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What DLC is the best?


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If I were to only get one DLC(i plan on getting more eventually) which would be the best? To clarify I'm asking whats the best DLC skill/item? ex: Limitbreaker all stats+2 bride ect.

Sidenote: This would also be for choosing the best of them to make lunatic+ a bit easier.

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Storywise: Any Future Past DLC,I prefer you go in order.

Gameplay wise:Apotheosis,but this is if you have the ultimate team,ready,DLC's with only Einjenhar cards like Ephraim.Challenge packs.

Extras: Anything including Limit Breaker,All Stats +2 Etc. as well Einjenhar cards.And the Scramble Packs.

Convenience: Golden Gaffe,Exponential Growth etc.

I kinda categorized them,in case you want a better idea in your options,I say go with anything in Extras or Gameplay,if you want more to play,but if you need the convenience by the Golden Pack. If you want to know Lucina's story go Storywise,but I recommend these:

Rogues and Redeemers 2 and 3,Apotheosis,Xenologue:Death's Embrace and Xenologue: Roster Rescue,Lost Bloodlines Pack,and Smash Pack (I recommend Golden Pack for any needed Grinding)


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Well what would you recommend the most useful if i could only get one right now? Limitbreaker, All Stats+2, Bride, Dread Fighter?

Dread Fighter or Limit Breaker,though I say Limit Breaker so you can beat Spotpass teams

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^That one gives you Ike if you beat it. Good choice, cause Ike's the best! ^^

More importantly it gives you Limit Breaker.

DLC Ike is rather atrocious looking, Spotpass Ike still has Aether, and doesn't have horrible art.

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Well I don't know how hard R&R3 is on easier modes but on lunatic it requires me to actually train more than just a few.

(Darn I can't have noire kill them all with wrath vengeance brave bow like I did with grima)

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More importantly it gives you Limit Breaker.

DLC Ike is rather atrocious looking, Spotpass Ike still has Aether, and doesn't have horrible art.

Screw Owain, DLC Ike has the true Sword Arm.

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Well I don't know how hard R&R3 is on easier modes but on lunatic it requires me to actually train more than just a few.

(Darn I can't have noire kill them all with wrath vengeance brave bow like I did with grima)

If you can clear RaR3 on ANY difficulty once, you can clear it on all.

Limit Breaker + Sorc with V/V and Nosferatu and knowing to kill Linus and Jaffar on Player Phase so they don't bomb you with Counter/Lethality = Cheese.

[GG, Logbook]

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Well if you want to progress through the game faster, get the Golden Gaffe/EXPonential Growths levels.

If you want to build your team, go for R&R3 for Ike/Limit Breaker. To be honest, I never really used Paragon (+2 in all stats).

Story-wise I'd get the Future Past pack ... I may or may not have cried at the end of that.

For a challenge you should get Apotheosis, but that's only after you've hoarded your fair share of rally-bots and stave-bots.

I told myself that I'd spend only like $10 on DLC ... then I wanted more and more. Whelp ._.

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Well if you want to progress through the game faster, get the Golden Gaffe/EXPonential Growths levels.

If you want to build your team, go for R&R3 for Ike/Limit Breaker. To be honest, I never really used Paragon (+2 in all stats).

Story-wise I'd get the Future Past pack ... I may or may not have cried at the end of that.

For a challenge you should get Apotheosis, but that's only after you've hoarded your fair share of rally-bots and stave-bots.

I told myself that I'd spend only like $10 on DLC ... then I wanted more and more. Whelp ._.

Paragon is double EXP, and is one of the single most useful convenience skills [way more a timesaver than Armsthrift] and OP if you pass it out in maingame.

All+2 is one of the most underrated skills in the game, having more uses than Defensive Skills, AT, and plenty of other things.

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Some other ways to look at what All+2 can do:

-It effectively makes LB 1.2 times as potent.

-It stacks with other +2 skills, providing +4 boosts in Str/Mag/Skl/Spd if you need them. That's a whole 2% of DS rate when on both units, and if you've tried to get 100% DS without DS+ you know how huge that is.

-Everyone can learn it, and it's very easy to farm and can be obtained very early on.

-It's the only skill with actual distribution that boosts Lck (AT and Despoil).

-Since dedicated support units usually don't have anything better to do (LB, Faire, Skl+2, Str/Mag+2, filler) it has high potential for finding a slot on a postgame team.

-It can be equipped midbattle if you have a spare skillslot and haven't learned it before, which is extremely helpful for things like getting Inigo his kills on Lunatic+.

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Is it really bad that i have Apotheosis but have never played that map? <,<

The only DLC i dont have is the Challenge pack and i dont see much of a need for those.

Omg, All Stats +2 is gr9, hang the haters. Its a part of my Uber Libra build.

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Any reason why you couldn't have been bothered to just get the DLC as a pack instead? It'd have been cheaper overall.

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DLC Ike is rather atrocious looking, Spotpass Ike still has Aether, and doesn't have horrible art.

Well, I like AND dislike Ike's DLC art. I like his outfit and think it looks sweet, but I hate how the artist made him look short and scrawny rather than his actual tall and hunky self. And I dislike how they made his sword hand look weird.

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Well, I like AND dislike Ike's DLC art. I like his outfit and think it looks sweet, but I hate how the artist made him look short and scrawny rather than his actual tall and hunky self. And I dislike how they made his sword hand look weird.

It's just the hero garb. Priam looks better in it than RobIke.

His sword is a hand. well actually an arm but whatever

It's actually not, but the artist drew him incredibly awkwardly.

DLC!Ike still looks like a robot.

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