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Games you hate but most people like


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Hate is too extreme, but I've simply never had the inclination to do anything concerning Zelda or Golden Sun.

lol so many people saying CoD who've probably never played it

CoD is my guilty pleasure game. I played the series since the original on the PC in 2003 and every iteration up to CoD:BO2. I still think CoD1, CoD2 and CoD4 are amazing games. The iterations after, not so much.

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I don't like Thracia much.

I could never get in to the MH series. I got MH3 on the Wii, played it for a few hours, then stopped with no motivation to pick it back up.

I tried to play Daggerfall once, but gave up in frustration because I had no idea what the hell I was supposed to be doing or where I was supposed to be going. Never played any other ES game, so idk if the other games would feel similar to me.

In general I'm not much of a fan of games with a ton of non-linearity or openness.

On the the subject of "games I'm not quite as fond of as other people," I don't think Mega Man 2 is nearly as good as some people make it out to be. It's miles better than the first game thanks to the minimization of luck based elements and the introduction of passwords and E-Tanks, but there are still issues (particularly with some of the bosses: looking at you, Air Man and Boombeam Trap). 3 is much better(in fact, the worst part of 3 IMO is the MM2 boss rematches).

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Pokemon Conquest - Way too short and easy, Pokemon being limited to 1 awkward attack is awful, and too many mechanics that don't do anything significantly useful

Final Fantasy I - Outclassed by almost every JRPG ever

Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness - It took away the appeal of the first game, leaving behind a broken mess.


Ocarina of Time - Boring and too cryptic a lot of the time.

Super Smash Bros 1 - Totally outclassed by Melee, which came out 2.5 years later

Super Smash Bros Brawl - Too full of itself and it cut Roy :(

Bravely Default - Even the first half isn't that good; chapter 3 is boring and tedious and took me like a month to get through because I kept taking week-long breaks.

Fire Emblem 4 - Too many glitches, awkward interface, and incomplete translation patch.

Edited by Orange Crush
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even a friend of mine who used to be a diehard fan of cod doesn't like it anymore, says he isn't willing to put so much money into the same game every fucking year

i bet none of these nerds even have played call of duty though, it's just a popular thing to say in the jrpg communities

also, re: topic, probably the kingdom hearts series. it might be that jrpgs are just not for me but i can't handle the awful dialogue, the awful character designs, and the usually awful voice acting. i guess the combat system was alright. though i haven't really been able to immerse myself into the storyline even a little cause i simply don't give a shit.

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"Super Smash Bros 1 - Totally outclassed by Melee, which came out 2.5 years later

Super Smash Bros Brawl - Too full of itself and it cut Roy :(

Bravely Default - Even the first half isn't that good; chapter 3 is boring and tedious and took me like a month to get through because I kept taking week-long breaks."

To be fair the first smash bros was pretty revoultionary before melee came out or should i say it paved the way for it. If you started with melee then fair enough. "It cut roy" Yep i know the pain of it, he was my man. "week long breaks" Yep exactly what i did with it but i still love it.

Back on topic kingdom hearts combat killed it for me. I liked the story and all but if the gameplay is awkward and unbearble then i just can't play it.

Edited by xblade
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if i had to list something, it'd be Kingdom Hearts.

i blame the fact that i got over-hyped for it from everyone else i know that played it before me, and that i played it way later then most of my friends/family did, so i felt like some other games i played did what KH does but better.

i don't keep up with the games, but i heard the story is a cluster of a mess right now.

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