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How do you feel when a new member joins serenesforest?

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I feel disgusted. Filthy Casuals in the forums.

Never mind that I was once one. That doesn't count though.

I'm still a filthy casual, even after all those years.

Well, at least I'm not a confused newbie, right ?

...right ?

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Yeah, I gave up on a number of people because they keep changing their goddamn names and I can never keep track of them. How do you expect me to keep a friendship with you if you're basically changing your identity every other week? So I don't bother trying any more.

i like looking at my name history dates


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the fact that i apparently needed to declare myself 'throat picasso' for twenty and a half hours three years ago perplexes me to this day

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Yeah, I gave up on a number of people because they keep changing their goddamn names and I can never keep track of them. How do you expect me to keep a friendship with you if you're basically changing your identity every other week? So I don't bother trying any more.

This is why I also have to go by member #'s sometimes.


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Okay what if right

what if

what if you decided a 'main name' at account creation or right now

and could switch names once every like... four months

but could switch back to the main name at any point if you got regrets

(but it wouldn't reset your name change, you'd still've used it)

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once i unironically complained that they were reducing the number of name changes you could have from like two in a month to two every two months lol

I think it's because I only chatted with like a few people and chatted with them a lot so I knew generally who they were - which is why IPChat people and 'hello' thread people all change their name insufferably often, because they know and their close mates know, fuck the rest - since they're like the new empires people pretty much

i wonder if they're better or worse

probably worse?

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I [sometimes] greet them and [most of the time] never see them again.

It bothers me that the unused name changes don't accumulate if you don't use them; it feels like a waste not changing my name that often.

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@ Alb: It feels like a waste not using something I had the option to use when it goes away, yeah.

@fuccboi: I'm not sure why you say that.

Does that mean I don't have a strong enough presence to warrant a name change or that I change my name too much...?

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I perpetually feel like a new member. An outsider.
Will I ever truly be a tree in this forest - or shall my fate be nothing more than rotting stump?

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I perpetually feel like a new member. An outsider.

Will I ever truly be a tree in this forest - or shall my fate be nothing more than rotting stump?

Wrong place for that, outcast. This place is far from the forest.

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@ Alb: It feels like a waste not using something I had the option to use when it goes away, yeah.

@fuccboi: I'm not sure why you say that.

Does that mean I don't have a strong enough presence to warrant a name change or that I change my name too much...?

Not sure, but I just know realize whio you are...

once i unironically complained that they were reducing the number of name changes you could have from like two in a month to two every two months lol

I think it's because I only chatted with like a few people and chatted with them a lot so I knew generally who they were - which is why IPChat people and 'hello' thread people all change their name insufferably often, because they know and their close mates know, fuck the rest - since they're like the new empires people pretty much

i wonder if they're better or worse

probably worse?

I actually stopped changing my name aftere joining them. I DO change my avi really often, though.

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I just like my name too much to change it that much~ Not because I want everybody to be able to remember/recognize me or anything like that.

And Daim I'd say you probably just haven't made a strong enough presence yet, I feel like you used to be more active before and grew less active over time? =o (though I guess at the same time, even though your list looks kinda short for being on for a couple years compared to others, that might still be changing quite often, especially if you've been growing inactive!)

(but really I dunno if you're actually more inactive or not, all I remember is I don't really see you that much x3 Maybe I didn't see you because I didn't know you changed your identity and I didn't bother checking~)

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I just like my name too much to change it that much~ Not because I want everybody to be able to remember/recognize me or anything like that.

I feel the same way. I used to like changing my name depending on things that I liked and interested me at the time, but I realised it's a big hassle explaining who I actually am every other day, so I now intend to keep it as is forever.

Not to mention my username is stupidly common (looking at you, Lord Raven). I just got lucky that I was one of the earlier members.

Lemme just grab my username history and explain the reasoning behind each change (if I can remember):

Raymond - First name change. Because FE7 Raven's real name is Raymond.

Raven - Back to normal, because Raven > Raymond.

Razgriz - Motherfucking Ace Combat 5.

Raven - Back to normal, because I can't resist my sexy original name, no matter how awesome Razgriz is.

Razgriz - I can't seem to make up my mind.

Raven - And back to normal. Again.

RΛVΣП - I was bored with just "Raven," so I chucked in some shapes for good measure.

Raven Vs Raven - Inspired by Pendulum's song Self Vs Self. What a great song.

Raven - Back to normal, because I found a new favourite song.

VanguardRaven - Online name for several other places, including XBox Live, PlayStation Network and Gaia Online (they seriously need to update zOMG!)

NyanguardNyanven - Cheers, Nyancat.

NiggahrdRaven - Starscream and toast.

V-Raven - VanguardRaven, just shorter.

Razer - Motherfucking Robot Wars. Razer's the most badass cunt of all.

Railgunz - I used to play Transformice, and this was my username on there.

Raven - Return to normal once more.


Raven - Here I am again, maybe permanently. Probably.

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