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1. This draft is for 5 players.
2. Ike, Titania, and one of Tibarn, Naesala or Giffca are free for all to use.
3. Nasir and Ena will be drafted as a pair.
4. The game will be played on Fixed Hard Mode.

1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, Rescue and Shove/Smite undrafted characters and NPCs, trade, Escape, and dig up items in the desert.
2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to meatshielding, building Supports, opening Doors and Chests, and Arriving.
3. There are limits to how much BEXP may be used, and this is explained in detail below.
4. Partner and Other units may do as they please without penalty.
5. Defend chapters count the last played Player Phase for turns if the timer is waited out.
6. Chapter 27, Part 2 is not counted for final turncounts.

1. Undrafted units have a 4 turn penalty, per unit per chapter (Chapter 17 counts as 4 chapters).

1. Reyson and Janaff/Ulki may be used to obtain the Knight Ring if undrafted. They may not perform any other disallowed actions without penalty.

BEXP Limits:
1. Use the table below to determine how much BEXP you're allowed to give your units when you're first able to give them BEXP. Characters are listed as either a level (such as 10/--) or an amount (such as 2.xx). You may use BEXP to get them to the level shown or give them the amount shown (Example: 2.xx would mean you're allowed to cap off their current level, then give them 2 more levels).
2. At the beginning of each chapter, you may give your units 50 EXP worth of BEXP.
3. Once you reach Endgame, you may distribute BEXP freely to whomever you wish.
4. Titania may not be given BEXP until Endgame.
[spoiler=Table of BEXP limits]

Ike: +0.xx
Boyd: +0.xx
Oscar: +0.xx
Rhys: +4.xx
Soren: +3.xx
Mia: +3.xx
Ilyana: +3.xx
Rolf: +7.xx
Mist: +6.xx
Marcia: +2.xx
Lethe: +0.00
Mordecai: +0.00
Volke: 12/--
Kieran: 13/--
Brom: 12/--
Nephenee: 10/--
Zihark: +1.xx
Sothe: 09/--
Jill: +2.xx
Astrid: +5.xx
Gatrie: +2.xx
Makalov: +3.xx
Stefan: +0.00
Tormod: 14/--
Muarim: +0.00
Devdan: +1.xx
Tanith: +0.00
Reyson: +0.00
Janaff: --/10
Ulki: --/10
Shinon: +6.xx
Calill: --/08
Tauroneo: +1.xx
Ranulf: --/12
Haar: +1.xx
Lucia: +3.xx
Bastian: +3.xx
Geoffrey: --/13
Largo: --/10
Elincia: --/07
Ena: --/15


Team Nobody: Oscar, Tanith, Rhys, Mordecai, Zihark, Tormod, Volke, Geoffrey, Ulki, Bastian

Team Doofina: Marcia, Reyson, Boyd, Ilyana, Lethe, Gatrie, Sothe, Shinon, Lucia, Elincia

Team Duck: Kieran, Astrid, Mist, Mia, Muarim, Janaff, Rolf, Brom, BEST ZERK, Tauroneo

Team Shinpichu: Jill, Makalov, Soren, Haar, Nephenee, Calill, Ranulf, Stefan, Devdan, Ena/Nasir

Hey so this is my first time making a drafting topic but I'm really in the mood for some FE9. I may need help and I'm not very good at LTC, but hey, I'll try my best!

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this is kinda creepy...Horace and I wanted an FE9 draft. I think he might join too. Can you make it random mode though? I personally have grown hateful of fixed mode.

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this is kinda creepy...Horace and I wanted an FE9 draft. I think he might join too. Can you make it random mode though? I personally have grown hateful of fixed mode.

Sure, I've never tried fixed mode myself. I'll change it in the OP.

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this is kinda creepy...Horace and I wanted an FE9 draft. I think he might join too. Can you make it random mode though? I personally have grown hateful of fixed mode.

Oh hey, you look like you know what you're doing.

Since this is my first time drafting, I have a few questions about penalties: do they apply any time an undrafted character is used, or just to anything not listed in the rules/exceptions part? Like, if I didn't draft Marcia could I use her to recruit Makalov with no penalty?

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I'd like to join.

@Shinpichu: Undrafted characters can recruit other characters without penalty (see Rule 1). However, if they get into combat en route to said character, you will take a penalty.

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@Shinpichu: Undrafted characters can recruit other characters without penalty (see Rule 1). However, if they get into combat en route to said character, you will take a penalty.

Nifty. So it's mainly combat that gets penalties?

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Order is






Do you guys trust me enough? I gave us all numbers and did random.org

I don't have a screenshot thing so I had to

I trust you


Does your keyboard have a print screen/prntscr/something like that button? Then you have a screenshot button.

Print Screen -> paste in an image editor.

Also if you're on Vista, Win7, or Win8 I think you have Snipping Tool.

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