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Mario Kart 8


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Ah yes, it was fun indeed. Loved that race were people rekt me so hard I ended 12 lol.

oh yeah I saw that heh. Also that Mount Wario where we rekt everyone was awesome.

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Whoa you passed me in the VR.. I definitely need to start playing MK8 again. MH3U stealing my time though.

I did? I thought you'd also be boosting up your VR as well. Anyways, I'm at 9273 right now. I should hopefully be maxed out at 9999 by the end of next weekend. Sadly, it's rather difficult to find high level opponents on weekdays, plus I have work. I'm really striving to max out my VR in Mario Kart 8 as soon as possible, since people have already started successfully hacking Mario Kart 8 and I want my score maxed out before cheaters online make it impossible.

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I did? I thought you'd also be boosting up your VR as well. Anyways, I'm at 9273 right now. I should hopefully be maxed out at 9999 by the end of next weekend. Sadly, it's rather difficult to find high level opponents on weekdays, plus I have work. I'm really striving to max out my VR in Mario Kart 8 as soon as possible, since people have already started successfully hacking Mario Kart 8 and I want my score maxed out before cheaters online make it impossible.

Yeah you did, i'm still at 8296VR. Thats because I haven't played MK8 for about 4 Weeks right now, except for the Sf-Tournament.

You have a good point there with the cheaters, so i should return to this pretty soon I guess.

How many VR do you usually get per session? I got always between 300 and 500 per session, so it schouldn't take me too long to max out when i'm returning to MK8.

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Holy shit you guys get so many VR. I generally get 200-300 but that's playing 1 or 2 hours. Mike don't tell me you play till 5am :o

Well he played MH3U until 7 AM yesterday...

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Holy shit you guys get so many VR. I generally get 200-300 but that's playing 1 or 2 hours. Mike don't tell me you play till 5am :o

After playing for about 30-45 mins with my brother, I managed to get up to 1200VR!

Life goals accomplished! Placing better would probably help me, since my brother got up to 1100 quickly, and he literally just started playing online yesterday (but only for about 30 minutes, since my sister had to watch a french movie and translate it for school).

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Talk about lucky timing in my highlight reel below. I was able to skip a lightning bolt at 0:43 of the below video and stop a Pirahna Plant with a Super Horn at 0:54 (which I used mainly because I was thinking "I should use this in case there's a shell that'll hit me from behind before I pass the finish line"):

Yeah you did, i'm still at 8296VR. Thats because I haven't played MK8 for about 4 Weeks right now, except for the Sf-Tournament.

You have a good point there with the cheaters, so i should return to this pretty soon I guess.

How many VR do you usually get per session? I got always between 300 and 500 per session, so it schouldn't take me too long to max out when i'm returning to MK8.

You haven't touched Mario Kart 8 in 4 weeks, yet you're up to 8296 VR? I really hope you don't go staying up too late with your gaming...

The amount of VR I get a day depends on if it's a weekday or a weekend. Weekdays, I only get around 2-3 hours of Mario Kart 8 time in, and the typical VR gain range is 30-100. The worst I got from a weekday play session is 5 (since I told myself after constantly losing that day that I'm stopping once I equal or surpass the amount of points I had before I started) and the best I got was 200 (sadly, that was mostly a freak event more than anything else).

Weekends depend on how busy I am, though the range is typically from 150-500 each day. There was this one Sunday where I actually got 650 VR. I probably could've gotten a lot more if I didn't decide to take a break that day to start playing Samurai Warriors 3 for the first time at 10 PM.

I find that being picky with online groups is extremely important to getting VR efficiently. Not only do low VR groups give you a lot less VR when you win, but losing to low VR groups will also drain your VR a lot more than a high or moderate level VR group will. In addition, even if you rank in the upper half of the group (Eg: 5th out of 12 or 6th out of 12) you might still lose points due to the low VR group dragging down the game's leniency on your high VR value.

On a side note, regarding Battle Mode and raising my BR, I guess I'll try to raise it, but I'm not planning to go as hardcore raising my BR. I've always enjoyed racing in Mario Kart more than doing Battle Mode, so BR raising won't be as much of a priority for me. Battle Mode always has less tracks/arenas to play on than racing, so I've never been as interested in it compared to racing as a result since it'll get rather repetitive playing on only 8 tracks to raise BR compared to racing's 32 tracks.

After playing for about 30-45 mins with my brother, I managed to get up to 1200VR!

Life goals accomplished! Placing better would probably help me, since my brother got up to 1100 quickly, and he literally just started playing online yesterday (but only for about 30 minutes, since my sister had to watch a french movie and translate it for school).

