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Giant flying cockroach in my room


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...First time I actually see one, I think.

Glad I could make it flee without having to kill it and splatter my wall or something.


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NO. BAD Soul. Cockroaches are MONSTERS and they must DIE.

Splatter that fucker so bad he stays a smushed mess in hell.

If you see one, chances are there are...quite a few more.

cockroaches are literally SATAN and MUST be obliterated AT ALL COSTS.





wrong gif but I loved that movie

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I had a lady bug once.

She probably died here anyway.

I don't like killing bugs, but sometimes these idiots doesn't know how to leave.

Or they doing it on purpose because they are evil incarnate.

(Mosquitos are also souless bastards)

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Demo minna-san, cockroaches can be kawaii desune

That's what they said about a lot of things.

You should have caught it and named it Frank.

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(Mosquitos are also souless bastards)

When they bite you.

They are sucking the life out of you.

Your soul.

Mosquitoes must die.

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