dragon near the starting forts to the right.

Chapter 14 Dark Mages near the start can't be attacked by 1-2 right away in Player Phase anymore since theyre moved slightly out of range in Lunatic. The 3 Ice Dragons directly up of the start are also moved 1 tile closer to make a trap with the Dark Mages. Maniac and Lunatic have 3 more enemies than usual in the Throne area.

Chapter 15 has effective forges in Maniac and Lunatic on the pallies/horsemen near the start.

Chapter 16 has more enemies near the Throne. The Geosphere Thief and the pure water thief are moved out of range of every unit (the pure water one is barely reachable by 10 move +1-2 range)

Chapter 17 has more Dracoknights.

Chapter 18 has Dracoknights near the Throne area.

Chapter 19 has Dracoknight reinforcements.

Chapter 20 has Hero reinforcements.

Chapter 20x has more enemies and placed very conveniently to block your path.

Edited by PKL
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What difficulty are those changes generally from? Maniac to Lunatic? Because a few of those things I think aren't necessarily true there (e.g. according to WoD there isn't an extra mage in the treasure room of chapter 6 on Lunatic compared to Maniac, that mage is there on Maniac already).

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What difficulty are those changes generally from? Maniac to Lunatic? Because a few of those things I think aren't necessarily true there (e.g. according to WoD there isn't an extra mage in the treasure room of chapter 6 on Lunatic compared to Maniac, that mage is there on Maniac already).

It's in general of whats changed in Lunatic. Forgot that mage was already there in Maniac. The rest of Chapter 6 is different though.

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Yeah, fair enough. Interesting enough.

It's the 1-2 range dragons which I think scares me the most. Dragons were annoying enough as it was, especially in endgame. Dragons being stronger and having range just sounds terrifying.

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I seem to recall the dragons aren't too hard too get used to.

By the end, you'll probably prefer them to the near capped out Archanean soldiers and Dragon's Altar kinsmen : P

Fair enough. Although the enemies are nearly capped already on Maniac, so...

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Tiki was definitely useful lategame on Maniac, but my goodness she was niche until like chapter 21. I found the Secret Shop in her chapter and got a Wyvernstone and Magestone for her which made her immune to magic when I needed it, which was awesome, and the Wyvernstone meant she could avoid getting doubled sometimes, but it was actually less useful than I expected. But really outside of magic luring, she was basically in training until chapter 21ish as almost everything could double and 2HKO her until then.

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I wish the dragonstones were more like they were in FE3, where they gave Tiki the properties of the dragons (like as a wyvern she'd have 12 move and 1-2 range attacks).

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enemies all get +10 hit on Lunatic

Knight and Fighter are best last I checked, Knight is tankier but Fighter has better offense

Oh yeah, that and all of them have A rank in their weapons from the start. Forgot to mention that! Cavalier and Mercenary are also nice btw.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm gonna ask a couple questions:

Is Maniac a more authentic experience than Hard Mode?

Is Maniac doable without reclassing?

And why did they rip out the Dracoknights in Chapter 18 from every mode but Lunatic? I mean, Chapter 18 is just pure easymode because of that.

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