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Do you want the Avatar to stay?


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...err, but you appear to have done that already, so I'm not completely sure of what you're asking...? :0

Edited by BANRYU
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Oh um actually I was just referring to cosmetic customization .-. Haven't actually played 12, just seen sprite sheets for the avatar customization options lol...

Yeah, I get the feeling that that sort of thing might be too difficult to implement. Morality affecting a game's story and events seems to be more of a thing among western developers anyway.

Did you played to Ogre Battle/Tactics Ogre ? Because it's just what you described.

You should check them out, they are really great.

One idea I just had is for the characters to actually NOT like (or at least be indifferent to) the avatar character when you start out, and a way to affect the avatar's personality/values plus their standing among the other characters would be to support with them (assuming a new game would have infinite supports like Awakening did). That could be an interesting and relatively-easy way to do some of the things Rehab is talking about, IE supporting with Tharja/Gaius/Henry-type characters would cause the avatar to develop as more cynical and possibly slightly psychotic, supporting with Fredericks/Cherches/Cordelias makes him/her more chivalrous and dutiful, etc. etc. It might also be interesting if the avatar's stats were much more malleable to being affected by those of the characters that you support him/her with.

That's similar to the idea I had. You're not loved by everyone immedial=tely, because the plot asks it, but you have to work for this to happen.

I think the avatar would stay. I actually wouldn't mind because DQIX showed me I love to spend hours carefully planning my character's look.

It will probably be a great unit, and no matter is actual role on the story, it will probably be really prominent on the dialogue (FE12 style), because they think their fans doesn't want to have their characters having no importance at all.

Well, if the afro makes it return in character customiation, I'd be totally OK with it.

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While it is to oddly plot important, simply having a unit who has a lot of customization is a cool idea. I see no reason why they can't stay, even if they are the important tactician they could still be a regular person with the nominal stuff staying on the lords, as it should.

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I think that having a self-insert character is the best thing that has happened to this series (at least, in my opinion), so yes, I do want him/her to stay.

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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I think it has the potential to be done well, it just hasn't so far. Right now the Avatar is broken game-wise, bland character-wise, and is quite unrepresentative of the player.

If I wanted to do something like this, I would go for a narrated story, with the avatar being the narrator telling their story. S/he will be completely insignificant, but it will be your story, so everything will ultimately revolve around you. They could do some interesting PoV things with this as well. Gameplay-wise the avatar should just be a generic soldier, or perhaps an Oifey and not even a combat unit.

Alternatively, make the Avatar the lord, and force you to make decisions that actually have consequences. Be forced to sacrifice your resources and friends and make you feel the repercussions of your actions. Choose your alliances and maybe even have different endings. This is quite the shift from the rest of the series, but done well I think it could make it extremely interesting. The biggest problem here will be a lord that is customizable, and what that means for promotional stuff.

Either way, I just hope IS doesn't half-ass it; I pray that we don't end up with another fan-fiction simulator.

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No. NO. An Avatar usually chops the story in half by taking the spotlight and forcing any other characters(maybe besides the other Lord) far out of it. They don't serve many good purposes, and, in my opinion, most of the good purposes aren't justified by the plethora of bad ones.

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An Avatar usually chops the story in half by taking the spotlight and forcing any other characters(maybe besides the other Lord) far out of it. They don't serve many good purposes, and, in my opinion, most of the good purposes aren't justified by the plethora of bad ones.

What characters in the series have ever LOST screentime thanks to an MU? FE12 gave supports for everyone through MU when none of them had ANY screentime. Plus, in most games, only the Jeigan/Oifayes, advisors, and the lords get any real screentime consistently. FE8 had Seth as the only recurring character in cutscenes, and FE13 had only Frederick, Lissa and the khans.

Besides, I really want to read a good FE fanfic one of these days.

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I don't want avatars in future installments of FE. I explained in detail in the other topic, but FE can't do avatars well. They tend to be a one-person spotlight stealing squad, or the plot revolves around them.

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Maybe if the Avatar was a silent protagonist with dialogue options who didn't break the game in half.

Still pretty damn bad on the Japanese version.


...though I guess the last part was pretty important.

I don't want them back.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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What characters in the series have ever LOST screentime thanks to an MU? FE12 gave supports for everyone through MU when none of them had ANY screentime. Plus, in most games, only the Jeigan/Oifayes, advisors, and the lords get any real screentime consistently. FE8 had Seth as the only recurring character in cutscenes, and FE13 had only Frederick, Lissa and the khans.

Besides, I really want to read a good FE fanfic one of these days.

FE12 gave plenty of supports to people without adding in the MU supports iirc; the MU supports could've been, like, Cain supports and would have been functionally the same.

FE8 had Innes, L'Arachel, Joshua, and a bunch of other characters I cba to remember.

I would rather have a solid game that doesn't have everything get hijacked by an avatar than read a good fanfic; if you can have a solid game and include an avatar then good, but if not, cut out the avatar, not the solidity.

Edited by Euklyd
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Now that that's out of the way, the last thing I want in FE14 is an avatar. I don't think IS has handled them well at all, and I like the story to actually focus on the lord and the characters in the game, having nothing to do with the player themselves. Mechanically, the avatar is always very powerful, which isn't a problem per se, but as a representation of the player and the avatar being very strong, it just doesn't sit right with me. I doubt it ever will.

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It's not like the series has never had something it improved on in later installments, though. IS doing player-customized characters wrong a couple times doesn't necessarily mean that player-customized characters are a bad fit for fire emblem as a rule. I don't think the series needs them, but I'd [like] a good fire emblem game even more if it had a well-done customizable character. They'd just have to make all the things the player can do with the character make sense and be interesting.

Edited by Rehab
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What characters in the series have ever LOST screentime thanks to an MU? FE12 gave supports for everyone through MU when none of them had ANY screentime. Plus, in most games, only the Jeigan/Oifayes, advisors, and the lords get any real screentime consistently. FE8 had Seth as the only recurring character in cutscenes, and FE13 had only Frederick, Lissa and the khans.

Besides, I really want to read a good FE fanfic one of these days.

I would rather have had a decent support sequence between Cain and Abel-- you know, the cavaliers whose friendship is so storied that FE13 referenced it multiple times-- than have MyUnit talk to all seventy-something characters in FE12.

Why don't you write your own?

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Fanfic writers don't have to pander to what you want to read. If no one seems to be writing what you want to read, all I can say is suck it up or learn to write your own fanfics.

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You sign up for an account on FFN. It doesn't cost money and if you follow the directions it's not that difficult to do ;/

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