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Skillsets for my FeMU?


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I'm going to make my MU a magic user, pref Dark Flier or Sorcerer. I honestly like to be able to heal and be a support as well but is it a waste on a MU?

Limit Breaker
Lifetaker (Vengeance on Sorcerer?)
Luna/Ignis (I've heard that flying units like Dark Flier really needs Bowbreaker or defensive skills like Pavise/Aegis to patch up their defense flaw, should I use them instead?)

And if I make her physical - pref Wyvern Lord/Assassin/Bride - which skills would be appropriate?

I haven't had much experience with the game yet so I just want to make sure before I change my unit's class to learn necessary skills. Thank you for your help!

Sorry! I forgot this:

Asset: Def

Flaw: Luck

Edited by Rin
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If you want to have the option to heal, you might consider Sage. Loses Dark Magic (though I'm guessing since you listed Dark Flier that's not a gamebreaker), but has a higher Mag and Skl cap to help out with your procs (plus Tomefaire). Is that an in-game skill set or a post-game skill set (curious b/c Limit Breaker)? Generally Armsthrift is not a post-game skill as it doesn't directly help you kill stuff faster or prevent you from getting killed, but for in-game it seems like a decent investment if you can stand running through Mercenary.

The skill set seems alright to me, though if I were in your shoes I would personally do something more like:

1. Tomefaire

2. Limit Breaker

3. Galeforce

4. Ignis

5. Luna

(Quick question of my own, since I play mostly MaMUs...do FeMUs do Vengeance/Vantage? Or is that meh? I'm guessing the lack of a DS+ S-support with magical capabilities sort of ruins it.)

Edited by LordFrigid
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Oh I would surely run a Sage or Valkyrie if a support/healer woudln't be much of a waste on a MU since a MU has access to most of the skills.

And sorry for not being specific, it would be mainly pre-post but wouldn't it help in post-game as well if I have some strong weapons or spells I wouldn't want them to break?

Thank you for your advice, just wondering will a Dark Flier lacks survival without Lifetaker?

About your question, I'm pretty sure they do? If I'm correct Myrmidon and Sorc don't have class-restriction.

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I think some of it will depend on your asset. A Def asset Dark Flier is actually surprisingly durable, even against bows for a large portion of the main story. Add in Limit Breaker after and that extra 10 Def should carry her quite far. Wind magic will be significantly less scary too, given her already decent base plus the extra 10 from Limit Breaker.

For physical, the skillset would be pretty similar. Luna, Galeforce and Limit Breaker are just universally good. Armsthrift is also generally useful if you're toting around rare weapon or really expensive forges. Having used Lifetaker, I find it's not that great a skill compared to Sol. Vengeance is okay, but since it's lowest priority, having it with Luna (or any other proc skill) will likely just make it unreliable and subpar. I'd recommend picking up a -faire skill instead (Lancefaire from Falco for Wyv Lord or Bride, Swordfaire from Swordmaster for the Assassin).

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Sorry! My Flaw is Luck and Asset is Def.

I added Lifetaker instead of Sol because it doesn't need procs and I was afraid it would overlap with Ignis. And thank you! -Faire for phys then.

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If it gets to the point where you don't die, but need healing, you might be better off just using a staff rather than going for Lifetaker.

And yes, Armsthrift is a nice option for training/grinding in post-game, and you can take it into Apotheosis if you want to, just pointing out that it doesn't really directly influence combat.

Re. Vengeance/Vantage - I was referring more to the viability than the possibility...Outside of Apotheosis it probably works alright.

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Re. Vengeance/Vantage - I was referring more to the viability than the possibility...Outside of Apotheosis it probably works alright.

lolwat. V/V works fine in Apotheosis. Arguably better than Luna/Ignis for a Sage.

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