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A unesesary rant about a character in awakening...


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Y'know, if Bantu's still alive (Albeit without his dragonstone based off of his FE3/FE12 ending), where the fuck is Gotoh? You'd think he'd step in considering all of the shit Medeus did. And Grima's doing what Medeus did on steroids.

Then again, I always gathered he had more of a beef with Gharnef than Medeus, but still.

acctually... this is a good question, cause if my memory serves me right, wasn't Gotoh a servant of Naga who was supposed to help him protect the world from danger. Yes at one point he tells Marth he had lost hope in humanity, but Marth rekindeled his faith (unless something happened during the time before awakeing... which again isn't explained...)

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I thought Medeus and Grima were one and the same?

I dunno...Grima gets off on human suffering and possessing people. From what I gathered with Medeus, while he does like humans suffering, I think he'd sooner drop dead than possess one.

Also consider Grima never spoke Medeus's signature words about as long as darkness is in men's hearts, he would return.

Edited by NoNameAtAll
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I dunno...Grima gets off on human suffering and possessing people. From what I gathered with Medeus, while he does like humans suffering, I think he'd sooner drop dead than possess one.

Also consider Grima never spoke Medeus's signature words about as long as darkness is in men's hearts, he would return.

I don't know what to really make out of Grima... he is such a bland villain (granted this has been a problem in other fe:s like 7 with the fire dragon), who is evil for the sake of evil.

while the final boss tends to be a bit forgetable, the secondary villains at least are memorable... discounting Validar.

Back to Grima... the thing is, we know so little about Grima so it's hard to say anything about it.

Medeus at least had a backstory and motives, while, again, Grima is evil for the sake of evil.

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I don't even know why they made Grima. They could have just used the design and said it's Loptyr. That would have been cool.

Nah, Loptyr looked like Medeus as a Dark Dragon. It would've made sense, seeing as, again, Medeus came across as the type who'd sooner commit seppuku before letting a human be his body.

In any case, in FE, usually the final boss is a boring fuck with the secondary villains being the main draw. FE1 was sorta split between Medeus and Gharnef, but FE3 was full-on Gharnef's-an-asshole. FE4 was Manfroy's-an-asshole. FE5's weird seeing as Beldo's a subordinate of Manfroy and Leidrick's a subordinate of Beldo. Idoun wasn't really a villain and Zephiel came across as mentally unstable...Nergal was the main draw in FE7. FE8's weird. You either have the Demon King being the main dick or Lyon being the main dick depending on the route.

Point is, yeah, the final boss is usually boring as fuck.

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Point is, yeah, the final boss is usually boring as fuck.

Not really. Medeus figures prominently in the story and is given a lot of backstory explaining his motivations. Julius gets a lot of screentime too. The Fire Dragon is supposed to be generic seeing as the game wants to show us how fucked up everything would be if more dragons got out.

The final bosses are more often interesting than not.

Nevermind that FE13's penultimate boss is a joke as well.

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Grima represents the evil inside us all that only friendship can conquer, and only we can defeat ourselves. Three cheers for the power of friendship!

... and it's brought forward in such a cheesy manner it almost feels embarasing.

Of all the routes they could have taken to end the game, they take the rout that Chrom goes looking for the avatar (leaving his family behind) because he thinks your not dead and that he will find you through the power of friendship... and he does even though you killed yourself, screw you game.

Sacred stones didn't pull this crap with Lyon or Mystery with Hardin, but "power of friendship" aspect is so overplayed in awakening it's almost pinfull to watch.

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