Out of curiousity, how high do you plan on bringing your VR? Lordofhomer and I could give you a lot of helpful pointers in online races, even if you don't plan on going over 2000.

Don't worry too much about ranking high in races just yet. The game will be really lenient on you when you're in the 1000-1500 VR range and won't dock you too badly (especially compared to lordofhomer and I with our high VR values). As long as your VR is going up even if you're in 7th or 8th place, there's not much to worry about.

Edited by Randoman
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You haven't touched Mario Kart 8 in 4 weeks, yet you're up to 8296 VR? I really hope you don't go staying up too late with your gaming...

Well he played MH3U until 7 AM yesterday...

Pfft, Mimi Mike just crushed your hope like it was nothing.

As for all this VR stuff, I gotta admit; I haven't really bothered. I went to somewhere around 2400 before I just.. quit. It got boring after a while and didn't bring the same kind of excitement that playing in the SF tournament brought. There's also the fact that I've been playing a lot of MH3U and listening to a lot of goddamn Yes, just like Mike. In fact, I'm playing it right now.

On a side note, I unlocked the Golden Glider during this last weekend's tourney.

Edited by Gaia
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Mike don't tell me you play till 5am :o

You haven't touched Mario Kart 8 in 4 weeks, yet you're up to 8296 VR? I really hope you don't go staying up too late with your gaming...

Uhm... I'm usually staying up till 5:30 AM so gaming is a quite good way to stay awake I guess.. :sweatdrop: Yeah, I know my sleeping schedule is kinda weird but i'm far too lazy to fix it.

Before my MK8 pause, I played the hell out of it, and if I wouldn't have stopped, I would be maxed out some weeks ago.

Pfft, Mimi Mike just crushed your hope like it was nothing.

As for all this VR stuff, I gotta admit; I haven't really bothered. I went to somewhere around 2400 before I just.. quit. It got boring after a while and didn't bring the same kind of excitement that playing in the SF tournament brought. There's also the fact that I've been playing a lot of MH3U and listening to a lot of goddamn Yes, just like Mike. In fact, I'm playing it right now.

On a side note, I unlocked the Golden Glider during this last weekend's tourney.

I found the SF-Tournament quite relaxing since I don't have to worry about my VR, and tbh I found it much more calmer than global-online regarding item-gangbang.

No Alan, not you too! No Mimi, or I need to crush you! You should play more Mh3U Alan, your HR isn't raising fast enough!

Also congratz on da Golden-Glider, welcome to the club!

On a side note, regarding Battle Mode and raising my BR, I guess I'll try to raise it, but I'm not planning to go as hardcore raising my BR. I've always enjoyed racing in Mario Kart more than doing Battle Mode, so BR raising won't be as much of a priority for me. Battle Mode always has less tracks/arenas to play on than racing, so I've never been as interested in it compared to racing as a result since it'll get rather repetitive playing on only 8 tracks to raise BR compared to racing's 32 tracks.

I decided too completly ignore Battle mode in this game, since Mk8 has no own tracks for it, and battling on the normal tracks kinda sucks especially on the larger ones or the ones that aren't designed for driving backwards on them. I enjoyed the Battle Mode in older games but I really dislike this one because it just seems to be out of place to me.

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Of course it would be a fart. xP

Here's the video I saved of my first place race! If anyone cares lol. The quality kind of sucks though...

EDIT: Wario's sounded like a fart to me. o.O

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I'm really looking forward to facing you guys at the frantic mode tournament next weekend, especially to see how much Anacybele has improved. Of course, that is if I can max out my VR before then (and it's not going as quickly as I thought).

My VR has been going up rather slowly (in terms of VR gain from placing high being lowered, the VR leniency being harsher, and how often I lose VR due to bad luck with items from opponents) ever since I went past 9500. Finding people around that VR level becomes insanely hard and even when you do, you have to place a lot better than in VR averages at lower ranges to gain VR. I only gained 263 on Saturday and 161 today (when I usually gain 300-500 per Saturday or Sunday) despite spending practically ~8 or so trying to raise my VR. It's at 9933 right now.

lordofhomer, if you're reading this, I should warn you that you should not expect the 9500-9999 range to be easy at all, especially with the VR leniency being a lot lower due to almost being at the VR cap. The human opponents online are also a nightmare with how brutal and merciless they are. One of them literally waited for me to shoot my shell I was dragging behind me (I was dragging it for around 20 seconds) before he fired his red shell.

