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Help with avatar pairing on lunatic (I have already completed endgame)


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So I have a +magic -strength Male Avatar...

I don't really know what to do with him.

At first I chose this setup to get a shadowgift morgan from aversa but I heard people say this is by far not the best option.

I was thinking of pairing Avatar with either Sumia or Cynthia, sumia preferable because then I can pair up Cynthia with another unit which also has access to galeforce. but I do like the thought of a nosferatu morgan which can sweep through rogues and redeemers 3 like it was her friggin' birthright.

I also heard nosferatanking is the fastest way to clear maps, even though Celica's gale is the best tome in the game.

What do you think? Do you have any suggestions that aren't part of the ones I listed above? Thanks in advance! _{ô.ô}/

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I'm still wondering why you demoted STR. The best flaw for a magical MU is one that doesn't affect their combat ability. I recommend DEF if you can.

Why use Nosferatu when Aversas Night is better?

Celicas Gale is the only brave tome, and thus it's more of a support/ offensive tome than Any other, including the A rank weapons once it's been fully modded

Marrying a Galeforce Cynthia will mean she can pair up with Morgan. Also there's Severa who she not only has supports with, but can get Galeforce on her own by default.

EDIT: You probably should have just posted this in the pairing thread.

Edited by Duke of Dozel
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I'm still wondering why you demoted STR. The best flaw for a magical MU is one that doesn't affect their combat ability. I recommend DEF if you can.

Why use Nosferatu when Aversas Night is better?

Celicas Gale is the only brave tome, and thus it's more of a support/ offensive tome than Any other, including the A rank weapons once it's been fully modded

Marrying a Galeforce Cynthia will mean she can pair up with Morgan. Also there's Severa who she not only has supports with, but can get Galeforce on her own by default.

I took the -strength from a guide somewhere and by nosferatanking I mean both nosferatu and Aversa's night tanking. Also when Cynthia is Morgan's sister she can support her too.

Thanks for your reply though! :D

EDIT: there's a pairing thread? Does this count as a strike?

Edited by Nodachi
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Does it make a large difference for Cynthia though?

EDIT: I have been regretting my +magic - strength pick for a long time now, and I'm now trying to make the best out of it.

Edited by Nodachi
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Don't bother with shadowgift; dark magic isn't that good. Celica's Gale is the best tome in the game, as you have stated, and there's no reason for nosferatanking in postgame outside of LB grinding, and you can just switch to the sorc class for that (or use V/V instead). Marrying Cynthia will allow for 7 gen 2 pairs as opposed to the normal 6. And if you did Chrom x Sumia, that means Morgan also gets Aether.

EDIT: there's a pairing thread? Does this count as a strike?

Of course not, it's just that posting in an already existing topic is easier than starting a new one.

Why use Nosferatu when Aversas Night is better?

Because Nosferatu is far more easy to obtain than Aversa's Night is.

Celicas Gale is the only brave tome, and thus it's more of a support/ offensive tome than Any other, including the A rank weapons once it's been fully modded

Think you're forgetting about Waste, but that's not exactly a good tome either.

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Don't bother with shadowgift; dark magic isn't that good. Celica's Gale is the best tome in the game, as you have stated, and there's no reason for nosferatanking in postgame outside of LB grinding, and you can just switch to the sorc class for that (or use V/V instead). Marrying Cynthia will allow for 7 gen 2 pairs as opposed to the normal 6. And if you did Chrom x Sumia, that means Morgan also gets Aether.

Of course not, it's just that posting in an already existing topic is easier than starting a new one.

Because Nosferatu is far more easy to obtain than Aversa's Night is.

Think you're forgetting about Waste, but that's not exactly a good tome either.

So I guess HenryXSumia!CynthiaXAvatar!Morgan? (Chrom is married to Olivia)

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