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I love Comic Sans

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Comic Sans doesn't deserve all the hate it gets. Most of it, but not quite 100%.

Helvetica is still the best font for plain writing.

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why are we supposed to hate comic sans again

I have no font alignments

I end up using a lot because I find switching fonts whenever I get stuck writing helps me get unstuck

it's magic and I don't question it

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when i want to be professional

when i want to be casual

That's the dumbest video I've ever seen, yet I still watched it to the end.

yup, only because the music was so epic

Times New Roman, more like Times Old Roman.

sick burn


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I write all my papers using Courier New, but I'm usually too lazy to change my font, so Arial it is for me, as fabulous of a font Comic Sans is.

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My favourite font is ProFont, but it's a monospace font so it's not super fun to look at for prose/natural languages.

I mostly use Times New Roman for that, but I could probably find something less...boring...that I like.

Most of the stuff I write is technical, though, so ProFont wins.

Console.Write("Code junkie master race here. Get on mah level");

says the guy writing C# instead of something cool like Python

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