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But you were racing with us earlier, Rando, and so was I. lol

I seem to have gotten a little better (not winding up in last or second to last as often as I used to), but I don't see a really big improvement since before this weekend.

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lordofhomer, if you're reading this, I should warn you that you should not expect the 9500-9999 range to be easy at all, especially with the VR leniency being a lot lower due to almost being at the VR cap. The human opponents online are also a nightmare with how brutal and merciless they are. One of them literally waited for me to shoot my shell I was dragging behind me (I was dragging it for around 20 seconds) before he fired his red shell.

I never expected it to be easy at all, getting to 8296 wasn't easy either. I'm kinda used to have mostly opponents with lower VR since I'm not really picky with my groups, but I understand what you mean.

And yeah.. I know how merciless this game is, hence why I learned not to be greedy. If I see that the chance of becoming first or even second is rather low and will put me at risk of falling back much more, I will just accept my place and keep my Items for defence. This strategy worked quite well for me most of the time, since getting only a low amount of VR is much better than losing some.

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Mercedes-Benz DLC trailer in Japan


The Aug 27th update will also include the following according to a NoJ twitter translation




- map display on the TV screen

- 3 free Mercedes-Benz karts: GLA, W25 Silver Arrow, 300 SL Roadster
- records screen w/ total coins, online win-loss record, character selection rates, etc.
- improved online stability
- default menu selection following GP changing to next race
- last used kart customization added to save
- edit others' highlights
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Now that I look at that trailer more closely, aren't they just reskins of the Sports Coupe, Badwagon, and Mach 8? Think they might have the same stats? I was also thinking about how they might be displayed online if another user was racing with them and you didn't have the DLC; I think they might appear as the Sports Coupe, Badwagon, and Mach 8 respectively.

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I've finally maxed out my VR in Mario Kart 8!!!

I'll probably be taking quite a long break before/if I max out my BR in Mario Kart 8, since maxing out my VR was quite stressful and nerve-wracking due to being heavily at risk in regards to losing VR with my high VR causing my scoring leniency to be much harsher. I actually don't ever plan on touching ranked online racing (don't worry, I'll still be participating in the SF tourney) in Mario Kart 8 ever again unless I'm using a new account for it.

Hey lordofhomer, if you don't mind me asking, how come you changed your mind about maxing out your VR in Mario Kart 8?

- map display on the TV screen

- 3 free Mercedes-Benz karts: GLA, W25 Silver Arrow, 300 SL Roadster
- records screen w/ total coins, online win-loss record, character selection rates, etc.
- improved online stability
- default menu selection following GP changing to next race
- last used kart customization added to save
- edit others' highlights

Nice. I'm liking all the improvements/additions they're implementing. The records screen will make coin tracking for parts especially convenient (for those who haven't gotten 10,000 coins yet, admittingly. Better late than never, though). I'm quite curious as to which characters I've used the most often as well, since I always try to avoid overusing one character all the time in any game with a big roster.

Also, I'm really wanting to do an all Mercedes SF tournament race (so everyone has to use one of the 3 Mercedes Karts) on one of the weekends for the fun of it.

Now that I look at that trailer more closely, aren't they just reskins of the Sports Coupe, Badwagon, and Mach 8? Think they might have the same stats? I was also thinking about how they might be displayed online if another user was racing with them and you didn't have the DLC; I think they might appear as the Sports Coupe, Badwagon, and Mach 8 respectively.

Sharp observation. I only noticed the Mach 8's similarity with the Silver Arrow, and predicted those two would have the same stats. I didn't notice the other two were similar to the Sports Coupe and Badwagon. I guess that answers my question as to what each of the 3 free DLC karts' stats will be like.

As for how they'll show up online, I'm quite sure they'll make the Mario Kart 8 update mandatory, similar to how the "shortcuts" involving glitchy Lakitu dropoffs in Mario Kart 7 were a mandatory patch.

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Now that I look at that trailer more closely, aren't they just reskins of the Sports Coupe, Badwagon, and Mach 8? Think they might have the same stats? I was also thinking about how they might be displayed online if another user was racing with them and you didn't have the DLC; I think they might appear as the Sports Coupe, Badwagon, and Mach 8 respectively.

Usually in online games when they have cosmetic DLCs updates, the patches include the cosmetics itself so the models and everything are all added into the game and into your system. They do this so it will display in online matches. However you just won't have access to them. Same thing happened with Street Fighter IV and Sonic And All Stars Racing Transformed. Your game will download the cosmetics, DLC etc but you just won't have access to the content itself.

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